The biggest mistake was done, when the ‘‘Ultimate Soldier’’ the Guardian was nerfed… That started a ‘‘lazy’’ approach of nerfs and boosts oppening an endless cycle of nerfs and boosts requests.
I don’t believe in nerfs and since now DPS classes can already produce lot’s of DPS maybe Conqueror can rely more on procs close to DT level (Not more then DPS classes) and decrease Critical Chance gains and maintain a good Penetration and Mitigation debuff but not as massive.
Because it’s the ‘‘Fixed’’ speed and efficiency with which he gains the Crits that produce that much dmg.
Conqueror is supposed to produce a bit more dmg then DT, and DT a bit more then Guardian. Guardian should be revived.
- The greatest mistake is overdoing Mitigation debuffs and Penetration abilities, because they affect the ‘‘Gear’’ of the game itself and the imbalance spreads in a very broad range. The most important thing though, is the matter of ‘‘Crits’’ It should rely for everyone, on maybe some finishers, not a ton of them of course and on ‘‘Perks and Items’’ (Desicive/ Pressing Strikes) and PvE/ PvP epics.
I believe that we can find the issue by comparing ‘‘Tank’’ fixed DPS and potential DPS. Especially with DT/ Conq because we function similar. So we should be ‘‘Balanced’’ i guess…
- Magical Sensitive Bosses can be damaged by bypassing their Protection, thus you need Spell Penetration, type of Damage (Unholy) which is Magical, plus Critical Damage. Depending on your Critical Rating you deal more or less damage.
For a Magical tank like the DT, it makes sense to rely on Magic Damage which we can get and scale only from Rings/ Necklaces/ Gems from equipment and maybe some potions, including PvE/ PvP gear. Besides we do ‘‘Fixed’’ Unholy dmg from our Build procs. We don’t know how much, it’s Lottery anyway.
- For a Physical tank like the Conqueror, that relies on DPS to stay in the aggro table as well, Physical Damage - Armor Penetration - Mitigation Debuffs, make sense in order to stay in the aggro table and produce results even in PvP. It’s what makes the Class work.
Physically Sensitive Bosses can be damaged by bypassing their Armour, thus you need Armor Penetration, type of Damage (Weapon Damage) which is Physical, plus Critical Damage. Depending on your Critical Rating you deal more or less damage.
From what i know, damage scales with procs. If these procs stack they produce more dmg. If you have some Critical dmg/ Chance they do even more, if you can produce debuffs, even more since less of it, will be mitigated. So for Conqueror it’s Weapon damage. Awesome.
If the numbers of the Penetration and Debuffs and fixed Critical Rating and Critical Damage Rating are too high, then maybe the (Physical Damage) procs (similar to the DTs Unholy procs) should be increased, instead of increasing Penetration/ Mitigation Debuffs plus Fixed Critical Rating/ Crit Dmg Rating. Especially not when the class can have ‘‘Auto attacks’’ that produce those Crits in a very high speed.
- I believe this is what they did wrong with Conqueror to cover the ‘‘Aggro issue in PvE very Rashly’’ and no tank should produce more ‘‘fixed’’ Unholy dmg or Weapon Damage than a DPS class. So the 100% Conq vs 85% Barb fixed weapon damage should be the opposite. I mean just imagine Dark Templar doing more ‘‘Fixed’’ Unholy dmg then Assasin…
As for CCs, it may be annoying for DT but truth be said (DPS classes need more CCs) and by no means should a tank have more then them. DT can get 1 Snare/ 1 or 2 Stuns, 1 Fear and i find it balanced when i fight against DPS classes since if they hadn’t these abilities and i had 2 knockbacks and instant cast CCs i would find it too easy to get kills. Now there is some balancing because you have to avoid, you have to load anti CC ability or break CC or resist it, or act quickly before or after it’s cast thus a DPS dealer who knows what he is doing can make short work of you, and that is balanced.
And i don’t support insta cast CCs at all, not even for DPS classes.
Regarding Bubbles and mitigation.
- DT has either passive mitigation from General Tree, or exchanges it for Soul Barrier most of the time, which needs to be fed with Mana with Ether Reap from Mystical Bane Combos and it still doesn’t absorb all damage. 1.33 mana damage instead of Health damage for every 1 damage absorbed.
If we get hit with high speed rate instead of slow hard damage, our mana will get depleted and we won’t be able to start most combos and if we loose stamina as well, we are dead. Part of the reason Soul Barrier can get you killed very easy and that spec takes most of your time to troll mana instead of going full ‘‘Jarhead’’
Our Covenant of Pestilence deals 40% retributive Melee damage, if feated on a Physical dueling spec it can give +400 armor and a nice health buff after consumption of Seal of Yog.
The magical equivalent is Covenant of Invulnerability which has 40% Retributive Magic Damage, gives +400 protection, or 500 if fully feated. Casters will loose their mana for each spell cast, depending on how much they hit us.
- Long story short, if we don’t use the General Tree our survivability depends on either Soul Barrier alone, or Soul Barrier and one of those. Only one! We can choose a Physical one or a Magical one. The Physical will help us against Conqueror/ Barbarian mostly and the Magical against Demo, Necro, ToS. HoX is not countered very good from these, neither does Sin and especially not Bear Shaman.
So we have to either choose the General Tree passive mitigation and rely on Sadism counter, and the Covenants unfeated, or on Soul Barrier - Ether Reap and one of these bubbles feated.
The whole Warped Dread Feat line is almost useless, Hex Marked Soul can be used for 8 Seconds which will give us 2500 protection, which can be bypassed a bit by Spell Penetration or ignored till expiration 1min CD and requires a Depravity Desecration Hybrid build reliant on Soul Barrier etc. which sacrifices some burst damage.
While Shadowed Soul gives Immunity to Fear/ Snare/ Root for 10 secs with 1min & 30secs CD, and increases by 50% the damage from Hexes, it requires a build which is squishy because of points invested into Talisman Mastery - Shadowed Blade, that will rely on Aggresion and Passive Mitigation from Gear and Sadism counter with 1 Stun and 1 Snare. (And requires the best possible AAs and Gear) + An experienced PvPer.
- I find it imbalance, if a class can have too many bubbles at once, with too many snares and knockbacks, or root abilities. Just Imagine DT with Soul Barrier + 2 Covenants Feated in PvP. Tanking every class better than Guardian. At least Guard can be now flag bot and survive Barbs and Conqs better than we do. It’s a shame how much they already nerfed the best Soldier Concept of AoC. The Champion!
And it was a stupid idea. Yes of course the Soldier has more Endurance and Evade and Speed in Full Armor, he’s been sleeping, going to WC, making ■■■ with Full Plate armor and has been disciplined and trained to do that damn it!