Corrupted Fighter Builds are Dead in AoW Chapter 4


@IOOI your multipliers are set to values that make your game extremely easy.

This is a fact that mathematically derives from how the game works.

There is no room for discussion about it.
If you enjoy playing like that, fine. Have a blast. But your experience has nothing to do with ours, who play under unmodified settings.

You solution to stamina management is simply adjusting the multiplier as an administrator. That is something you can’t do on official servers. The solution must be found under those parameters and that is what this topic is about, not how to tweak your settings.

So, stop being an ass and shut up. We don’t care in the slightest about how you play your game after tweaking the multipliers up to high heavens. If you want to talk about that open your own topic.


Again, my post is not about Sorcery, but Corruption builds in general using mine as an example. They are definitely related, but they are not the same.

I don’t need to look at all the justifications or ramifications of how/why Sorcery was implemented to know how badly this nerf is going to hurt my build. I wanted to bring it to the attention of others, because Corruption is an substantially niche subset of builds right now and it’s going to get pushed off the grid even further.

I’m glad you like the Sorcery and I’m happy you enjoy everything about what it means lore-wise, but I’m here to play a fun game with logical systems at work. One might argue that this is the wrong game for that. Still, I think it’s important to bring things like this to a discussion so that it might just be noticed.

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And this is exactly why I said I’m not talking about Sorcery but rather the baseline of Corruption as a whole.

You’re being specific to a point I’m not attempting to touch. You have no leverage to speak when your attacks will take a mere 10% of the amount of what somebody on an official server would incur. You made the wrong call by trying to relate your experience to those of a player on official server settings, and quite honestly any post on the forums should have the initial expectation of talking about official server settings as the default.

I’ll give you this, you were right about me not knowing what the Condorcet Paradox is, but after an extremely brief Google session, that shows in effect that:

Opinion A influences Opinion B influences Opinion C influences Opinion A that works in a cyclic fashion.

If I’m not mistaken, that would mean your opinion would change based on ours. Seems like you directly contrast that principle. You never change your own stance nor give any kind of attention we bring to the inconsistencies here.

Now you are just not making sense, so there’s no point in continuing this conversation with you. Clearly you have issues that go well beyond the game. Perhaps you should see to that.
See you around.


Everybody is the hero of his or her own story. We differ in how much our stories deviate from the stories others live in. This appears to be one of the more extreme cases.


But you adjusted that reality outside of the official servers reality and therefore it’s apples and oranges in comparison. It’s like me saying that witch doctor and undead pets are easy to get and conveniently leave out I unlocked all recipes to do so.


You literally critiqued how w person played the game and said they don’t know how to play it properly.

You failed to disclose you changed the settings from the standard. Your judgements of others managing stamina in a standard setting mode is moot since you don’t play it. In fact you have adjusted stamina drain to the lowest setting and had the audacity to lecture others on how they game on standard setting with is 10x what you play under. You had to manually adjust those settings at some point in time. At best, you forgot you changed it but you still own the OP an apology because whether or not the deception was intentional, your false judgement is still there. So do the right thing and apologize.


When the whole world has a different opinion, sometimes they’re right.


So when are you going to apologize to @OmniHeckinInu for telling him he doesn’t know how to manage stamina?


Shut up, you idiot. At this point this is exactly what you need to read. Screw the politically correct discourse. Your delusional rants completely derailed the topic and you are as stubborn as you are dumb.
I’m to blame for trying to be nice with you, but there is a point when enough is enough. I’m probably going to be suspended because of this post, but it was well worth it.


I’ll just ignore you from now on. Dealing with toxic imbeciles is not something I care much about. You were given several chances. Yet your persisted in your stupidity. So, have fun being like that. I just don’t have to deal with you any further.


Ah… much better now that I’m spared from reading your bs. :blush:

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While I appreciate you pushing on my behalf, you’re pushing against a wall of tin foil… but that wall seems to be one thousand layers thick. You won’t be getting through, unfortunately. On the bright side, the fact that you’re trying to do so (while much appreciated) is something that’s not needed. I don’t need an apology from somebody who doesn’t know what our point of reference is. I know that in the current game’s official settings, I’m very resilient on the battlefield. I won a PvP tournament on my server yesterday and while I don’t want to assert that we’re all the best I do know that these people have been doing this for a while and they know each of the exact ways to cripple my build. I’m happy about that, because it makes me truly work for any success. I’m unenthusiastic about this update and think that there must be a better way to handle it such as a revert on combat to AoS levels while keeping what did work. (Just a one-off thought there, really)

Again, I don’t need an apology from somebody delusional. I don’t think they’d ever be capable of meaning it anyways. The fact is that many of you others have shown me that despite you playing non-Corrupted builds, you have a believable and confident level of understanding on how the current system works and know how these changes will effect the gameplay of those who do use Corruption (even if they nearly completely ignore using Sorcery itself). I’m responding to one message, but this really goes to anybody that has offered either a suggestion or even expressed how this change might be partially unreasonable as it stands (at least if trying to consider a Corrupted build). Thanks, everybody.

Except you, @IOOI.


I want to double-like this one.


Didn’t ask. Your thoughts on this topic have been invalidated. Go play your RP server and enjoy it. Stay out of what doesn’t involve you.


In your stream you demonstrated yourself playing with your own personalized settings that make gameplay easier. That is fine.

You showed your excitement with the lore and how you threw bits of it into the base on your server. That’s awesome, actually.

You demonstrated that you didn’t actually know the full extent of the upcoming Rolling Thrust nerf until I clarified.

You told us that effectively after the change in Rolling Thrust happens there will be alternatives but failed to mention any of these that I hadn’t mentioned prior. I already use all those methods, so they don’t count as alternatives to Rolling Thrust. Even if I didn’t, they are not new alternatives so nothing I’d accept as any sort of replacement.

You’re disconnected from Official settings but think you can speak on Official standards which I have on multiple occasions pointed out that this topic is about. You’re speaking on layers of fallacies whether you lie or not. This is the issue.

Another thing that I think some people in here would disagree with from the stream that you brought up:
You told myself and another viewer that you play on a RP server. You then told us that you knew that we must play female characters and asserted that we were effectively mentally homosexual for doing so. I do play both genders and I bet a bunch of other people do as well. I would be surprised if you as a RP player could not contextualize playing a character you don’t fully align with. I murder people in this game for fun. I can say I haven’t done that in real life. I do not bring this up because I have taken offense but instead to further show how you make extremely uneducated jumps to come to the conclusions you do. Consider your thought process and how others might act or think differently.

What’s the point of what I’m saying?

You are making assertions on topics you have extremely skewed perspectives on while dodging the actual arguments. You pay no mind to points brought against you because they are inconvenient. It’s ludicrous.

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I know. But I wanted to know what type of person this was so I stayed on the original issue and not let them stray it away.

BTW, the armor set that I referenced was a bazar item. It provides 20 hp and 10 stamina per piece and that’s important since t4 armors add 8 hp and 2 stamina per piece to give you the 140 hp and 60 stamina.

Hopefully the new BP armors will also give the same stat bump…hopefully

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OK but stamina bump is an issue and stamina management in official settings is a thing that has to be done. I would gladly trade all of that damage bump for 4X stamina increase so I can do more swings and am more effective in maneuverability

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Post the video, then. I was a bit rude at times and yet stand by everything I said. I was fighting someone who was failing to base their thoughts on the topic’s baseline standards. Your ears or brain seem to be selective in what you hear which influences the points you make. People will agree with me more than yourself. I feel sure of this.

This armor is obviously good. I already mentioned using it. It’s never been the problem but its use will be troublesome for PvP content after the update. It is exactly like @erjoh just said.

Do me a favor, @IOOI.
Please answer these questions one by one in a concise way:

  1. What was this topic meant to be about?
  2. What is the change coming to the Rolling Thrust perk in AoW Ch 4?
  3. What alternatives to Stamina consuption have you offered that I haven’t mentioned?
  4. Do you think that you could easily use your exact build in Official settings in a PvE setting?
  5. Same question as #4 but in a PvP setting

6.Consider all your other answers to these questions. Do you honestly feel like you have helped further this discussion with your frame of reference? That’s critical to the relevance and worth of your posts here.

Edit: I think I need to clarify that I’m only talking about your build to outline your lack of qualified experience on the Official settings.

So we’re all lying? Nobody has agreed with you yet. It’s an echochamber because these are reasonable concerns.

It reminds me of a post just a bit earlier in this topic, actually:

This says it much better and more concisely than I could’ve.

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