Enjoy the vacation we paid for

I hope the dev team has a good time on vacation. Matter fact take as long a vacation as you’d like because I’m done with this broken mess of a game. Us ps4 players have been patient but 2 months in the game is completely unstable and there’s no end in sight. Personally I’ll never support your company again.


i don’t do this often but i will defend funcom on their lil vacation they have no choice on the matter its required by law they take off for like 30 days a year. but otherwise yea funcom is a joke game is broken to all hell fun game but just broken which is sad cuz this game man it coulda been one of the big boys still can if they get their game lined out

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When they will be back from their ‘required by law’ vacation, they will come back to the same broken game, they will have the same developers who aren’t able to fix one thing without breaking ten, and the same way of ‘communicating’ with the player base while the game slowly wanes.

It’s definitely time to move on, since this game cannot (yet, and likely not ever) offer anything that’s supposed to be long term; no PVP, no PVE, bugs and glitches galore. Whoever put up with the game through EA for so many months, and also since it ‘fully released’, you ladies and gentlemen, have my appreciation. You’re monuments of patience and understanding, my hat off to you. May you spend a long enough time with the game to see it through.


@ArhurEld that makes me sad that they can’t keep you as a customer in this game. You have shown tremendous patience from what I have seen on here. I’m gonna stick with it for now cause the game is fun again now that I’m no longer having problems with saving. But who knows when I’ll decide it’s no longer fun. Also who knows when I’ll have some game breaking glitch that causes me to move on too

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red dead 2 around the corner :slight_smile:


In all honesty, I haven’t lost as much as some of you have lost in this game, multiplayer and single player offline. I didn’t care much about the deleted orbs in the game; my bases didn’t crumble, I didn’t and still don’t have an army of thralls who died while being dragged over to the wheel of pain; no one trolled me with a forest of pillars dropped on top of resource nodes; no one used dirty tricks to bring my base down and raid me while I was offline.

And still, all these things, or most of them didn’t happen to me because of a simple reason; I avoided all the traps in which most of the legitimate players fell into while trying to play this game like a normal game; doing raids, trying to PVP, building online bases that looked tremendous with their interesting shapes, being supported by diagonal beams, going together to kill world bosses, in short, all things that are supposed to make an online game FEEL like it’s an online game.

So what did I do instead? Played offline, single player. Once I lost a few parts of my base and a couple of chests with mats I re-spawned them. When my save got corrupted I admin-leveled my character to 60 and got mats to build the base I had on my old, corrupted save file. Cheesed my way through fighting world bosses alone by using the spikes which were supposed to protect my base from a purge. And said purge I never activated since my thralls would never be able to protect it while I was offline or away.

So what does all this mean? It means I had a stilted experience, a travesty of what this game was supposed, and advertised to offer. As opposed to the players who had experience with the game since the EA days, the ones (like me) who bought the full game were lied to, pure and simple, that this game was ready enough to be launched.

I know, I have no excuse for trusting Funcom. It’s my fault. Next time I shall treat everyone like a possible scammer and not hand out my money so easily.


I do hope they enjoy their vacation and come back refreshed ready to tackle more bugs and new content etc. Vacation is important for working adults with full-time jobs. While I get your point that there is still work to do, it is a bit unfair to be upset about this. It’s not like this is a hospital where the staff taking a vacation will result in people dying…

IMO, enough of the game works for me to still enjoy the game while they have a vacation.

As an aside, the game cost a one time fee of $50. Which for many, many, working adults is an insignificant amount of money. If a player chooses to stop playing, it is not like that player is losing a fortune that will break his or her ability to pay their rent, mortgage, other bills, etc. And, if such an amount would cause a dramatic decrease in a person’s ability to survive in RL, perhaps they should not be buying video games – a purely leisurely and recreational optional activity.

Does this law also require that they all go on holiday at the same time and for a consecutive period of days?

And if not, how is this anything other than a flimsy excuse for more stonewalling?


According to Dutch law the employee is entitled to vacation days with a statutory minimum of four times the weekly working days. That is 20 days for an employee working five days a week. Parties often agree on more days than the statutory minimum. In general employers offer 24 or 25 vacation days

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Ok. And do you think this law somehow mandates that they vacate the office all at the same time and that they book consecutive days for the duration?

Or could they have actually planned this and staggered vacation times and booked multiple, shorter holidays over the year, thereby maintaining coverage for the game they are still actively selling and developing?


Why don’t all you professional Dutch lawyers quit covering for these people. I’m sorry but this is a broken game that should still be in testing. That’s it, final. You can’t tell me they didn’t know these issues existed before release. The people that are defending this kind of business are the people the enable it. Do us all a favor and quit defending gaming studios that release broken products or this will just become more common.


Customers are understandably upset that the product they bought is non-functional, Aknunsus. A large number of players report save corruption, constant item+structure deletion and lost or resetted character progress. Even those that have not had these things happen can agree this is absolutely not a state a fully released game should be in.

Enough of the game works for me as well, as of very recently, so like you I’m rather ambivalent about it all. But that seems to be pure coincidence as many still have the same game breaking issues I also had before. Your post is essentially telling those lads to get bent. $50 is trivial, but if I paid $50 for a cab ride into town and the driver kicked me out on the freeway before we got there, I’d still be mad. Even if the driver promises to finish the drive in a couple months, that’s not what I paid for. Bugs are to be expected in any software, but this is to the point of being ridiculous.

A better argument would have been to urge people to focus on clear facts to talk about, such as a post 1.0 release having a large number of game breaking errors that prevent progress period and are not being addressed in a timely manner…instead of raving about what announcements sounded like or theorizing what a guy implicated in some interview. Not that how a company behaves itself towards its customers or in general is not important, but if you stick to that it draws away from the unambiguous issues.

tl;dr don’t be so patronizing bub


Not trying to patronize anyone. I get it, customers are upset. many bugs/etc. annoy me too.
However, IMO, the anger is disproportionate to the cost. This is a $50 game, not a huge investment. Just thought I’d point that out, perhaps I could have been more clear and succinct. OP is mad that hardworking individuals are taking vacation. I think that is rather unreasonable given this is a game, even if there are some persistent bugs and kinks that still need to be ironed out.

There are valid points above regarding staggering the vacation time. They could have planned it better. But really, this level of anger at some vacation time? Game developers are people too. When robot AI start making games, we can be upset about the robots taking vacation time.


I agree, how many hours of fun did people get for the price tag yet? I myself got a good 80 hours at least and I’m still having a blast with the game, it’s a far more better ratio than going to the movie for instance.

Beside, the game isn’t dead. They release a pretty good game, flawed, but pretty good, while being understaffed and nearly bankrupt. Now that the game is getting them more income and saved their ■■■, you can believe they’ll be working on it and improving it and releasing more content for it.


I agree devs vacationing is not something to get mad about. However let me comment on the investment part: I think for most people, it’s less about money, and more about time. If you look at the angriest posts on here, it’s when somebody loses their save or a whole base or chest full of high tier gear they spent many hours working on. People value their precious and limited free time, a lot.

So when somebody gets home from work and instead of cooling down with some leisurely recreation, spends their time trouble shooting and recouping losses - or even worse, already spent many hours before they’re all invalidated, I can understand if they’re fuming. I’d wager there are few things more frustrating than making someone invest a lot of time into something before wiping it all clean. It’s why the punishment of Sisyphus having to endlessly roll a boulder up a hill just to see it fall down again is terrifying


I suppose I cannot disagree with you on the time investment argument. :wink: I too value my free time. For whatever reason, I have not experienced such setbacks due to the bugs/performance issues. But I do understand the disappointment and frustration that accompanies the loss of something you have spent a significant amount of time on. Even so, I still have a hard time finding the level of outrage exhibited in some forum threads as proportionate to the problem.

IMO many folks are just far too impatient and unforgiving when it comes to games. And Many folks will think I am just far too patient and forgiving.


Before last patch, I lost a complete savegame that I spent maybe 30h in, I also lost 4-5 hours every day for 3 days in a row. Not a single loss since the last patch, hence why I’m having a blast at the moment.

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A lot of the anger also has to do with the constant decline that companies like this push even further each game. Customers are promised one thing, and delivered something else. As people who have been life long gamers can attest to, when we bought a game it was the full game, a complete experience. Nowdays you get stuff like this, released as a “complete game” but so badly broken with half the promises unfufilled but we were still charged full price for it. And if we don’t hold their feet to the irons as it were then we can expect that the game will STAY broken as many devs have proven over recent years.


Actually, yes, it’s not the end of the world as we know it, just because this game is another failed product. There are many like it, and from famous developers and publishers too. Why the anger seems so disproportionate to the whole situation is because A LOT of players made their voices heard at the same time. See how that feels? ‘Oh my God, what are these people on about, it’s a $50 game!’ They didn’t take my $50, they took everyone’s and this is how it adds up, for the developer our money, and for us our dismay.

So it’s the number here, my friend, that’s why it all seems so crazy now; people are done with this game, patience has run out, and remember that players are fickle beings; today we’re here, tomorrow in a very different place. If Funcom thought that any reasonable person will spend an inordinate amount of time with their product, in the current state, they might have to rethink it now.

I’d really wish this Conan franchise were used by some more talented and involved people as opposed to the actual team. I don’t know, maybe Funcom will wake up one day? Even though looking at their past few months here and also their past projects, I somehow doubt it. And even if they will wake up one day, Conan will probably be a bad memory for many of us when and if that time comes.

What a shame…


Clearly u are not here since day one… Ive Checked ur profile. Thats why u think people are “Far too impatient”. This game has old bugs since the Pc EA version, wich i used to play before my old rig get burned. So 2 months already on consoles and still many Well know bugs and glitches. Are u sure people are impatient?

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