So, I’m being hunted by a clan who tricked me out of my base (long story) and I haven’t got any resources to speak of. They started bullding in my former base almost immediately, and I want to hurt them while they do, before it gets so fortified that I need a god to dislodge them.
The problem is, I need demon blood and I don’t want to have to get high level gear to get it - too time consuming. When I use an iron skinning knife on imps I don’t seem to get any no matter how many I harvest, and when I use it on a gaint snake or corrupted animal (which are a pain to kill with an encumbrance build and iron tier weapons) I get one demon blood. Does this mean I need to get a steel tool to get any demon blood from imps? Is it even really possible to farm demon blood with iron tier tools? I don’t need much really… just enough to make some dragonpowder
I feel like the best place to get demon blood is the three guardians in Kleal’s Stronghold (The Priest, Archivist and Warmaker). Killing them will obviously be tougher than imps or snakes but you should get plenty of demon blood. Best of luck and happy hunting.
Less reliable to find, but I get a lot of demon blood, even with fairly low tier gear, from things like Corrupted Crocs (and Corrupted Hyena, Corrupted Shaleback, but Croc is the easiest and gives a decent amount). I always harvest them with a pick, for what that’s worth.
Thanks - that’s good advice for later on. But the thing is, right now I want to farm up dragonpowder as quickly as I can without using up precious brimstone and tar on making steel and all that other noise… so I’m not really going to be in a position to farm the guardians any time soon! I’m naked with no base, no thrall, a darfari axe and some iron tools. I want to know the most efficient way to get demon blood under those circumstances. I can’t be the first person to try and make dragonpowder with low level tools?
I didn’t realize you were trying to kill stuff naked. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help but as @DanQuixote mentioned, I have also had much higher yield with a pick versus an axe. Happy hunting.
Undead hyenas around the sink hole is a really good source and it’s right next to an obelisk.
They are a bit tough at low level, but not even as hard as a corrupted hyena and there are several groups of 2 in a big circle. Most of the groups are far enough apart that you won’t agro more than the two at a time.
I thought I got more demon blood using a sickle on them but am having a hard time remember because I have way to much demon blood in a bunch of chests now so haven’t harvested any in a few months. I might have completely imagined the sickle being good for harvesting blood from them
You can have steel tools very easy, and you know that they are far more efficient than iron tools.
Another thing to be taken seriously when farming is the upgrade of your tool.
Now, what I know and what I do.
What I know is that snake bosses are the best demon blood providers with hatchet.
What I do? I kill the spider bosses, they are easy to kill, I farm them with upgraded (steel) sickle and I gain at least 80 pieces at the time, when I play low level.
Use the jungle farming option. In pvp, entering and exiting dungeons so low geared is not so smart.
yeah… I suppose I should just bite the bullet and use some of my precious steelfire to make steel tools. It’ll set my bombs back a bit but everything in this game is a trade off I guess.
No you don’t need to use steel fire. Go to Sepermeru, open all the hidden chests and wooden boxes and you will gain about 200 pieces of steel. It is very common to find steel tools in these chests too. If you are already lvl 60, over the mount of dead village, it has the path to take Ymirs religion. If you follow this path you will gain some black ice and you will fix hardened steel tools than steel.
If you are fearless and you have a thrall you can take your hardened steel pick and make it black ice, but it doesn’t worth the effort, since it has the same farming outcome with the hardened steel.
If you already have the oil recipe, go to unnamed city and farm fragments, there are 11 or 12 pieces without killing bosses, just farming small chests.
So if you put oil in your hardened steel tools you will gain more than 200 demon blood from one spider only.
Exile lands is my playground.
I played so much pvp, as a farmer for my team, you just can’t imagine.
If we were playing together in 3 hours you would had starmetal tools, believe me
Ha! You’re a much better farmer than I am… I can never remember where all the chests are in Sepermeru, and last time I went to the Unnamed City I gave up looking for the chests after only two fragments. Do you know if the wiki is up to date on where they are?
Yes I believe they have a guide. It is much faster however if you watch a video on YouTube because they explain the locations better and some of them are not always there, it will save you frustration and unnecessary searching
As for Sepermeru all you have to do is to climb roof tops.
Start from the entrance of the silver mine side and climb the gate, then go across to snake dance search a bit more, it has a hidden cave between the buildings that has 3 chests, it even gives black tusk shield, then go across to the roof tops around Razmas property etc…
Basically in Sepermeru climb rooftops
I found (early on) it was better for me to just farm the chests there than actually create the steel from scratch. You also get the odd useful item like a steel tool which can really help.
The area around the Conan bar for example, (theres two boxes on the roof itself) a chest on a ledge on a building opposite, a chest behind the Set shrine, also on top of a rocky outcrop (the tallest there) opposite the bar.
@Crompox , Exactly, in Conan exiles there are no more secrets for me, I believe in a year the same will happen in Siptah too . But to be honest, if you won’t play pvp, to have a reason to start over and over again this may never happen.
I hope my pvp team will return, so I will have to farm for them, my favorite habit .
Also, if you want to up your weapon, the chest 7nder the black galion and the 9ne by the talking guys at the den will rng shark bite, a decent set of daggers.
In most of the times I restarted in a new server this was my first legendary weapon chest. Hammer of the whale, ancient lemurian sword, shark bite. Back then only in lvl 60 you could open legendary chests. So this was my must visit territory, also around then it was midnight alchemist, Mitra religion, visit Den, brewing recipes, chests with hyena fur armor pieces really vital to visit cold areas soon and belly dance.
OH I miss these days…
OK, I ended up getting lucky and meeting two corrupted crocs. With a steel sickle I got about 200 demon blood, which was enough to smash into my old base. They were in the process of fence stacking it, but I caused enough damage that it looks like they abandoned the effort and left. So that all worked out well (except for having my base stolen in the first place). Thanks for the advice all.
PSA: If someone ever runs up and spams clan invite at you, take your bracelet off rather than risk hitting the wrong reply. It defaults to accept, and if you press the wrong button once, you lose everything.