Conan Exiles Crom Rework Video 2.0

This is also a good idea with little Development time from the team. I like this its something and it could allways be reworked down the road it just needs the lvl 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 perks/ rewords like the others

Or should the aforementioned only trigger if a player chooses their character to follow Crom AND be a Cimmerian? What if being Cimmerian is the one giving the knowledge of steel to start with? I think this might make more sense. After all, Crom didn’t give the knowledge; it was taken from him. Cimmerians were the ones who just found it and went along with it.

Philosophy behind the couple level lead is that the path of Crom is so harsh and rough that the characters are already somewhat experienced. However, the couple levels may not seem much. I would like it if this lead might feel like it’s a buff at first, but it also could make us targets in a way (challenge us in some way, maybe allow our heritage to lay down some unique puzzles for us to solve). Suddenly what seems to be a blessing, can also be seen as a curse in disguise. A wolf in the cloth of sheep.

That explanation only exists in the movie, in Howard’s works (which the game is largely built upon) Crom simply doesn’t care and may or may not exist at all. The Cimmerians believe him to be giving a child the will to live and overcome hardship, but there’s no evidence whether that’s true or not in any of Howard’s works.

And remember, in Exiles Crom is basically the “agnostic” option for players who don’t want to partake in the relgious stuff.

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Iam more for finding true secret of steel recipe in archive dungeon of giant kings, as over time original steel recipe were lost or those who knew it ended as they ended

I may have mentioned this before but what if choosing Crom has some effect on your purge meter?(As in you get hit with purges more often

This would make it easy to just exclude Crom altogether from the conversation and focus on what the Cimmerian people bring to the table.

Since they are the ones who believe in Crom, choosing Crom as a religion should not be a choice at all unless there is evidence that non-Crom believing Cimmerians exist. So instead of this conversation to focus on Crom, we should turn it the exact opposite direction and focus on Cimmerians themselves instead and their culture.

Hence choosing Cimmerian heritage, our choice of religion should actually be taken away instead. This brings to the table a some sort of a handicap when it comes to Cimmerians. Do they need something in return? I’d say we look into their culture to find an answer here. I’d be willing to take the Cimmerian road in case I receive something in exchange for my will to choose my deity. No buffs though coz admin panel nullifies most of them. It needs to be something the admin panel cannot reach.

It would suit well, but we can tweak that too. Instead of accelerating its accumulation, what if it changes the purge into something different? Something that we cannot tweak.

Hmm, insult cromm so you will be attacked by imba Global purge when he will try kill all players on map, it sound like nice idea to end game purge, and by winning you get nothing from him, but you will know, you are best

So when we pick Crom (or are forced to pick him if we are Cimmerians), in the text there is a mention, not about a gift, but an act of insult instead. Whenever we perform this insult (certain criteria has to be met), our base will be instantly revealed on the map to all players and the last one standing receives the bounty of a title “The Best Around” and of course as much resources as they can muster from the base (in case they get to live). On top of this, all ongoing purges will begin to target this very same base for the duration of the task.

Something like this? :laughing:


That’s also exactly how the religion is presented in the character creation in game.

Anyway, this subject has been in discussion on so many treads on this forum over time. :sweat_smile:

Crom Rework Video 2.75

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Hi @BrokenFang what you are suggesting sounds like a passive stats bonus, which is the second most requested form of overhaul for Crom. The first being that we can craft Crom themed weapons, armour and now a shrine too. Many people in this thread, a number of whom are key proponents of the no argument, have told you that that these thing are a not supported by lore and would result in Crom annihilating you respectively. I would argue that this is simply NOT TRUE. I have provided two example to refute this, and have a third on its way very soon. What follows is a re-post from my own thread summarising the logic for this desired overhaul. Dont be discouraged BrokenFang; an overhaul for Crom is more sensible and realistic than many realise.

in a nutshell, Crom simply does not care. By and large, he generally does not answer prayers (although there are a handful exceptions to this in the lore), nor does he care if men live or die, or meddle in the daily affairs of mortals. He gave man free will and courage to slay, strive and succeed. Beyond this, he does not care how you live your daily life. We are not located in Cimmeria, but one of the most dog-eat-dog places in all of Hyboria. Furthermore, Cimmerians do not function as a uniform or collective consciousness or culture, where they all behave in the same way. They are free thinking and self-determining individuals (as is their creators design for them), who all behave differently. It is not unreasonable to assume, but in fact highly probable, that dozens, if not hundreds of Cimmerians formed break away splinter factions throughout their peoples history. And I dont doubt that some would have tried to worship Crom more actively, build shrines and weapons dedicated to him (the later is even more probable again), and spread his religion and teachings to other lands. I know I would certainly try! We should be allowed to exercise the same free thinking autonomy which he gave us (yes even if it means doom for your character). Because I assure you that countless worshippers such as myself would indeed try it!

For mighty Crom!! :mountain_snow:

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Thralls with New Voice battle cry Crom - Wish List

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Not if they were actually Cimmerians and knew even the most basic things about Crom.

There’s a reason Crom’s name is only invoked during oaths and curses. The very first and foremost thing that anyone who knows anything about Crom will tell you is don’t bring his attention down on you. Any splinter group going around building shrines and playing missionary to worship Crom are fools akin to vegetarian Yog worshipers eating salads and sacrificing carrots and squash in his name. Except I’m not sure Yog would even bother sending any of his actual worshipers to take care of them. (Not enough meat on them.) Crom, on the other hand, probably would find it insulting enough to send one of his patented calamities their way.


If Crom doesn’t indeed care of anything, he wouldn’t bother pointing out any of his interests. If he would, he would prove by his action that he does indeed care about something at some point in some place, which in turn is evidence that proves the opposite to be false from some point onwards up to a certain other point beyond which it may be true again.

What I want to point out is that when we try to reason what is true and what is false, we need to remember to include time as a variable as well as the location.

Vegetarian yogists are not an unheard group. The game allows it. It may be a tad bit inefficient way to please Yog (you referred Crom worshippers this far), but a possible way of life unless Yog doesn’t approve it and decides to intervene. Since Crom doesn’t intervene the oppression of poor and the weak directly, Conan and the others do and this way Crom is said to do just what he is said to do; it’s just a bit hard to prove with the paradox in place. If he isn’t and it is indeed our own will to do, then there’s nothing stopping us from worshipping him the ways we want. What I’ve gathered this far is that cursing in Crom’s name might relate to a perspective of him pushing people to do his job one way or another; opposite actions included.

Is he lazy or just ignorant or does he have a plan after all
 Make a city in his name and find out. Perform a genocide in his name and find out. Summon an avatar to wreak havoc in his name and find out. Maybe he is as lazy as he is ignorant because he doesn’t have to be more than that. His plan is perfection and thus his state is explained.

I wager that I didn’t make sense to some. I plan like a scientist, treat everything like a hobby and speak like a priest. My apologies. :joy:

guys you are Talking About crom and you all forget one thing about the lore:

he does not care what anyone else than Crom wants!

So if you want Benefits from a god Change Religion - Crom does not care either.

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In the books, Crom has helped Conan one singular time, saving his life from evil wizard.

This resulted Conan to worship Crom in secret.
Conan was middle-aged at this time and it was the only time Crom has helped Conan.

Worship of Crom results in hardships which in return makes man stronger.

Worship of Crom should make the game harder for the player in multiple ways, but in return make the player stronger over time.

More like a politician trying to use the letter of the law to defeat the spirit of the law. I see you now as one of those guys who, because his neighbor said he doesn’t care what you do on your own property, you use that as an excuse to build your own personal theme park on your quarter-acre lot. Complete with a giant statue of yourself standing over the driveway. Then when he complains about it, you try to use that as a win by saying “Ah HA! So you do care what I do on my property!”

Just because Crom doesn’t care how you live your life doesn’t mean he’s going to turn a blind eye to absolutely everything you do.

Exactly my point, to the last letter. However the portion of game mechanic, related to Crom, implies us of the exact opposite story. This is why it needs to be addressed. It’s simply not correct about what Crom is. (//)

Unless I am correct about the latter part in which I explained about him having a plan after all. One that is perfect in every single form it binds, direction it creates, colour it reflects, size it embraces - in all the ways they grow, wither, explore and speak, that he indeed doesn’t have to lift even a finger
 or maybe due the plan’s omnipotent divinity, he can’t and that’s the price of his dear love for our world that he paid. (///)

// Former situation means that the game mechanic has to be corrected coz it isn’t about Crom, unless it’s a reflection of false Crom that we just think is correct. However, if false Crom is in question, why isn’t he giving a false stuff like the rest of the false gods? In the case of being true Crom, he doesn’t belong in the religion section at all for there only resides merely the man-made god weapons, i.e. the false gods.

/// Latter situation is where he, for one (doesn’t) or the other (can’t) reason, is present in everything everywhere. In this scenario the game mechanic is correct to the last letter. Even if we chose a religion, it happens because Crom allows it. He is in every religion every place one can reside at.

Sidenote: Him doing nothing because he doesn’t have to implies of a dent in the plan; not divine, not perfect enough. Him doing nothing because he can’t implies the plan is indeed divine. Then again, who wants to be so perfect that they can’t do anything anymore. On the other extreme side, there is the inability to do anything due handicap. This can be true too. So did something cripple Crom (other than payment for the birth of cosmos)? :thinking:

Also, Crom simply hates weaklings and ignores their prayers. Crom only listen when someone exeptional calls upon him and even then his aid is slim at best. Crom helps you by teaching you to help yourself.

Crom gave men the will to slay and survive.

Where as the other gods need worshipers to gain power, Crom doesnt, he is already so powerful as an entity, he doesnt need or even want mortals pestering him, unless those mortals have proven to be truly exeptional and above mortal men. Like Conan the Cimmerian proved to be worthy enough for Crom to save his life on one singular event, to prevent Conan from facing dishonorable death.

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