Demon info request

Im hoping someone good at delving into the coding of the game can help me find out exactly what the demon summons timer is governed by.

Ie time idle until you lose control and what actually increases timer.
Struggling on ps4 to work out if its me killing things or if what they kill affects it as well and by how much?

Any help appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

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From my knowing , telling them to stop following will turn them hostile instantly , and i remember seeing there on a timer that dosent get affected bye actions , some people say its 45 min other 4 hours .

My findings dont back any of that up, im afraid.

Which is why im asking if anyone can find some actual in game figures that i can work with

A timer would really help lol

Do you play official?

I do indeed, pvp server

Ok from a bit of research, if you put them on guard after 10min they will turn on you and if they are following you and havent killed anything after around 15 to 20 min they will turn also. Time also may very from server performance.

Demons start out with a lifespan of 10 minutes
Killing things adds 5 minutes multiplied by the killed targets normalized health to 0-800 capped at a max of 2, but never going beyond the 10 minutes

Soooo… what does that mean in English?
Say you kill something with the hp of 1000 in a range of 0-800 that would be 1.25 so that would be your multiplier (remember it’s capped at 2, so killing something beyond 1600 health will still just count as 2)
That 1.25 would be multiplied by the 300 seconds (5 minutes).
which would result in your final demon life extension of 375 seconds, however it’s hard-capped at 10 minutes all the time so any excess would be lost.

Your demon will also gain a level after every kill provided the target had at least 75 health


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: does it count when they kill something while following you, or just what you kill directly?

I want to say both. I think its triggered by kill/exp events while following. Kinda like how followers can get exp while following even if passive (told not to attack). But I’m not 100% on that.


Yea, it’s tied to the XP events like Taemien said :slight_smile: So it doesn’t matter who does the kill as long as you took part and are due some XP

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Ok thats great thanks guys

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