More than 370 hours of problem-free gaming, before on the same machine : Conan Exile,I play solo through Steam.
At launch fatal error message “the UE4 Conan sandbox has crashed” before even connecting to the FUNCOM server If I ignore the message the game still starts but stops after about 10 minutes each time. Twice, after several short sequences of play, I even got a blue screen from Windows indicating “memory problem”.
On steam, I checked the integrity of all files: ok
Memory checked ok and SSD hard drive checked: OK
Windows 10 integrity checked: ok All drivers up to date Since around November 3: never a problem. In desperation, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game (I lost my save and my character…)
No improvement
I contacted the FUNCOM support service who responded as follows: “it seems like your issue could have been caused by a bug. In this situation, I’ll ask you to contact my colleagues over at the Forums as they are more equipped with the necessary information and tools to
tackle bugs. Today I changed my graphics card (updated): RTX 4070.
It didn’t change anything…