Demon Blood drop rate too low

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug?
Server type: PvP
Region: NA

On private server, with gather rate at 2x, demon blood is not dropping from previously available sources, or, is abysmally low. With the new requirement of demon blood for the serpentman arrow, this is intolerably low.

It’s fine if this recipe now has a new requirement, or recipes require more than before; but to also nerf the rate at which it can be gathered into the ground is untenable. Feels bad, man.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Spent one hour killing imps along the south river; sandbeasts; undead shaleback in their cave; demon bats and dragons in the Unnamed City. (Demon is in the name! Zero demon blood!?!)
  2. Try different types of tools at Blackblood level on each type of critter above (pick, hatchet, skinning knife, and scythe)
  3. Net 62 total units of demon blood at a 2x gather rate for an hour.
  4. Despair, and ask what you are even doing with your life.

Go to UC, kill snakeboss, drown in demonblood.

Get the heads of undead and dragons. Put in fluid press and get deamon blood. Will take a look after i download the update and post what ones you need and how much they each give

@industry13, is this as of today, i.e. a result of the new patch? I am drowning in demon blood, but have not checked the UC today.



RE: Dragonheads. 5. They give 5. Not as sustainable as I would like.

When: Yesterday (23/10) when I noticed our stocks were low.

Armor has been patched as of today (24/10)

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I can go kill the two small dragons and the Red Mother in a few minutes. I usually destroy several stacks from them alone using a Black Blood pick with 2 points in survival. Regardless of the change to the +survival of the tool, I was not anywhere near the second perk.



None from the small dragons, 11 from the Red Mother. That seems low to me, but RNG has not been on my side for a while. I dropped them since I have 2 chests already, will try again after respawn, but need to do a full run of 5 bosses since I am still looking for the Commander’s Helm.



Unless it has changed very recently I typically get my demon blood from the giant snakes in the jungle area. Specifically the small island in L6 next to my base on the big Island there.

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That was a bit more like what I usually experience. 31 bloods, all three dropped, they respawn every 15 minutes or so and are easy prey.

Snakes drop blood galore, especially the three skulls. Ragnaguard and Tempestorm are spot on.

I suggest you try different areas or await the drought in RNG. My results are ‘cannot confirm’, sorry.



kill big turtles and crocs (with blue eyes) harvest with pic. 80 to 100 each :slight_smile:

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This is what I came to say. Those snakes are all over there. Two of them always seem to be up in the corner.

Edit: and what a drag for this new requirement. May have to think about doing star metal or obsidian if it drains my blood too often.

If you farm the UC, do what I did, switch to dragonbone. Unlimited supply and feathers are cheap in Sep. Even though you only get 1 per, stats are very close.



so dragon bone arrows craft at a 1-1 ratio. One bone makes one arrow. I ended up switching to Obsidian. Not sure how difficult it is in PvP to obtain bars, but on PvE it is quite easy to farm. Obsidian arrows are a 1-10 ratio like most other arrows, so a little obsidian goes a long way. Plus I like making a match of arrows 10 times faster :wink:

Understood and quite valid. I’m PvE with no decay, so I placed a Carp bench just west of the UC. Feathers from the silver loot boxes and the vendor in Sep, unlimited dragonbone, they craft while I farm. It works for me !



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“old” Sources of demon blood only drop 1-2 a pop.

You need hunt down some of newer placed things like Large Snakes, or Blue eyed monster.

You can run up and down (well…west and east) of newbie river for blue eye crocs and shell backs (even hyneas) I find 1-2+ each time, and each one on “default 1.0” hands out 40-60+

So I harvested some of the jungle snakes again and it actually gives very little blood. Set and Arena snake bosses look like a much better way to go.

In Jungle, I had a snake purge and was just getting 1 blood per snake, except for the couple 3 skull snakes that came to visit.

I also just looked up the damage on obsidian vs star metal, vs snake man arrows. Difference is minuscule, but favors snake man.

Shaleback-,croc- and rocknose-minibosses. Harvest with good pickaxe.

If you have the option, the following will help around 50% with the yield:

  • 4XAsura’s Armor = 12 Surv
  • 1XMask of the Witch Doctor =10 Surv
  • 1XShield of Zabweth = 5 Surv
  • 1XBlack Blood Pick = 5 Surv
  • 1XMystery Meat Soup = 3 Surv (sold in Sep)

Any combination of the above and any points you already have in Survival that gets you to +30 Surv gives you the third perk, Efficient Butchery.

I did not mention Elixir of Ingestion because it does not stack with Mystery Meat Soup, but is a viable substitution at +3 Surv.

If you need the +50%, kill, equip/consume and harvest.

Good luck !




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