Clan blocking off everything in server

I only gave my opinion being a player since early access.
Old problems are not solved yet and bans are not enough to discourage cheating.
And I think also that funcom is not very interested to go after cheaters on all the official servers.

But to cut the long story short, please tell us which are the good official servers without cheaters and griefers so that we can take a look and find a good place to rest.

I think that such information can be very useful for all the community.

I said that

And your position is opinion too. I did not call YOU wrong.

Opinion: Officials ARE garbage.

whatever man. I’m done.

Seriously? That’s part of the game!

If you don’t like it, stay away from them. Find an area to build up your levels and resources. Then start taking out their bases. It’s part of the game man. It’s control and conquer THIS IS NOT MINECRAFT! It’s a building game, a fighting game and just do whatever you need to do to survive. It’s Game of Thrones and all out WAR!. Scout their locations during non-raid times, then go in and attack. Use sneak attacks and slowly take out their resources. Form alliances with other clans. Then attack in force. Come on man. Don’t play a game like this if you’re going to complain that someone is stronger than you. That’s IS the point of the game.

As for the “official servers not the best place to play” WRONG that’s the BEST because it’s all out war. No silly baby rules to keep people’s feelings from being hurt. If that’s you, your playing the wrong game. This is Conan not land of the Smurfs. It’s brutal and harsh.

When we were a young clan, we build up a pretty large base only to have a larger clan knock us to crap. We regrouped and rebuilt in secret and now we’re slowly eliminating their outposts, building alliances and causing them real headaches. Tonight we’re launching another major attack on another clan that’s encompassing Boss resources. It take patience, planning and time. Again, this is not minecraft. This is Conan. Its fight for survival and conquer the world.

That’s why nothing is being done
Because THAT IS the point of the game!


Must be a PC thing cause I have never seen any cheating on an Official Server on PS4. And how do you consider someone cheating? Because they beat your butt all the time or what? Players being better than you are NOT necessarily cheaters. Just curious because I’ve been on PS4 version for some time now and never experienced someone cheating (that I know of)

WTF are you talking about? First off, this thread is marked for XBOX so why are you PC people even here? See that tag? That XBOX tag means the conversation is about XBOX and you PC people jump into everything and think its all about you. So, until you learn to read, maybe YOU should avoid forums.

At least now I know why you’re thinking everyone is a cheater. You immediately get your feelings hurt when challenged. Better stay on PC cause console players won’t be so gentle on you and we for certain won’t worry about hurting your feelings.

No worries. @Palm522 as an adult who actually used to design video games, a triggered gamer just makes my day. Keyboard bravery is a big thing with PC players. Always trying to use cheats and ruin the game for others because they lack the skills to play the games as they’re designed.

when u list the server it’s not hard to figure out the alpha usually. Especially if it’s the same ones that have held it for like a year now. Also, my reply of Eternal Empire was to his post, so logically he knew you. Don’t see the harm in clarification of this claim. My first character was on that server and I never saw anything blocked. Was not there for very long before being wiped since I was a newb and I left. Things change and evolve but it wasn’t their MO at the time. Never spoke to them before doing something stupid that resulted in wipe but now understand the power of communication, kinda like RL. You share a server with these people, the US and N. Korea talk
maybe find out a reason for something and ask the party responsible. In CE, might makes right and admins don’t help (except starting walls eventually)

PC has more cheating for sure: item duplication, combat glitches, building within the mesh of the map.


You see that this is an ‘XBOX’ tagged thread


Ur right thanks for setting me straight.

lol @ console players

cybertempest : no problems with you yet man, we only hit people that get in our event log. I took it as an offense that you got on here saying we blocked obelisk and important areas of the map, when we havent blocked anything. We simply don’t do that.

Dniezby: I couldn’t have said it any better man. Thanks for understanding the concept of the game and the pvp part of it. Most people think you become an alpha by accident but you don’t! It takes the very same recipe you described in your post.

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Getting “hit” sucks but it’s also awesome at the same time. Finding the clans or structures that are blocking or dominating and working on a way to bring them down is 90% of the fun. This game is literally a giant game of Chess. You position yourself around the map, set your plan and attack (Or defend if need be) that’s what this game is all about. Heck, it even says it in the slogan, “Build, Survive, Dominate”.

Personally, there would be NO other play modes but PVP if it were up to me. I wouldn’t even have “raid times” It would be game on at all times
If it were up to me. But developers want to keep cry baby, weak personality people from getting their feelings hurt and gave the game “raid times”. Only then can your buildings and structures be attacked or get attacked by guarding thralls.

This map is MONSTROUS. Find a placed to regroup and fight back. If they’re a big clan, sneak around and take out strategic locations. Come on guys, that’s the fun.

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Hell yeah man! Lol We’ve told the slogan to the game. Survive. Build. Dominate and they get so pissed at us and just tell us it’s a stupid slogan lol if you are ever on a pvp Xbox server hit us up. We can use people like you to go out and start some chaos !

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