the more stuff you folks do to this game the more and more you pigeon hole us into all the same roles and builds
archery dead
no explanation needed
wearing anything other than heavy dead
huge nerf to healing and any damage in combat disables healing
building in the open dead
purge will tear you a new one if you dont log on all day every day
using basic attacks dead
everything knocks back if you dont use hyper armor, which adds to the fact you have to wear heavy since wearing light will hurt very hard very fast and cant heal since of other nerfs… triple dagger in our back
stats…so much here so much dead stats
survival, accuracy, agility, all basicly useless or so undervalued/no dual role/just poor perks vs combat
so basicly
heavy armor with a two hander or axe for hyper armor, no bows or thrown weapons, and drop all stats into str vit grit endur or have a very gimped time in game