Don't charge for the map, charge for the map CREATOR

I’m all for new maps an editor sounds nice too.I don’t mind paying for further content.

I think my only issue with editor… is Ps4 users will never see it. Xbox is more likely to allow it. But Sony got a stick in there backsides.

Well in this particular case, the dude on video is someone who got an in-game item named after him, so Funcom has at least somewhat recognized his value to the game and community. A bit like some people getting a forum title and an in-game NPC named after them. It makes them seem more credible and authoritative, so people will more readily listen to them.

It’s not a bad idea to think about what the worst case scenario could be with every change. What is a bad idea is assuming that the worst case scenario will inevitably happen, and preach that assumption as gospel on the Net. Group polarization is a very real phenomenon; each member of the community, in isolation, could come up with something akin to a reasonable approach to the news, but when they get together (online), they start fueling each others’ fires until they go on a rampage with pitchforks and torches demanding the monster to be slain - the monster in context being whichever new phenomenon they were discussing.

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Well. True. I could say that I was not solely referencing that case (which is true, after a fashion), but I will readily admit I was intentionally dismissing Firespark by labeling him “some dude”. I acknowledge this is rude, but in any case, I disagree quite strongly with him using his platform to spout claims about broken promises - at least until such a time as someone bothers to provide evidence for those claims instead of just feelings, but that never seems to happen.

As always, I encourage people who think I’m full of it to prove me wrong, at which point I will happily admit to it, but the burden of proof is on those who make claims (“Funcom broke their promises”).

Firespak, even though I enjoy at least half of his content, is also a bit of a hypocrit. The Thumbnails, the clickbaity videotitles, presenting his either “test” or “how to cheese the game” videos with a usually halfnaked avatar… the dude does what he does and how he does it to make a living and maximise his revenue. How about the devs are granted the same opportunity?

I cant believe how self-entitled one would have to be to actually expect an entire map for free. While I get that many devs in this industry are just greedy cashgrabbers, I also think that funcom through the past year should at least have earned the benefit of the doubt.

Lets postpone discussions to when we have some actual facts on the table, not just based on YouTube speculations.

And as usual: Have a great day folks…


To be fair…people who do dumb stuff or break rules can get stuff named after them to… Doesnt mean we should listen to them.

There more easter eggs then a trophy at times. I had look up one corpse in D1, to figure out it was placed there cause abunch of peeps farmed area as exploit.

As for some of other stuff stated in the thread.
My thing with worst case ideas… is people don’t think outside box to often. So conversation starts with “what if?”
And everyone thinks the sky is falling do to lack of info shown.
“what if” is replaced with few paragraphs of different outcomes… people tend read thru. And form there own idea. The sky isn’t falling…it could if Dev Team goes full lazy and full does not care mode.

The whole promise thing bugs me to… cause people always bring this up cause “community manager” at the time said they “wouldn’t” do it.
CM is not the Boss, other people far above them can change there minds…and do things to keep the company afloat.

The word “Promise” 99.9999999999% never stated.

I think some people are just blind, or not in the know of how some stuff works. Or feel entitled to certain things. ( I don’t mean that in negative way)

If everyone really wants this free-free thing constantly… were gonna end up with
60$ game. no patches or new content…
60$ game…no patches…
60$ game…no patches…

This is how it was for longest time… then we got patches. Then we got DLC.
Companies found a way to make more content, keep people happy, and keep lights on as the wait for next game was getting bigger and bigger.

Then some ****** of a *** in a hand basket who was *****of a ***** inside a **********.
Made Micro Transactions… and ruined the world.

And some how DLC got lumped into MT department. And now we can’t have DLC with out someone claiming p2w or mt all over it.

Not fan of season passes myself… I need to see what I’m actually giving money for.
CE wise, if I had bought them… I wouldnt have got my money worth. I didnt care for alot of them.
Same as new map… I really need see what is.

It could be 1/4 of size of map… 2 dungeons and its 29.99… I might be alittle bummed.
Or 1/2 and loaded with goodies for 29.99… I might think its good deal.

Or it could be 9.99 summer home on island, with Trimuvite mansion. XD

The best way to go about this, I’d say, is to copy ESO’s model. Have huge content additions as their own expansions, and on the release of a new one, the previous paid content is put into the original game. That way, money is still being made from the expansions while not being predatory.

If the DLC must come in small parts like it currently does, then do it in a similar way but through seasons. Each subsequent season retroactively lowers the price of previous seasons.

Well, maybe. One could also say that whenever they specify that this DLC is cosmetic, to me it suggests that not all DLC has to be cosmetic.

Well, people can feel whatever they like, that doesn’t change facts, and there is certainly such a thing as objective truth. Sure, some people will never admit it, but those are lost no matter what.

Hum, wouldn’t it be enough if you had to transition naked? I think that’d be the simplest solution, really. If you can’t bring gear, loot or thralls across the border (in either direction!), then I can’t see the issue. If “enforce naked travel” is then on for official PvP and off for official PvE, everyone should be happy. Not that I have high hopes of this being a thing, I expect it’ll just be a separate server entirely, though IMO that’d be a missed opportunity for sure.

This is true. I didn’t mean we should listen to them - I just said that people tend to listen to people with a “celebrity” status more likely than just a random passer-by. That’s why we see people quote Firespark’s opinions as the truth more often than we see people quote you or me as the truth. (Even though “Spynosaur Super Star” is an awesome title.)

Yes, but no more or less than if you simply played on a different (private) server.

True, but you cannot use any of that stuff against those who didn’t pay - it’s no more useful than anything you spawn for yourself in Single Player.

Why? Maybe you’re right - but I’ve yet to see a convincing argument.

Ya’ll can pay for it if you want. The game is broke to much on this map as it is. Without buying another broken map. Nope if they charge for anything other than what they agreed to charge for it won’t come from this pocket.

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there are no custom map for this game…maps are too hard to make with availables tools ?

Lol. You can’t even come close to comparing Funcom to companies like Treyarch, Activision or EA games.Their mechanics and game fundamentals are way more advanced than Funcom. The map, dlc’s and patches are almost always broken. Why would you be stupid enough to buy a broken map when they can’t even incorporate armor into the game without breaking it? Nope if they charge for anything other than what they agreed to charge for it won’t come from this pocket.

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Still waiting on somebody to provide a legitimate source of the so called promise people keep throwing around that Funcom will never ever charge for a map expansion. And no, random Youtubers don’t count.

I linked a comment and this thread to the controversial video so hopefully he will respond with your proof and we can move on to why it makes no sense to buy another broken map from Funcom when they can’t install Dlc’s and patches without breaking the game. Free maps, paid Season Passes and Dlc’s as it has been for the last 3 years. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. linked vdeo. Be sure to read comments.

I have a thing for dinosaurs… and “superstar” title. (Lost Planet 2)

been unable to take it off…lol

I agree with Firespark here but I will wait to see waht kind of map and for what price. Until now, I am not happy with the highly overpriced cosmetic items that bring nothing to the game. Overall, I am pretty disappointed that since summer 2018 not much has been done to further the game. Yes, we got some pets and some dungeons but overall the game hasnt gotten much content to go back playing it. After half a year I have seen and done everything the game has to offer and since then it changed only marginal.

How does this matter for a new paid Map? That can be said easily: A new map is just like a paintjob. Its still the same but only got a diff colour. A new paid map must bring more to the table, it must have some new gimmicks, some new biomes, some new monsters, more than the current map to validate its price. The best example is Ark: All the DLC have gotten new maps, monsters, gimmicks, biomes and lots of fun. Only then it is worth getting it. You dont want to satifsy your current players, you want to grow and attract more players to the game while keeping your current playerbase happy and make people who dropped the game come back.

Judging by the current DLC practice of Funcom, I have not good hope but I really hope that they prove me wrong and make me come back to the game. This is exactly why Firespark made the video: you should not blindly wait like a starving man for a drop of food from Funcom, you deserve fair quality for a fair price. And not anything they offer because there just isnt anything.

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To be fair… Test Team is…mostly us. And Mostly us is more interested in being 1st to new content then actually testing.

(and lack of Console Dev kits…and/or testing)

I’m not blaming “us” I blame more these testing windows that pop up, and then game goes live almost right after…
If your hurting for money(or people in charge want there bags of money)… you get it out as soon as possible.
If your not dieing for money, or who ever is in charge, doesn’t need run off to some sandy beach…you keep new content on test server till its ready. =3

I can’t speak for funcom… they have rushed several of patches out, I get having time table…and new content that comes after will be behind… and they got till end of year. (cause those people start freaking out there last dlc for year isnt out yet,(which we all saw those threads)

I kinda get rush… At same time, I wish Funcom would really just not drop them on us. This is something they need to work on. (and for love of raptor jesus, get some console dev kits to test the game…or for love of all that is holy kitty magic… text it better)
I can’t say much for xbox side, ps4 side… ugh… Some of these updates show that Funcom and Sony don’t really care…(i know they do, and its out of there hands for some of staff)

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