Dismantling Bench issues

the dismantling bench and all thrall slots are not just able to be filled by pressing the right trigger to add them to the bench. Dismantling bench adds the items to the inventory instead of the dismantle slots. Any bench that holds a thrall also does the same instead of going into the thrall slot as it used to before the journey steps update, now goes to the bench inventory. Having to physically move items in the dismantling bench makes most people I’ve spoken to not even want to use the thing anymore, me included.


on PC too.


This is also a bug on PlayStation. But it extends to more than the dismantling bench, moving a taskmaster or thrall to a working table does not put them in the thrall slot, but must be manually moved by hitting X on the thrall and then into the slot (like used to be the case with horse saddles)

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Thanks for confirming it’s not just us on the xbox hopefully this hits next patch for all of us was hoping it would be fixed this morning haha.

I really hope this is a bug, and not an intended change. I also dislike having to manually move each item twice, in order to dismantle it.

It’s broken but as a workaround On Xbox press A to select the item and move the right stick to move to where you the item moved to then press A again.

Fix it please!

This is one of those way down on the list bugs. I don’t see it getting fixed till the next age, what ever it may be.
If then. Could be one of those little aggravating bugs that never gets fixed.