DLC armor sets temperature effects

The temperature effects of DLC armor sets make no sense. Why are turanian sets cold insulated? By the look of these sets It should be optimal for warm areas. The trailler confirms this fact. The same problem have pictish armor sets. It ruins imersion and gameplay. For example… If you wear flawless version of pictish armour (the badass viking furry armor) you will be unable to survive in the cold north. I think the temperature effects should be swaped on Turanian and Pictish sets to make them more realistic.


It’s odd and silly in a way that wearing the Pictish Warchief armour set makes my character breathe warm lungfuls into cold air even though in the desert there should be no way for that to happen. :joy:


the temperature system is not the problem but the graphic style does not match it. the problem is that the creators of the dlc have no idea. If the DLC’s own description makes clear what type of zone it is because they fail.

While this may be, it makes sense to tackle the issue thorough temperature modifications instead than to redesign the whole model anew, I wager.

If an engine has an issue in relation to the model, tweaking the engine is a convenient approach if you already sold the car to a customer who loves the frame.

By my opinion the best way to solve this problem is to remove defalut cold and warm resistance and add armor temperature modifications. Everyone could modify their armor by own needs. The warm resistance mod could be made from black ice or something like that and cold resistace mod could be made from volatile glands or some special leather.

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they only have to modify the temperatures, you do not have to modify anything else turan for cold picto heat

Remember feathers. :grin:

AS much as they don’t make “sense” aesthetically, it is all done for balance. Allowing us to modify to the temps we want would remove one of the few game play loops in the game.

Acquiring certain armorers is a farming aspect that causes us to journey the map for their spawn points.
Right now, some of the only gameplay loops i know of that are regularly journeyed to are:
Brimstone areas
Gold Areas
Specific Armors
T4 Alchemists
Unnamed City for FoP’s
Arch priests

And with most officials capped at 40 players, running across other players on the map is already very rare if you don’t want to be seen.

SP is a little different, but still requires them to explore a little more to get these resources.

So as unrealistic as the temp (and att bonuses) are for armors, they are one fo the few things left that force exploration, and strategy for builds.

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This is what makes a sandbox less of a sandbox and roleplay less of a roleplay. I love exploration when I’m allowed to do so with authentically meaningful incentives and evaluations, but I’m not amused when I’m forced to run along with bottlenecked content and stretched gameplay, i.e. bloatware. This is the most commonly misunderstood concept when it comes to motivation and I would love to see the industry as a whole to finally evolve in this area.

Sometimes it is so obviously irritating what goes under the hood that, with otherwise gorgeous product, we can actually predict when the game indeed dies. Thankfully the the case here with CE isn’t this bad, but since I am utilising admin panel and tweaking server settings, I’m able to sense the most loose points the game fails in. The more loose points we sense (not necessarily recognise), the more theoretically we can assess for modders to tackle and perhaps even the dev team too, should they so choose to do.

I understand the aspect of balance in this mechanics and changing them is not neccessery. I just think that the temperature resistances on pictish and turanian armor sets should be swaped. When you wear flawless versions you cant even survive in places which are shown us in traillers. This and some more facts proves us poor consistency of original idea and final design.

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