I dont really understand why they keep making changes that not only noone asked for but that noone likes, I cant even play with a keyboard anymore, split my items or even look at this eye-burning demonic chernobyl-like UI
I have been wondering this because of how bad hacking has gotten in the past year or so. Many of the people I used to play with quit because hacking is so bad. New update has made the game unplayable for me, so idk what to do. This game is so good when its good…
yeah me too i have no idea wby they change all, when nobody asked for it, and replacing it by new thing that are less functionnal and making the game worst and worst.
is there a line producer on this project ? and if there is are you sure this is the good one to have ?
you know someone that manage people ? and tell them when nah this is not a good idea.
They know a huge portion of CE will move to Dune when they launch it.
That is why they are scalping it with bazaar.
Conspiracy theories
Don’t assume ill will behind and action when incompetency can explain it.
If one considers ill will worse than incompetency is another matter, though.
I have wondered this myself over the last several updates/questionable changes, CE has had a good run over the years but with Dune Awakening on the horizon I do sometimes feel like maybe they’re a bit over CE now and would prefer to focus more on getting Dune right, I’m sure they’ve learnt many valuable things from the CE experience and I’m very much looking forward to what Dune will bring but as far as CE is concerned I feel like they (and myself) are running out of steam/passion to keep going.
I am surprised that they haven’t removed the Beta TestLive by now, what’s the point if they dont fix bugs or listen to the community xD
I played Age of Conan since 2008 before I came to Conan Exiles. They released that game (AoC) as an unpolished turd and kept trying to buff it up. There is a term that is derived in that process as it unfolded (mental image of a train wreck comes to mind) it’s called “Funcomed”. They Funcomed it. It started out, in concept wonderfully. Funcom then proceeded (as here) to shoot themselves in the foot. They don’t pay attention to the old adage “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. Not in their lexicon. I watched for years as they piloted the flaming turd that AoC had become into the ground as they screwed the fan base and worked on other crap in studio, one incompetent decision after another. I see it happening again here. Funcom is like the Republican party of the gaming world, never underestimate their ability or capacity to shoot themselves in the foot and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
At a time when people are complaining about loosing entire bases to decay timers, random thralls going missing etc. where people I know are so dissatisfied with the game that they are leaving - Funcom screws around with inventory lay out to the point that the game isn’t hardly playable and pi55es people off good so that more leave. It wasn’t broke, they didn’t have to fix it. But Funcom is Funcom - they’ll “Funcom” it every time. Used to be a joke about a scorpion giving a grasshopper a ride across a rivulet and half way through the scorpion stings the s#!t out of the grasshopper, why? Because it’s a scorpion. Things will do what they do by their nature. Funcom, well they “Funcom” things. Likely time to leave this game as I left AoC - because they “Funcomed” it.
Video creators can showcase upcoming “features”, content, and cosmetics. It’s a hype cycle.
Problem is, several content creators are perhaps a bit on the honest side for this to work as intended…
Everyone has to remember that Funcom paid ridiculous money to obtain the rights from the Howard Estate.
Why on earth would anyone pay the millions of dollars for the rights just so they can screw around with a target audience???
Has anyone here heard of a thing called “a business plan”??
I don’t think it’s a concerted effort to kill this game…
I think they just are incompetent. Extremely.
I don’t enjoy saying that, but it’s becoming quite obvious that they are driving people away from this amazing game with each terrible chapter/patch they implement.
Dune is not Conan, I’d bet very few people will be migrating to Dune. I’ll get it when it goes on sale, but it will be yet another on the pile I’m sure. Along with ARK, RUST, 7D2D, ect
And no, the bazaar and the battle pass is all tencent. They do the same thing with every game they buy. It’s their marketing SOP. And once a developer gets tied to hard release dates things go down hill.
Right now the funcom Conan devs are on a count down to the next age. And regardless of what shape it is in it has to drop on that date. I’ve said it was a bad thing from the start. Been there, done that too many times. They are practically working under the gun as we post. The issue is you can’t fix bugs and work on the next age with out mucking up both.
The crew working on Dune are not the same ones working on Conan.
We must not forget that Funcom is not independent.
I guess no one needed the interface. The simplicity and spartan style of Conan’s interface has become the hallmark of the game, and everyone has become accustomed to it.
But I think that someone from above got acquainted with the game and said: “How is this possible? All games have such beautiful interfaces, in colored frames, with frills and curlicues. Do the same in Conan!'.
Well, that’s what they did.
That’s what happen when things stop making sense.
not even going to entertain the idea of buying Dune, its not CE, looks like a shooter, and I do not trust Funcom anymore
Well they don’t talk or respond to any issues so i just judge them on their continued silence.
I am in disbelief how they are able to retain licenses for Dune and Conan given their lack of quality control and production values.
I Can, it’s because there is no community player base giving them feedback such as an issue council made up of experienced players to give them that feedback before changes are implemented, they should be the voice that passes on our concerns as well.
I’ll buy it because I know funcom; better the devil you know. I can expect a playable game with sand. I can also expect any PVE build zone to be paved over.
You’re part of the problem with this kind of mentality.