Does anyone want the old purge back to coexist with the new?

But you would never know who or what was gonna come for you and, unless you had that Convergence Trap building, you had no control over it!

Really makes me wonder what devs are gonna do to those Purge-only crafters and if they actually made all of the Purge exclusive combat thralls available in those cages.

Nothing wrong with it at all, it’s just entirely different thing.
The old Purge system was a good reminder that your character isn’t on vacation or something, it’s a dangerous world and they would come for you eventually. It was a reason to turn your main base into a proper castle with thick walls, defenses and well-equipped guards. And it was thrilling!

Totally love this idea! I’m gonna do it! :grin:


Nah, not even close my friend. The old purge system against tier 3 buildings was very weak. In the last months before the old purge system ends, devs will add rockslide on a rocknose purge and this was maybe the best purge this game had. The second best was the Cimmerian Berserker purge, then the Sobek cultists, then the Accursed and finally but really rare the Nordheim purge with Lagadara finishing it. I would speak for Skelos Cultist purge but after 2021 i never saw it again ever. My most beneficial and balanced purge from the beginning was the Cimmerian beast tamers purge. I was hunting this purge a lot, it had always good crafters and it was ending with a white dragon fight. I happen to love dragon fights in this game.
I was punished only once in my entire life from purges. I went to an American server to meet a friend from this forum and i took lightly a Cimmerian Berserker purge. My whole tier 1 construction and my 2 thralls holding truncheon died easily. I was lagging horribly, i couldn’t fight and protect my base, i was dead constantly so they brought everything to the ground. If my 2 thralls however were holding weapons nothing would happen. 2 thralls alone back then could shut down 100 purge npcs for fun. Purges except Siptah was risk for crafters. Accursed purges maybe had a taskmaster, all the rest were thralls you could easily grind on the temple of the loon. So risking on Siptah was pointless. You were just finishing the purge easily. In these times we had meat walls, not actual walls. When we had purge, all the fighters were waiting outside your perimeter to finish each purge very easy with zero casualty. The only way to have purge casualty was to do something really wrong as i explained you before.
Now a lvl 10 purge can bring everything to the ground, golems, star callers, thieves, multiple npc agro with really strong fighters. It’s a blast and cannot be compared with the sissy purges we had in the past.

That’s why i want this purge system back. It was giving you a “fear” on your growing and it was really good. But good, not thrilling, just good.

Some odd thing that happened recently (apparently seems to be limited to SP mode so far and when using admin privileges) … I attributed to something relative to AI programming. Maybe it was just coincidence, but it was too obvious to ignore.
What happened was what seemed to be a retaliatory ambush strike at my little place along the “noob river” after getting into trouble near that stygian stronghold in the Exiled Lands. (Making it more odd was that I tried to avoid getting into trouble when just trying to pass by).
After thinking about the incident at length it occurred to me this would surpass the previous “old” purge mechanics and the current new one (where you have to invite trouble).

Imagine arriving back at your “home base” (regardless of it’s size and location) only to be ambushed by a “strike party” waiting for you to get within range.
Or that a strike party actually tracked and followed you. Or that they would track and follow you to whichever base that you own that you choose to travel to.
The exception to this is these strike parties might also have certain valuable “commodities” that you can make use of (such as potential thralls whom you might be able to subdue) if you manage to survive the surprise encounter.
Maybe this can be prevented by catching the “trackers” who are following you and inflicting enough casualties on them to force them to retreat if any survive.
Or perhaps if you catch them following you, you might be able to turn the tables and capture them (making them your new thralls): Thus preventing a surprise attack at your home base.

Anyway, maybe you get the idea.
This might surpass the old purge where you watched your purge bar gradually increase till it was time to happen.
Also, this could possibly trigger a retaliatory purge which you must be prepared for. (especially if we engage in consequential combat with the defenders of the stygian stronghold).

Mind you, this happened to me although I passed only near the stronghold and was aggressively attacked and killed.
After making a test run last night, the defenders definitely were more aggressive and came after me even though I did not provoke any hostile actions.
After confirming they were more aggressive, I was not surprised and carried out my own retaliation against them without penetrating the stronghold. But retreated once they stopped coming out to me.

Actions vs consequences

Overall, I think it’s best not to replace the new purge, but bring the old style purge back and add this new twist to it.
If you happen to think this idea is too crazy, I understand.

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I was thinking about your idea and had somewhat of a variation.

Attacking certain settlements might provoke attacks from those settlements. Basically it triggers the current purge setup, but themed after the settlement in question. A (somewhat) random timer starts ticking down after you trigger the settlement.

Vanquishing the settlement cancels the timer. Doing such requires killing a boss NPC in the settlement. But failing to do so will result in a purge style attack similar to the Stygians. The level of the attack is based on the level of the settlement. And it has a set amount of waves it goes through based on the settlement as well. Instead going for a coffer, it goes for vaults, chests, and other containers based on which one has the highest value but will go for a coffer is the value is highest. Can’t cancel the purge early by picking stuff up. Have to kill everything to stop it or wait for it to despawn (it it doesn’t up end the base).

The attacks focus more on damage than stealing. Using explosives or magic to damage structures rather than thieves and the like. The idea is a retaliatory strike for those who fail to pacify their targets.

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I like that idea.

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Old purge could have been reworked.

  1. Fills for every Dungeon boss kill. 1000xp in bar. 250 xp fprmwprld bosses. 100 for 1 skulls.
  2. Fills for explosive jars and explosive arrows crafted. 25 xp for jars, 5 xp for arrows.
  3. Fills for every god token crafted. 10,00xp for each.
  4. Fills for every thrall (non pets/mounts) you break. 500 xp.
  5. Set the meter to 10,000.
  6. On a tier 3 altar, you can craft a prayer to god costing zeal. 100 zeal for each prayer, -1000 xp for every prayer on the purge bar. This allows you to reduce ifnyou want to avood purge.
  7. Every base has a claim around a tier 1 or greater altar. This does need to be fueled by zeal. (This also puts cost to land claim for full decay timers)
  8. If your meter maxes, it enters a 48 hour rng purge that targets any 1 of your claim altars.
  9. Nothing else gives xp or reduces it.

This allows an easier way to purposely fill it, and to avoid it. For pvp, clans that mass produce bombs will need a tier 3 altar or they get purged. The t3 altars puts them on the map (or at least that location). For pve, it doesnt require a wierd 15 minute routine to increas it.

edit: when the meter maxed, it cannot be reduced. You have to reduce before it hits 10,000.


Well, the old purge would have worked if they would have straightened the graphics out better, i have seen to much going on below that looks like someone has a world underneath the world. That isa lot of processing on much needed ground that the game doesn’t even use because it is all under the graphics.

If the game didn’t have so muvh dead space that it doesn’t even use then the game play would be much better.

I do know what you mean because my brother and i including my brother friends used to play on a private server that my brother used to rent and we had purges that would start and end bit we never saw the enemies but this was more towards the time they added stuff but not all the update they got going on now, it was probably about 4 or 5 years ago. I don’t like how the game is now in fact it makes me almost give up on it because i got used to the old way and they got all of this new stuff that just makes the game out of reach.

If i had started this game today it wouldn’t be so bad but i got my character leveled up as high as he can go and a lot mostly accomplished and i just enjoyed the game for what it was, but i can’t handle the changes that they made on a already made game.

Putting these kind of changes on this type of game makes it uncomfortable to play. I wish so much that the game can go back. If they are going to add to the game they should add more stuff towards the easternorth where the map shows free space that is uneven instead of the radical changes they did.

I understand updates changes fixing a game and if the game makers have anymore changes they could sell it as a add on, but they shouldn’t be able to change a game that much once the game is already created.

Yhe kind of changes they made should had been on a part 2 of conan exiles or they could add a separate map like they did isle of Siptah.

I 100% agree with you and what they did to our followers makes me have a hard time staying with it. I wish so much that the game could go back to the way it was. I am almost tempted to buy the disc version and never update it.

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Yah it would be definitely better than what it is now.

My suggestion uses the current purge system. And merely expands upon it.

Only good thing of new purge system are those guys that bring down walls/gates and the path finding system. That is.

other than that, they totally suck. Having a wave of 40 lv.2 soldiers that kill you in 3 shot along with 20 explosive golems is not even a challenge, is a total bullshit.

IN FACT no one does call purges on their actual base. EVERY ONE builds fake bases, expendable bases, just to call purges. I don’t think that even makes sense …

Also, speaking of SENSE … what’s the sense of CALLING a purge ?

Thats point thou… People got sick of losing there stuff, some people want to enjoy the Purge, and not have there RP house taken down cause it picked a bad location.
Old System has some flaws, idea of Loss is part of it…

New Purge System being QoL when you want it, made it a feature you can opt out and in on.

I enjoy that, I don’t have to risk my collection of items and design choices now. My sandstone dlc walls are no longer at threat. =3

Old System still has merit, which is why (like I mention posts before) give it set locations it can happen. Or Add new system like Treasure. But Food? Lure Monster Purge.
Place Spirit Stones, and get Undead.
Build Temple of Derkito and add items to pile, and get attacked by other religions. (which would have slaves of your religion, make preist farming a thing)

The exitement, preparing for the purge, the chance to have the crafters and fighters, the chaos, the different priests that spawned, etc.

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I lost on 2 bases, different servers, all my fighters and dogs (brought them from Siptah) because someone elses spawned purge decided to base on top of my base. I don’t build big, but still, all gone. So yes, give me the old purge back.

I’m gonna close my gates shut after this.

Point is too much QoL makes it worse, not better.
Look at the new “Thralls don’t get killed” thing we’re having … I bet just a few people out of the WHOLE community will like this.

I don’t like the idea of losing my thralls, but solution is not making them unkillable. Solution is make level up and armor count.

Make a lv.20 berserker with epic armor and legendary weapon a powerhouse instead of having it vulnerable to a pack of 3 T2 stygian conscripts, which can stun-lock it and kill it in 10 attacks. RIDICULOUS !!!

You know what ? Even the OLD stun system was WAY better than the one we have now, when your thrall can be stun-locked.

Basically, this game is getting more and more sh*tty !!! These guys are not making a SINGLE GOOD DECISION, not even by chance.

Well, to be fair, I built a separate base for Purges because my old base was woefully ill-prepared for the way the new one worked. It could have survived the old Purge, but not the new one.

Count me as one of those “few.”

The new system doesn’t make thralls unkillable.

I have a question on this: Does the new purge target the closest path to your treasure coffer? I thought I read that somewhere.

The reason I ask: If I delete my treasure coffer and temporarily store all my treasures (excluding the placeables) in a large chest, will someone else’s purge attack my base?

Just curious as currently my main base and treasure coffer exist on a plateau. I can’t see any NPCs getting up there unless they use the elevator.

Would really like to see the the old purges return to the game. I’d be satisfied with the plain ole old purge, but it would be even better if you could get the good ‘human’ purges after you reach level 60. Seemed you always got a good ‘human’ purge early when you were not ready for it. Then boring animal purges ever after.

The new purge is cool in concept, but not so much in implementation. The high degree of lag, and if you should be killed in the purge, the extremely low chance of your body loading in (and the base too) has made it undesirable to play. Plus, all of the ‘exploiter’ purge bases in the volcano making the volcano unplayable.
Wish funcom would make it so thralls took lava damage again. Let’s face it, if you are good enough to be in the volcano, you ‘should’ be good enough to be in the volcano. And good enough to manage your thralls.

Completely agree with you on this point.

This is a VERY cool idea.

This may well have been the biggest issue with the old purge system. With the purge spawing under-mesh as the second biggest problem. Had several purges spawn inside a cliff face next to my base and their archers could shoot arrows out to kill my thralls, but mine could not shoot into the cliff face.

Watch some of the dev streams, you will see the purge combat is completely balanced and working as intended, providing you are in GOD mode.