This has been going on for I would say about 2 full ages now. I’m getting annoyed that almost anything anywhere… ( When I try to climb up a cliff or a part of my base or just almost anything. I get up to the top of what I am climbing, and then it dose the hole standing up animation but dose not pull me up over the edge and I start sliding down the cliff again just to have to try to climb up again. ( I toke a small 20 sec video of me trying three times to climb to the top of 3 foundations high just to get to the top and it dose not pull me up over the lip and i slide back down. BUT WONT LET ME POST IT) )
Yeah, this one’s been going on a long time.
Not a solution, but a workaround I’ve found helps me to (mostly) not fall is to adjust the camera angle at the top of the climb. As I get to the top of the climb, I shift the mouse forward so that the camera moves to more above/behind the character (more like where it would normally be when running around, rather than below or directly behind). This seems to help the character to jump a little forward as they move over the edge of the climb.
The problem still needs to be fixed, but hopefully this helps you in the meantime.
Ill Check and see if that works I stop hope they fix the climbing thing… it use to work great… not not so Much.
Another little trick (sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t, depends on what you’re climbing) is climbing upwards to left or right at the lip. Then it jumps you up forward on that side momentum.
ok Ill try that!
But still think they Should Fix the whole climbing thing to pull your self up over the edge lol
Anyone else able to Push this maybe get a Dev Reply knowing they are aware of these?!?!?
Filling in a bug report template will help. Keep in mind that the report will NOT auto generate by clicking the big blue Create New Report. You’ll have to select the template text after you’ve filled it out under Finishing Your Report!, copy and then paste into a new post.
I’ll be doing my own as it’s still present on Test.
Do you hold the climb button down?
The push off not pull up on ledge bug is a legacy bug, been an issue one way or another since they introed climbing.
I don’t really hold the button down… but i never had any issues with it untill after like age of sorceror
Without holding the climb button, you will fall. That could be good or bad. I felt the same way for awhile, no issues.
Thank you for letting me know your going to be doing a bug report on this… makes me feel better that its out there!
Pretty much this, it has been around for a long, long time and reported often. It is quite likely there is no fix for it coming at any point in the future, though it does seem to happen less often to me.
That said, i do get it occasionally in very specific spots. The inside of the legs of the half-built Mitra statue at Muriela’s Hope, the plateau behind Warmaker Klael’s, just to name two.
I’d say if you get it often on certain routes/terrain then you’re best off avoiding those spots, if you can.
Greetings @Odoreater21 ,
Thank you for reporting this issue to us, but could you please use the given Bug Report Template?
This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone
You can find it here: NEW Bug Report Template
If you can add a video so our team can easily verify the issue, we would appreciate it!
Thanks in advance!
You mean a 100th time?
See this is the thing, this bug was reported ad nusium when it first hit. Then it became quite clear funcom couldn’t fix it, so we gave up reporting it, it was not doing any good.
At the time people explained where they hit the issue, provided plenty of video evidence, discussed it at length on the forum 6 years ago. Yet this seems to be new to the new crew working on Conan?
If that is the way it works I’m sure we can flood the forum with bug reports about the legacy bugs.
Did you all know when you kill or knock out an npc they fall through?
Ya really, only been a problem practically since the game dropped.
Seems they don’t know the game actually has bugs, even the ones people have been reporting for years.
I’m of the opinion the only explanation is funcom deletes all bug reports once a year. “There all the bugs are fixed”.