Corruption: How to roleplay it?

I’m on a roleplaying server and we stay as true as we can to Conan. I have a sorcerer, yet to make an appearance. I am curious what effects corruption would have on a character, would it affect the character more than physically, and if so, how?

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Good question. Based on the stream that originally announced the AoS, ‘corruption’ can be considered an overpowering, all-consuming wish for life-energies, especially when embracing the raise dead conjurations. In the Conan books, the sorcerers were all power-hungry, demanding tithe and devotion from those about them (whether Ruled or just meeting). Not nice folk.
A very good question though as it’s always better when bringing ‘roleplay’ into the game.
And some players have whole Streams dedicated to their Conan roleplay activities.
Have fun!


Corruption is a catch all term for what interacting with unnatural forces does to the mind, body, and soul of an individual. Some get weaker, some get gaunt, some appear to age, some lose their ability to feel compassion or any emotion for that matter. It really depends on the individual and can manifest in many different ways.

There is no explanation for corruption in the stories by REH, not in a specific sense. But every sorcerer, witch, wizard, and other user of dark arts has something wrong with them. This is represented in game by the corruption stat.

So in a roleplaying sense, you’ll need to come up with something that affects your character. It will be something noticeable by others, more and more so as the character delves too deeply. At least unless they take measures to hide it or distract from it.


I have only watched the Conan movies and played CE on PvP servers (At least seriously) so it was tricky, I tried google’ing how to RP corruption but without much luck. I am grateful for your replies, and I feel safe to introduce the character in RP should the occation arise now.

After posting in this thread I realized that corruption in Conan Exiles isn’t the first iteration I’ve seen in the Hyborian setting. Its also present in the 2007 Conan the Roleplaying Game - 2nd Edition. Either Funcom was heavily inspired by that medium and its supplements, or its a very heavy coincidence. The primary book as well as Faith and Fervor, are great sources of information that while itself may not be canon, seems to provide some inspirations to what is canon within Conan Exiles itself.

My suggestion will be without lore suggestions.
Physically full corruption will turn your crystal body in to a dead white wrinkled body.
So imagine your self as a beast of human blood (a vampire queen for example) that deceive the people with the innocent winter morning beauty but what truly is, hides beneath!
Playing pve full corruption with the sorcery gear (especially the hammer) you can challenge your self to defeat everything solo, trying to break the curse of corruption that binds you and eventually live eternal on this crystal body.
This however cannot remove your thirst for human blood, so in order to stay alive and continue your task every night a virgin or a lad (you choose :wink:) must be sacrificed on your sacrificial table.
This way you’ll gain power to go to the next dungeon, vault, area, you choose, to slay everything or to do objectives you’ll point.
Your role play will end if you visit all the areas and achieve all the items every area has for rarity!
If you wish to take this idea further, or hints for a challenging start feel free to ask.

Role playing corruption. I would play it off as you are less human than what you were. It would appear that you are losing sanity but in reality you are losing the concerns of mortal men and have a different agenda that doesn’t make sense to those not ‘enlightened’.

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Reminds me of a line from Diablo II…


If you’re keeping in-universe, and you’re using sorcery of any stripe, you are definitely not one of the good guys. There’s no “I drain the life from people for the greater good” grey area. Embrace the dark side, as it were.

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Depends on the side you are looking at it! All the heroes were announced heroes from people of their side. The side that lost named them monsters! So even if you want to be a hero, all you need is people to be “saved” by your monstrous heroic actions!

Beyound the general wrongness already mentioned, let the physical impacts inform the role play.
Not just the shriveling and varicose veins, but the fact that it directly impacts one’s stamina and health.
Does your character remember when they could climb stairs without needing nap?
Do they think it unfair that, for all their power, a reasonably athletic teenager could kill them with a stick?
Are they now germaphobes, constantly in terror of a disease or infection that is only a threat to the frail? (Edit: Until/Unless they have turned themselves into the world’s most fragile statue, gratitude @Tephra ).
Do they miss the times when they were once able to perform without embarrassing themselves in bed?
Was that sacrifice worth it?
Do they hate those who are still whole?

:point_up: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good catch.
This one edited in response.

Think emperor palpatine

There are many Right ways to RP corruption. You could have it affect their mind, personality, Physicality. Maybe the character was really nice before and slowly gets more sarcastic. Maybe they start to forget things from their past, Change how they speak, or just don’t hid the visual affect it has and like cough every now and then. It’s all valid.

Losing one’s compassion. Treating other people like tools rather than companions and friends. Sorcerers in the Conan lore tend to be utterly selfish and with no moral scruples.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all unhinged, insane lunatics. They can be very calculating and manipulating. Think of Rasputin, or how history remembers him.

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Oh so just a standard CE player :wink:

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