Game mode: Online Official #1931 Type of issue: Bug Server type: PVP Region: NA
One of our clan members is unable to rejoin the server (official #1931). He has played for months but all of a sudden it stopped showing on his server list. He has tried direct connect and joining through other players when they are in the server but he keeps getting a message that the server is not responding? He as tried 1932 and getting the same problem. ***
We’ve just checked the servers and they seem to have no sort of issue, did anything change on your friend’s end, such as ISP or Firewall? Has he tried to reset his router?
Does he have any mods installed? We’d recommend uninstalling all mods since they’re not allowed on official servers and there’s a chance that they could mess with his serverlist.
Also, this workaround we listed in the Technical problems thread seemed to help other players in a similar situation in the past:
1-) Run command prompt as administrator
2-) Run command “ipconfig /flushdns” (without quotes)
3-) Run command “netsh int ip reset” (without quotes)
4-) Restart your PC