Where are the new DUNE game forums?

Sorry to bug you all here but … been trying to find the new upcoming DUNE game forums … or where i can ask questions like … will it be a game as service or … will it have a Battle pass or Cash shop? Or will we be able to play it Offline in single player mode? etc … I went to the DUNE web page but could not find it.

I am sure it is out there somewhere … unless they are gonna be all deceptive about it! Lol … but I am sure they wont do it like they did in Conan where they waited for everyone to buy the DLC’s … then changed the game and added the cash/battle pass none sense.

Someone post the link so I can go ask questions about the game! Thanks!


I dont think there is anything like that yet. I am unaware of even a release date. Games usually go through a rigorous process to choose what information gets released.

I am almosy certain the as a survice and micro transaction will be part of Dune. This is the direction that larger studios are going. Working on a finished product and possible dlc is mostly days past. Now its about release a game to have a continuous revenue stream. New content and etc to try fight for the attention of enough gamers to keep the “whales” happy.

The discord has been up for quite a while wont be a forum till after release.

Ok I’ve tried a few times, just wont let me post the link to the dune discord.

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The most important lesson they’ve learned from CE probably is that there won’t be an official forum for dune.

No official forum = no hassle with moderating and dealing with complaints

Fvcking genius


Yet they have a discord for Dune awakening; that I have been quite active on.
I mean it is funcom and people must warned :laughing:

if you don’t think Conan is the redheaded step child of funcom, the Dune: awakewning discord has no less then 3 active community managers at any time, I’ve seen as many as 7 funcom reps of some sort logged in ON THE UNRELEASED GAME’S DISCORD,


Dune will most likely have a bazaar and battlepass. Conan Exiles proved that players are willing to buy bug broken cosmetic items for 30$ a piece.

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That’s all? Is this their official discord? Because they seem to have more presence on occasion in Conan Exiles’ unofficial discords (plural). I’d figure a hyped up about to release game would have a bit more.

Could be. They did cut their volunteer moderator program. So the number of eyes on threads is much lower. Discord is actually a bit easier to moderate since bots can do most of it, and getting too much out of hand means getting action from discord itself. So people have to behave themselves a little more or risk losing access to more than just that server. Death threats and other nonsense have immediate consequences outside of the normal jurisdictional ones people don’t think about.

Incorrect. For servers open to the public, they have minimal presence. Popping in is pretty infrequent, maybe 2-3 times a chapter. I’ve been in the Dune discord for a while now and there is multiple of them active on a near daily basis. It’s likely they’re moving support for Dune over to discord because it’s a better platform than an antiquated forum that’s slowly rotted into a den of misery and loathing. Ultimately I hope they consider shutting this entire site down one day

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If you browse on Funcom page they ask 20 persons. Another player in here said that these positions they need to fill is for Dune. So probably the forum will eventually have a Dune page.
It’s correct that they started official discord page since Conan exiles doesn’t have one. My problem is that my son has given in his discord account my phone number and i cannot verify and enter the page. The next days i will settle this, his national exams are done now, so he has time.
However i anticipate the forum page as well. Don’t get me wrong i like the forum more than discord or whatever else exists for players discussion.

Been up and active for, a year? Yes, official funcom Dune awakening discord.

Most do, I don’t think I’ve ever had a discord get out of hand. And you know me :smile:


Ya well we know who comes to forums. Complainers.

They’d have to open something official up on Discord and I don’t see that happening. As long as there is a Conan there will probably be a forum. Most all the rest of funcoms games still have them, active or not.

I like a discord because I’m a conversationalist. I love a good discord, some times you can actually learn stuff.

That’s actually pretty easy to fix. On your account/new account, you just set up the number again. It’ll automatically remove it from the other account once you verify the number.


I am at supermarket right now, later on i will bother you to help me a bit if you can. I will definitely try to do it alone first but if i won’t make it i will message you. Thanks a million @Jimbo :metal:.

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Hate to break it to you, but discord is vastly inferior to a forum. The fact of the matter is, you have only pre-selected section you can post in, but said post get utter lost in the constant stream of garbled nonsense that gets continuously posted by the masses of people all trying to talk about the multitude of topics they want to talk about. There is no way to separate the discussions, where on a forum there is quite literally that. The ability to create different threads for different subjects to discuss those issues separate from other subjects and thus not have your question / comment buried and some debate between two or more people arguing about whatever. There is absolutely no benefit to discord in this at all.


I fully agree that forums are a superior approach to discord in terms of organisation and clarity - unless the aim is to bury all player feedback in a wall of white noise. But it’s also hard to deny these forums are rotting…


Yes, but if they actually put any effort into moderating the forums that would not really be the case. But then again if they put any effort into moderating their official servers… :unamused:


As it comes for consoles this is not exactly true. I do understand and respect the third program issues pc has, but in consoles that’s rare. I won’t say impossible because i cannot know. Our official servers have serious performance issues, not moderation issues. Whenever i saw something wiped believe me it worth it. I am not happy that people get banned, i believe that Funcom can do better than this. Progress however is not always synonymous to fast, so it’s best feedback to be given exact. I don’t report and i am against the “reporting power” people have. I love the builders as much as i love the fighters. Simply because they are both people in similar ages having fun with the game and empty real life issues while playing. So i digress the idea that i am going to ruin someone else’s fun. Servers are plenty after all. Although i believe that “positive toxicity” wave has pure intentions, i will never follow this current. I believe in pure positivity and i plan to stay there until i leave this world, i am too old to change anyway :laughing:. :heart:

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As opposed to the forum’s pre-selected sections you can post in.

Yes there is

Is a feature discord added a couple years ago now. You can also directly reply to individual messages to keep the discussion ongoing without getting derailed

Except for it being able to do everything a forum can do, in addition to more granular organization, a more robust search function, more active moderation, and automod.

Forums are archaic and going on the wayside. I’d recommend familiarizing yourself with all the features discord has to offer, you’ll find it has everything you’re wanting and more.

Sorry Jimbo, but your are literally talking out of your arse on this. Discord is just a constant stream of jumbled garbled nonsense as literally hundreds of people spew out hundreds of different streams of consciousness often with little to nothing to do with on another. If you look away for more than 10 minutes you literally have no f-ing clue what the f is going on any longer.

Discord is utter garbage compared to an actual forum, plain an simple. I know you love your unofficial discord, so you have your “skin in the game” here, but I really don’t care. I am not here to discuss what you are personally invested in, I am only here to discuss what is factually accurate, and you are completely offbase here.

Yeah, you know you are able to do that in a forum as well? Well you should know that, since you just did it. And it was a hell of a lot easier to reply here as well since you didn’t have to scroll through 100+ post of unrelated garbage that had literally nothing to do with the topic at hand as well. :thinking:


…as opposed to this forum… where people do that but in long-form messages

Unless you follow the provided recap from when you last checked, or just search for relevant keywords.

I think you’re letting bias overtake reason, discord has infinite more use than a forum, which is why Dune chose to go that route

Hello pot. Yeah, sorry Jimbo, but you happen to be the one here with the bias (being the one who runs a discord server afterall). The only that discord is infinately more is shyte.