I have 4700 hours in game. PVE, PVC, PVP - primarily PVC
I have observed that there are areas of the map that are essentially “dead” with rarely any player activity / buildings.
In particular, areas of the jungle, or areas of the frozen north have extremely low player activity. I’m sure Funcom is aware of this. It is definitely the case that there is an uneven distribution of obbys relative to the number of grid squares a player has to travel to get to the nearest one:
Deselect all then select Obelisk
Sorc portals helped with that, but there are still areas without dungeons or adequate resources or access to a nearby obby to make those areas popular or “useful”.
It is often the case that I go through “hibernation” periods in the game, where I check into my base to keep the timer up, and then check out until something new rolls around. If I had satellite bases, dealing with sorc portal corruption simply made those satellites a pain to visit, and I’d always let them decay.
Since the fast travel map is an established asset, it does not make sense to revisit /redisgn that game feature.
What I am proposing is that in areas that have evidence-based low traffic occupation, or by the math are remote locations relative to the average distance to an obby, have a new smaller obby portal installed.
In practice, let’s say grid M5 was identified as a low traffic location, and a candidate for a sub obby portal. When you port into the N6 obby, a second smaller obby is installed near the N6 obby that is a direct connect to M6.
The Yogtha plant may be an appropriate asset for this purpose, that when interacted with gives both corruption and teleports you through the demon underworld to the invasive Yogtha at the target location beginning to contaminate the Exiled lands. This may offer some fertile ground for a sorc content revisit as well.
I believe that with more fast travel nodes, more of the map will be made alive.
What do you all think?