CtA: Unnamed City Changes Bugs and Feedback

Agreed. Please replace silly content with ‘real’ legendary weapons. There are plenty of exotic weapons from unique cultures around the world to inspire new additions to the game.


I doubt that broken bottles are something to laugh about if they get stuck in ones flesh.
Actually I find the idea amusing. Even more when it comes to the spear… The irony. The strongest weapon being “hinted” for being exactly that. With it simultanously as it has the highest chance to kill the enemy also serves to shovel graves to hide the bodies… hehe.

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:Veering back onto course: TBH we must consider our fellow roleplayers in this, call it a Battle Spatula all you want, but if it looks good on my cook’s wall I’m thrilled! (Does it go into a weapon rack?)

Furthermore, I’m digging the wooden weapons for practice. Take one of these into the Unnamed City for a real thrill.

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I’m totally cool with the low damage wooden practice swords. I had my fingers crossed that it would turn out that way and not be some elite weapon joke.

I am curious about the new venom weapons. They have low damage specs, but a perma poison on them. I need to give them a good test to see if they stack up enough on world bosses to be worth using, or just wall decorations

Hey everybody,

We are incredibly thankful for the staggering amount of feedback you sent us. It has been incredibly useful for us and our team is looking into each of the issues you reported.

Remember to keep sharing your input with us in our forums as usual!
(Pro Tip: And if you share it following this guidelines, we will <3 you even more! How to be a pro Testlive Bug Hunter (PLEASE READ))

Thank you everybody!