Enhancing PvP Diversity in Conan Exiles: A Proposal for Solo Players

Greetings fellow Exiles! :wave:

I’m writing to share my thoughts and suggestions on the PvP aspect of Conan Exiles, a game that I’ve grown to love and appreciate for its depth and intricacies. While I believe the game’s foundation is solid and well-executed, there are certain challenges I encounter as a solo player in the PvP environment that I’d like to address.

Firstly, let me express my admiration for the PvP dynamics within the game. The thrill of engaging in combat, the strategic base-building, and the ever-present risk of losing everything add a unique dimension to the gameplay. However, as a solo player, I often find myself at a disadvantage, particularly in a game tailored for group play. My real-life commitments make it difficult for me to commit to clan schedules or engage in extensive coordination with other players.

I understand and accept the inherent challenges of playing solo in a multiplayer environment, but I believe there’s room for innovation to accommodate players like myself who prefer a more solitary playstyle. While the current PvP mode offers intense clan-based warfare and base raiding, I propose the introduction of alternative game modes or features that provide solo players with meaningful PvP experiences without the need for extensive time investment in maintaining gear and resources.

One existing option, where players only lose a portion of their inventory upon death instead of everything, is a step in the right direction. However, it hasn’t been widely embraced by the PvP community, largely due to the preference for full-loot mechanics among clan-based players. I suggest exploring additional options that cater to both playstyles, perhaps through new maps, reward structures, in-game currency systems, or challenges and achievements.

For example, introducing specific PvP arenas or duel zones where players can engage in fair one-on-one combat without the fear of losing everything could provide a refreshing alternative to base raiding. Implementing a system for acquiring PvP gear and weapons without the need for extensive farming or relying on RNG drops could also level the playing field for solo players.

Additionally, I’d like to highlight an important observation regarding the need for server expansions. I’ve noticed that there are often long queues on the servers I play on, as well as on official servers. This creates challenges as many of the players in the queue may potentially be my “opponents” in the game. The limited space on the servers favors existing clans, which often engage in battles and raids against each other. This can significantly impact the experience of new players, as being solo on a PvP server can be crucial in determining whether they become hooked on the game or not.

Server queues and the significant influence of raiding on the servers, especially the official ones, can lead to considerable lag when raid activities intensify. Although this topic has been discussed on the forum before, it underscores the need for further consideration and possible solutions.

I don’t propose a complete overhaul of the PvP mechanics but rather an expansion and diversification of the existing options. By providing a variety of PvP experiences, Conan Exiles can appeal to a broader player base and retain newcomers who may be deterred by the steep learning curve of traditional base raiding PvP.

In conclusion, I offer these suggestions out of a genuine love for the game and a desire to see it evolve and attract new players. PvP in Conan Exiles doesn’t need to be changed; it needs to be refreshed, improved, and explored further. I welcome feedback and discussion on these ideas and hope to see them considered for future updates.

Thank you for your time and consideration. :+1::

Best regards, PowerCandy



There needs to be more pvp. It is here, on the forum threads, do they engage or retaliate!?!? Some sites are strict to “get permission” before any one engages in pvp.

that’s what banners could do, kinda of flips the mode

Absolutely, if you could direct me to one of those posts discussing banners, I’d be keen to join the conversation. It sounds like an interesting concept that could potentially enhance the PvP experience for solo players like myself. Thanks for bringing it up!

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A simple search didn’t return relevant messages. I’m sure there are old old necro threads that could be pointed to without opening. No need to quote them here (and now).

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For PVP this is an unlikely exploration unless it was already in the cards.

As an example, I and others have been asking for dynamic building damage for years on Officials and have received no acknowledgement even when it was introduced as a server option for Privates.

I’m an Official PVP player mostly but if you’re looking for a solo friendly experience Private servers on PC have more options. There are a few that cater to weekend raiding only for instance.

Otherwise while finding trustworthy clan mates can be a challenge I do suggest you consider it more despite your restrictions. You’d be surprised how welcoming some can be.

Thank you for your insight! I understand that official servers can have their limitations, and it’s good to hear that there are more options on private servers. However, I’m still interested in exploring possibilities for innovation and diversification, even if it may not be a priority for the developers right now. I still believe in the potential to create a more solo-friendly PvP experience on all server types, one that doesn’t necessarily involve raiding but focuses more on combat and PvP. I will continue to investigate the options and appreciate your input!

Then PVE-C might be what you need.

No building damage but the caveat/bonus is that it is set PVP battle time.

As Dzonatas said, Warbanners give this option. Players can make their own arenas and then place these down to fight.

As for discussions about them. This kind of play isn’t actually very popular. The three styles of play that have the most popularity is PVE (aka no PVP at all), PVE-C (PVP with no building damage), and PVP (full building damage).

Where players split on the last two is whether or not they wish for there to be offline raiding or not.

Thank you for your suggestion regarding PvE-C servers. While I appreciate the alternative server setup, I would like to emphasize that my intention is not to completely abandon PvP. I still enjoy and wish to participate in PvP on PvP servers, as it is an integral part of the game experience for me.

However, my concern stems from the imbalance that solo players like myself often face in PvP environments, particularly when compared to organized clans. While being part of a clan is a valid choice, it can sometimes exacerbate the challenges of playing solo. What I’m seeking are innovative ideas that can enhance the PvP experience for all players, regardless of their playstyle or group affiliation.

Ideally, these innovations would provide opportunities for engaging in PvP activities outside of raid hours without necessarily relying on clan dynamics or facing overwhelming odds as a solo player. By fostering a more inclusive and diverse PvP environment, we can encourage greater participation and enjoyment among all players.

In essence, I’m advocating for improvements and innovations that promote fair and enjoyable PvP experiences for everyone, irrespective of their in-game circumstances. I hope this provides clarity regarding my perspective.

Thank you for bringing up war-banners as an option for creating PvP arenas. I am aware of these, but my suggestion for specific PvP areas or duel zones was more aimed at providing a dedicated space for fair one-on-one battles without the risk of losing everything.

I understand that different game modes such as PVE, PVE-C, and PVP have their own followings, and that offline raiding can be a contentious issue. My aim is to explore ways in which players can enjoy PvP in a more balanced manner, regardless of their preferred game mode.

Although this may not be the most popular approach, I still believe there is room to experiment with new features and approaches that can make the PvP experience more accessible and enjoyable for all players.

I have also thought about ideas such as a reward system for fair battles, where players could earn points or currency by participating in PvP activities. These points could be used for cosmetic items or other fun things in the game. Introducing dedicated PvP events or “PvP dungeons” could also be an exciting addition, attracting new players and creating new opportunities for PvP interaction.

Furthermore, there should also be opportunities for engaging PvP activities outside of the traditional raid hours. It is important to create an environment where PvP remains interesting and engaging at all times, even outside of the most intense raid periods. This could be crucial for attracting and retaining solo players and ensuring that the PvP experience remains dynamic and varied.

I fear that the two things you are looking for are nearly mutually exclusive.

I’ll break it down a bit, and this isn’t directed at you per se but to anyone reading the topic (its an open forum). PVP at its very basics is going to have a level of unfairness. Someone is going to have a level advantage on you unless you’re 60. Even if you are, they’re going to have better gear, unless you have the best you can get. And then even still they’re going to bring more numbers.

Its the constant level of escalation, and even when you have an advantage yourself, eventually that advantage is going to be challenged. That’s what PVP is. That’s what most people are looking for when they choose PVP. They want that level of uncertainty and danger.

Now, not all PVP servers are like this. Some are more regulated, more ‘fair’ and thus have moderation. This is done so that things don’t get too out of hand. But I would say that if you (or anyone else) were into that, they’d already be playing there.

Its an interesting thing, you want the uncertainty and the danger, but only on the terms you stated, maybe even for certain hours of the day. I won’t say its wrong, but I will ask, what’s the point?

Raid hours on a typical server using them are 5 hours each day. And well you need to be online during those hours so you don’t get offline raided. That’s upwards of 5 hours a day (I don’t know if people are logged in for the full 5 hours, or just do so for part of it to make a showing of it to prevent the offlining). And thus there is only 19 more hours in the day.

If you duel for an hour or so in a day, you were on Conan Exiles for a quarter of a day.

There’s only 19 hours left over after raid hours. 8 of that is for sleeping, another 8 is for work for most. And you’re left with 3 hours that are likely not going to be spent in a video game (for most people… the rest of you, you know who you are :stuck_out_tongue: ). There’s just not going to be a whole lot of people willing to throw down and duel during non-raid times. I’m sure there is some, but enough to devote to dev time? Mmm I don’t really think so I’m afraid.

That could be adjusted by reducing the raid times, but then you’re reducing the chances people can do the thing they picked the PVP server for, the raid.

This is why Kikigirl is correct when suggesting PVE-C might be what you’re looking for. The majority of other PVPers aren’t going to be willing to give up some of what makes their servers PVP into something more akin to PVE-C.

And what exactly is ‘fair’?

When I run with my normal gaming crew. Its about half a dozen friends I’ve picked up over 4 decades. Being guess I went to AIT with, served in units with, friends from when I was growing up, etc. I’ve spent the better part of 40 years building relationships, and honing multiplayer coordination, that would feel pretty dang crappy if that was entirely mitigated in any way in a PVP setting because someone didn’t take the same time to do the same.

Someone being protected from that coordination by game mechanics, doesn’t seem very fair to me. Everyone comes from different circumstances, they have to play the cards they are dealt. In PVP that means sometimes playing a hand that sucks (again that’s why many of us play PVP, for the bad as well as the good). When I’m not playing with a full crew for example, it can be a struggle to take on a ten man group bent on wiping the map. But they can’t be everywhere at once. And they are not the entire server. A coordinated group of 10 can’t exactly stand against a allied group of 20.

When you’re solo, you’re hardly the only guy on the server who is solo. And I’m not saying you need to clan up. In fact it wouldn’t do you any good to do so. But you can coordinate through discord and make friends and alliances to pool together resources, and even if you’re not successful, you can at least mitigate the losses.

Some of the best PVP I’ve ever seen is watching the intrigue, politics, and drama play out on a server when two large clans decide to pool together and pick on everyone. Then everyone starts banding together and before you know it, you have 6 in one clan and 8 in another fighting against 3-4 clans half their size and they’re slightly outnumbered fighting for their lives while their base disintegrates and then the crap really hits the fan when some even smaller groups try to pick and steel what is being left unguarded. Oh yes feelings get hurt abound and drama is crazy, but damn is fun to play like that sometimes.

I don’t foresee changes like this coming to the game. Mainly because there isn’t really that many that want them (to be honest even the battle standards aren’t really used often) or actually use them if they were. All I can say is stay flexible. You don’t have to move to PVE-C to have fun, you just have to be willing to compromise and occasionally capitulate.

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I’m simply looking for innovative ideas to encourage PvP beyond the dominance of Brim-lake PvP, where solo players are often at a disadvantage. There must be some good ideas out there for creating more PvP opportunities outside of the Brim-lake dynamic.

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20 solo players blotting out the sun with avatars and crapping on the alphas :grin:

I see that as an issue.

I agree both to your approach and mentally.
My suggestion to this remains the same. The game could have a “Bank”. A stash that you can store 50 items or material stacks that’s impossible to loose on raids. Even in offline raids people who endured this situation wouldn’t mind that much. Let’s be honest. It’s easy to grow back in no time. Nobody can steal your knowledge. But somethings are huge grind to get them back like armorers for example.
Body vaults under mace from alt accounts is not the answer, a safe stash is. Defeat is one thing and holocaust is another. So people who want to avoid holocaust do “tricks”. Other than that a safe stash would encourage new players to play the game and enjoy the pvp thrill this game has, but the disappointment of holocaust and “cheating” from veterans is pushing away many new players. Pvp needs population to be fun.

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The PvP I’d like to see innovated is the more spontaneous and informal type, where players encounter each other in the open and fight for victory. This is the kind of PvP that occurs outside of raid hours. Unfortunately, it’s often not a fair fight, as one is frequently outnumbered and the opponent is part of a large group or clan.

It’s important for me to emphasize that I’m not talking about raid battles, we need more opportunities to fight on equal footing, without constantly being outnumbered or ambushed by large groups of players. Brim-lake PvP is a prime example of how PvP can be unbalanced and unfair, and that’s what I’d like to avoid. I want a more dynamic and exciting PvP experience that can attract more players and create fun and memorable battles.

Sure we can talk about offline raiding & Avatars but that is by all means not the major reason I am here, but I am willing to hear your PoV.

I think we might have to agree to disagree here. The type of spontaneous PVP that you are describing is actually what I believe we need more of (as in more than just over Brimstone, but many different resources and places). I mean if that was the case it could potentially alleviate the brimstone issue. But more likely you’d run into groups just in more places.

And while I do understand that solo players get shafted in these encounters, I’m glad that players do band together to gather up resources in order to pick fights. I’m not making light of your situation, but I am pointing out that the experience you are having is a indicator of good PVP happening in my opinion.

I think your solution should be found without developer intervention. Like I said before, you’re hardly the only solo player on your server. All I can say is see if others have having similar issues and then see if you guys can’t schedule a time to login and get the resources you need. You might even find such venture a bit more convenient and efficient. There’s no clanning up needed, though a certain level of trust is needed, just not on the scale of that required to clan.

I understand where you’re coming from, and I appreciate your feedback. While the idea of a “Bank” is intriguing, perhaps 50 slots might indeed be excessive. However, I believe it’s important to focus on the core issue at hand.

In my recent discussions on the forum post, I’ve become more specific about what I envision for Conan Exiles. It’s not just about the loss of loot itself but rather how it’s lost. To simplify:

Clans are understandably reluctant to lose their hard-earned loot to Avatars, which often feels like a frustrating and unrewarding experience.

On the other hand, solo players don’t want to risk losing their equipment and weapons simply by passing through Brim-lake or being ambushed by a large group of players( as an almost only option). These situations may technically qualify as PvP, but they represent the least enjoyable and engaging aspects of it.

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PVP, to put it bluntly, is not really meant for solos. There’s no imbalance happening. You say in your OP that it is a game intended on PVP to be tailored for group play. That is because it is.

Having been solo myself and with my 7K hours I’ve seen a lot. As I am sure you have as well considering you’ve been a forum member for some time.

Solo PVP is possible and of course not ideal but it is not meant to be ideal or easy.

There’s nothing really innovative about what you’re suggesting. It is a request based on your personal preferences and availability.

Having a third option isn’t wrong to propose. But consider that the team currently behind Conan are already overburdened. Think on that for a hot second.

Some of your suggestions would present egregious exploitation as well.

You have the opportunity to be on equal footing with larger clans by expanding your own clan. Otherwise if you want to remain on PVP as a solo you’ll need to seek alternative methods in your playstyle. This means a shifting of what you consider to be “PVP”; it could be not having a main base, stashing your loot in several hidden places, outfitting yourself in proper gear to be able to run or training 1 vs. 1 on Private training servers.

I’ve seen some insanely skilful solos out there. I’ve watched some PVP players 1 vs. 5 and be victorious. There’s solos out there that bring an entire server to its knees.

If you’re not familiar with ceronesthes I suggest you watch his videos. They’re very informative and maybe adjusting to his way of thinking might see that “balance” you want.

Perhaps it is not others’ perspective that should change but your own.

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I believe that one of the simplest solutions here is to increase the player count on servers (although this would also require better servers, especially since lag can already be a factor). Additionally, there could be more incentives to be in different locations on the map to spread players out.

Moreover, this doesn’t necessarily mean forcing clans apart, but rather providing them with good focal points to be separated occasionally. This could be achieved by introducing points of interest on the map that might, just might, offer some form of points or currency if tackled or farmed alone. But in your own good way as well.