I’am afraid you need to clarify why the dodge is horrible for you.
Is it too hard?
is it not usable? (again is it unusable because of lag? difficulty, or mechanically useless
The reason I ask those questions is because, the reason PvPers like it, is because it rewards skill, and punishes screw ups. Because the dodge has always been a “Oh noes, I messed up, ill just smash my face on the keyboard without thinking about any real consequences and all is good”. And that is bad. its bad for PvP and its bad for PvE.
This is because Conan’s PvP has historically (after the animation update) been a game of infuriating, and unpredictable Tag. it would take a very long time just to catch someone and hit them, and that is not even talking about killing them. that is a whole other form of difficulty. dodge was just too much of a get out of jail free card.
And this honestly goes for PvE as well. You don’t even need to dodge half the time vs most monsters, and when you did it made encounters pointless? might as well just auto kill the monster and move on.
I cover a lot of good reason for the changes, and i offer some suggestions, you guys can read it here if you haven’t seen it allready.