Dune. It's a game i wish to play

My dearest @Community accept my apologies for starting a Dune discussion in Conan exiles section.
I was watching the new trailer of chapter 4 and below after the trailer ended i saw a dev speaking am giving tips about Dune. All the things he said made me love the idea of this game and i will DEFINITELY play it. He also said to join the Discord page…
What discord page, can you please link the page here, i am begging you.
Another question, will it be available for consoles and if yes, when?
Please give me good news, thank you. Again accept my apologies, but i boiling right now for news, thank you again :blush:.

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Thanks a million brother exile :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:.

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Been there for a while, looks to be very clan based, PVP, but hey, one thing funcom knows is sand.


Good luck. I’m not interested in Dune - it’s all around hype around film. But if devs will continue to update Conan like that I fear that I’ll be not intersted in Conan also.

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I play almost all the survival games my console had. I love the idea these games has. If i am going to stay it’s another story, but i will definitely try it.


Oh i know, 100%. I totally understand your frustration and where it comes from.
The reason i am interested so much fir Dune is the harsh survival environment.
Conan exiles is not a survival game anymore, it’s very rp with fragments of survival. I love the combat on Conan exiles and i believe that i will find good combat on Dune too, the climbing, that i saw on Dune too and the new biome system. I have to create my own clean water and all these cool survival things (for gaming only :rofl::rofl::rofl:). I don’t mind that i ain’t going to have nudity, yet i really love this “freedom”.
I want to believe that we are going to have beautiful toons, not filthy like other survival games. I hated Ark toons, i didn’t like them at all.
I wish we had Dune on PlayStation, that’s all.

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“Conan” is the name of this forum.

Take your Dune problems elsewhere dude.

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I just love your excitement and positivity @stelagel !
Therefore i won’t say anything negative here. :blush::heart_hands:

Sounds maybe a little bit weird, but you are truly an inspiring man we all should look up to!
Maybe one day we will reach your level of acceptance and balance.

… will take me quite some time i guess…

Anyway… never change @stelagel , and don’t be sorry for your optimism!


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I agree my fellow exile, but Dune does not have a page on Funcom forums still.
Plus i am not good on social media, and i hate notifications from several points. Many friends have discord pages, others are on Facebook, Twitter, blah blah…
I don’t funcy this situation if you understand me, on nights i have to place my phone on silent or turn off my wifi.
I definitely love this forum first because of the game and mostly because of the population here. So it’s best for me to discuss with friends i made here all these years, from them the notifications are pleasant.
So accept my apologies once more, thank you.

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Screw dune, they need to fix conan!


We agree on this, worry not.

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Sorry this was really funny :joy:
It made me tear up i was laughing this hard!
Thx @Frankenstein , best comment!


We just got a “dev” reply, @Harperson confirmed :heavy_check_mark:

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