Played around with it and besides being part of an uber cool group of eldarium elites on the server, the recipes aren’t that great anymore and the amount is negligible that you get.
Not when you got access to the black blade, the various warhammers, or, if you are into crafted goods, the lemurian axe or Freya’s short sword. As far as armor goes, I’m have been with stygian commander set and haven’t seen anything beat it for casual play. Yes you could min max an awesome heavy hitting but it’s not like the NPC or players go down any more significantly. The Commander set gives me two attributes that I can reduce points (10 total) into to put those points elsewhere.
I don’t normally use heavy armor but if I did I’d probably go with the wolf helm.
By far my favorite Siptah item on EL has become the voidforge katana for trash mobs since it never has to be repaired.
But overall yeah. Not that useful any more. While I have a pair of Jihl gloves I hardly bother using them anymore. Go go gadget maprooms and teleporters.
I was deconstructing my town to ease some of the issues i am having on ps4 and guess what i found…
I found no less than at least 2 of my crafters stuck in foundations.
I never knew they were missing tbh, but i did get a bit of a kick when i saw that.
2 stuck in foundations out of sight completely hidden.
I am getting crafters unable to complete their pathing on numerous occasions to outright teleporting through the floor to get to something on their to do list living cycles.
They will just walk right up to a wall and spin around, walk 2 steps, walk back into walls and spin.
They also like to get stuck at doorways such as the storm set doorways.
For anyone who had suspicion what would be the outcome of an alliance between players…
That’s the intentional outcome.
All these years different modes, different consoles, provide different feedback and for some reason, the will for conversation was departing in each topic.
It’s true that Kiki has given her soul to this alliance and she worked, truly worked to gather information and for this i can only apply respect and gratitude. But her real “miracle” is this unity and will for conversation now the members have in here.
So yes, she definitely deserves a unity title, but either way she wouldn’t want to see the effort for a better game to be thrown in mud for tedious reasons, no, congratulations, love and conversation is all Kiki needs now i believe .
Bottom line, fix the game and if we have no problems then give titles to the players again why not.
We group ONLY because we love the game and want the best for it and that’s the ONLY reason again, no other.