Enemy health regen bug

Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]

Ok so enemy’s health is wonky and they just randomly regen at an alarming rate because the enemy’s just randomly de-aggro and as they do they regen health, this is SUPER ANNOYING and especially when it comes to 3 skulled bosses this happens when me and my friends are running close to each other by the way fighting enemy’s.
It’s co-op single player, settings set to descendent difficulty. And before you say what are you using we are both level 60 using powerful weapons this is no problem with normal enimes it’s the 3 skulled bosses where it’s the problem, it’s basically like we can’t back off and heal it’s a joke or the boss you spent fighting for 20 mins regen to full health like wtf lol. I’d also like to add it’s a even bigger problem when you use thralls to attack them they just attack each other for a good 2mins then they both look at each other and just stop and the enemy boss runs away to regen health while the thrall just stands and says hey that’s a good boy you do that.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.play co-op with friends and attack creatures/enemy’s
2.enemy’s just randomly de-aggro and regain health when both players are in vicinity of the same creature.


@weedelbhoy1 I think tomorrow we will find they are aware of the problem and already sent similar information into the dev team.:grinning:

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Thank you for letting me know m8 and yay I’m glad lmao the devs are good guys n gals here

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Yeah I think they are a good bunch of people and far as I know still working from home.

This is not a bug. This is a new tethering system that tethers enemies to their spawn spots and makes them return and restore HP if the player kites them too far or if the player climbs up to the inaccessible for enemy spot to cheese the fight.

I have also noticed a 3rd thing that has them “retreat”. Disengagement by the player. IE if i do not stay close to the fight (like close enough that i may get hit) my thrall will sometimes stop, and the boss will walk back to the spawn point.

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I know about that BUT what I’m talking about is a bug did you read what i said and did I say I’m cheesing the boss I didn’t so your comment makes no sense to me. So I will say again that it’s not working as intended

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“My buddy and I was killing a boss, then we deaggroed him to heal ourselves and when we returned the boss was at full HP.” Works as intended.

This has been said it is intended that is not a bug, seems wrong but its what they want!! Enjoy it, I do not!!

I am totally frustrated by this. May be the finisher for me.

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Yup, solo versus clans on official, bosses were good where they were, loot from bosses (key) usually got 2x or 3x replica weapons plus just grind but yep can now take too much time for this. Just watched boss elephant (Swagger rock) teleport and instant full health. I also believe it threw me the bird. After all this time, I have no more…time.

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Well then sir you haven’t read what I said we back off that doesn’t mean de-aggro you know you can run round them and heal but ok chief lmao

This is exactly why tethering system exist. To prevent you from cheesing the bosses.

You deaggroed the boss. That’s why the boss restored health. You may call it whatever you like: backing off, tactical retreat, run round, whatever. As soon as you leave boss’ aggro radius or climb up on a surface on which the boss can’t, you are deaggroing him.

Ok try and understand I didn’t even go that far besides it’s not that big of an issue for me anymore it’s just the fact that it was an issue before 1.12 (ps4 update btw) it appears to be working now and 1. Didn’t climb away 2. Didn’t run that far I actually ran around where the bosses spawned. It seems to be fixed now I will add but it may still be an issue just a rare one at best.

Yes I agree and I’m happy about that why cheese when you can prepare and have a fun battle. But I do stand by what I said that there is some issues but as I mention it appears to be fixed in 1.12 ps4 patch.

Normal uptick health regen is fine but a touch from the very hand of god healing isn’t right. My health did not regen at all.

Probably (just probably, never encountered this myself, and this needs testing) there is a bug that makes enemies deaggro even when the player is within an aggro radius and is on an accessible surface. But, again, this needs testing an a proper report (with a video and without unnecessary toxicity).

I agree and none of us were toxic anyway lol so yeah next time it happens if it does I’ll video it and post

Hi @weedelbhoy1, please let us know if you come across this issue again.