The Map Exiles Lands needs a revamp and add weekly random events

The game still has great potential but I don’t think anything is being done to keep old players. The Exiles Land map is starting to get old and yet it remains much better than Siptah in terms of exploration (in my opinion). It would be nice if the old dungeons and caverns were repopulated and new challenges added. Also the jungle is sad and boring, more NPC camps and more monsters should be added there.
The lands of exile could also receive small random weekly events, for example: a caravan that goes from Sepermeru to New Asagarth and that it would be possible to attack for stuff, a magic ritual to stop in the desert, a courtesan to be freed from a camp of bandits, etc.
Unfortunately I have the impression that Funcom is no longer interested in the development of Conan Exiles, too bad.


We don’t know what 3.0 is going to consist of. Just might tick off a couple of your boxes.

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Why bother waiting for the “biggest update” yet to come when you can just quit because they took too long


I want some raiding places.

For example some 20 x 20 places with a base that change every week and can be raided for loot. With thralls, etc …

Then we can stop raiding others players :slight_smile:


Judging by the state of official servers and Funcom’s acknowledgement that most of their playerbase is on private servers where they can use mods I don’t think Funcom has much incentive to make the vanilla game or official servers an appealing option.

After over a year on officials I made the switch to private and don’t think I’ll ever go back. Mods add tremendous additional content and workarounds for Funcom’s bugs and poor design.

Used to be able to damage NPC settlements with siege equipment years ago. This caused a bit of issues with servers before the changes to how the databases work. I wonder if they could bring some of this back. It would be cool if some of the best thralls came from fortified camps that actually required explosive jars and trebuchet to crack open.


i have wondered whybthey never did this. It would add a level of gameplay mostvpve okayers dont experience. Destructible areas on walls of NPC 'Castles to breach and capture/loot. Above ground dungeons so to speak.

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From memory the original concept of the purge was like a map wide invasion - or certainly an invasion into the map. It was shelved for the longest time then re-appeared as a per base thing. I’d love to see like something brought into the game that added a little extra danger/random interest to the world - like random caravans between sep & asgarth or along those lines.

I think they did a good job with the latest siptah overhaul where they created all these little areas of interest - particulalry some of the docks/ship elements. It’d be good to see more dynamic parts ot this though.

Hell, I’d take anything at this point.

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Yes and then all players could band together to fight the evil invasion and I wish they bring back super spawn aka npcs spawning multiple in side each other instead of one resulting in 30 plus npc per spawn location that was fun

Would be great for single players who does not want to play official to somewhat feel what a raid is.

I remember first playing D&D. Over a few weeks, going through a basic dungeon scenario, following the scripted stuff, and enjoying it a lot. Then I ran some dungeons myself. Fun. But following the ordered scripting (guide) soon got boring so we adapted it and made it open-ended and without a clear, definite ‘end’. Lots of fun.

Unlike many excellent World-games out there that have a basic linear path to an end, Conan Exiles allows for more open ended play-through. This is the strength. Another strength is to repopulate encounters over time. Also, the overall size of the maps and tiered escalations of threat depending on where you base yourself. Of course, as the maps are all mainly static, there is that risk of ‘I’ve seen this all before’ setting in.

Then there is the route of modded and private servers - where all this kind of falls away. New stuff, chance encounters, role-play and jump-scares are introduced. All these change the challenges enormously and revive play for those felling they have seen it all.

I have seen other players that started playing the overall game still playing to date. They have moved between solo and server. They have moved between PvP, PvE, role-play, mixed play, build-play, stream-play, and back again. Many have gone fully modded and some stuck to the core game. But they still get a kick from playing.

Funcom have succeeded in making a core game that has a ‘realism’ of movement, battle, challenge and versatility that is not easily matched by other games. They picked a genre that is attractive to anyone that is familiar with fantasy worlds. They have allowed those that thrive only on the adrenaline-powered battles of PvP to get their kicks, but have also adapted the game to embrace the group of players that enjoy the role-play and build PvE and mixed styles of play. This has been key.

To be honest, at times I do wish there was a practical way to ‘mix up’ the world maps so that the core game would allow a new newness. I also wish there were a lot more randomised encounters to keep me on my toes whilst just playing. I look forward to trying to spot the occasional unannounced easter eggs the devs drop in here and there (grave markers, levers, chests, funny bunnies, etc. None of this suits players that are used to plowing through a game to grab as many ‘achievements’ before heading to the next game to rinse and repeat. But it suits me so I stick around.

All I can recommend is that anyone feeling that they are getting ‘bored’ with the core game to just dabble about on private servers, modded servers, other new map mods, hell, even starting a server of their own - or check out the next game out there. Conan Exiles will be a hard one to beat - but good luck :slight_smile:

There are indeed nice spots on Siptah and the Exiles Lands map deserves to have the same type of spot (especially the NPC refugee camps). And again, some dungeons in Exiles Lands are too old and need to be redone (Funcom had talked about redoing them, but that idea seems to have fallen through, it’s a shame).

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