Isn’t it like 90 Armor and +6 Agility per piece? That’s 10 more than standard epic gear and if you are going for straight up light armor agility build with a shieldwright and bulk padding , you are looking at 40% negation and +40% damage. After they nerf skelos master, that is the top you can get for agility damage with armor.
So? just look at siptah armors, when server transfer is back you will see a lot of those on exiled lands too, and those are way cheaper to mass produce. And i never saw a complaint about the skelos armor being too cheap
The Siptah stuff lost a big chunk of their coolness with 3.0 changes. Sure it’s still nice but nowhere it was prior. I can count on one hand the things I would want from Siptah nowadays.
But since it’s not transferable it’s a moot point. Black Corsair is still one of the top light armors of EL.
Yeah silent legion and vf dragon armors rule as far as armor values. Doesn’t matter about the weight of the armor either. These two types are out of spec vs the others. I would reduce these down because of how put of pace they are with the rest. These shouldn’t be seen as the base line. Compare to standard light, medium, and heavy and their epic equivalents.
I doubt anyone like that there’s pretty much only 2 options of armors for PVP. Back in the days the options wasnt alot either, but atleast people used other gear, even mixed gear different than today.