Error Code 150 need help!


i got a problem i cant run the game because of that error code 150.
i search in web and in the old forum but it still not work. And i will not install windows again.

sorry for my bad english!

I’m so sorry for the trouble you’re having!

Can you please let us know when you receive this error?

If you are still receiving this error, please save this file as “LocalConfig.xml” on your desktop. Please copy and paste this file into your Program Files for Age of Conan. You may need to overwrite the existing file.

If this does not work, I believe your best bet is going to be to contact our Tech Support through if you have not yet. This error often requires a few steps of specific troubleshooting. Thank you very much for your patience.

I have the same problem. this problem is solved easily by installing the Strange UI, I found the solution

I’m sorry that I didn’t see this post sooner. The error code 150 is indeed caused by old versions of Strange UI. This error can happen even if you’ve uninstalled the game and the addon in the past since not following the specific uninstall procedure will leave changes that can still interfere with future installs of the game.

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