Farming raw ash

We need a better way to find and collect raw ash. And one way that I have in mind is that make raw ash as a by-product from something that uses wood as a source of fuel, such as the furnace, stove, campfire. Since ash is what’s left behind after wood has been burned by fire.


IIRC, making charcoal in real life required burning wood in special kilns. Actually, having kilns actually make charcoal that you could grind into ash would make sense.

[edit] Huh. Actually, allowing kilns to burn regular wood to charcoal using dried wood or coal would enhance things a lot, IMO. And gives a reason for people to want kilns.

Burning wood for charcoal would probably be kind of slow, though. Better than nothing at all.


I’m guessing you don’t play on Siptah map? Cause we have Star Metal, Black Ice, Brimstone, Ash, Demon Blood, Gold and Silver coming out of our ears because of Storm mobs and Vaults.


I do play on Siptah. But it only make since to have ash left over after having burned wood in the objects that use wood as a fuel source. Now I’m pretty sure that most of us are aware that ash is left over after wood has been burned, even the Dev at Funcom. So why would that not be the case in Conan Exiles as well? Even some of the cave men had ash left over from burning wood in their campfires.


raw ash is the one resource I never run out of…ever. It’s like leather…gotta throw some of it away. EL its a useful biproduct of gold farming (unlike obsidan which just weighs you down) and as others have said, there are hundreds in chest in the vaults.

However I see your point. It could be a biproduct if you use wood or dried wood in the furnaces. Give it some point to use that instead of coal.

Where is your character’s base located? Because mine is no where near where there’s a abundant of raw ash for collecting. So my character has to travel a bit to get where there’s an abundant of raw ash, which is up in the volcano region.

That’s in Exiled Land, not Siptah.

So I was working on a Mod! (I failed to make a modblueprint controller) and chatting on the Discord. So I figured that the Improved Furnace (Kiln) you can burn 10x Dry Wood with 1x Oil and get “Coarse Ash”. Then you take 2x Coarse Ash and grind it down to 1x Raw Ash.

I think I’ve almost figured it out. But Maybe tomorrow if I remember.

With maprooms, your base doesn’t need to be close. I usually have a hidden maproom near bridge of betrayer. I get to volcano ob and farm my way to hidden path. I usually bag about 120-150 gold stone, over 500cawh, and just under 100 crystal…each 20 minute run…faster if you have hard worker perk. The storm and obsidian is just dropped as scrap because it weighs you down. I think just move down the mountain back to my maproom and go to my base.

What many may not know is that volcanic ash is a different chemical substance than wood ash. The “raw ash” in Conan Exiles is probably volcanic ash, considering where it’s mainly gathered.


and apparently cherished by gremlins in Siptah.

That makes since! But how ever that is not in the game right now. So that can’t be done until the devs at Funcom or a modder adds that to the game.

Interesting! How did you come by this about the game?

I’m guessing you mean “about the game”?

At any rate, it’s not a game thing. It’s a science thing.

Wood ash is burnt organic matter. Volcanic ash is basically very tiny particles of rocks and glass, which will slice your lungs up something fierce if you breath it. Volcanic ash is also a lot more dense and can collapse your roof with just a few inches of it.

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Yes! I do mean about the game since it has to do with Conan Exiles.

As a geologist, one of my biggest dreams in-game is pyroclastic flows! (or any kind of BIG and DEVASTATING environental effects).
I mean… yeah… poisonous gases, extremely small and sharp particles roaming down on you at multiple hundreds of kms per hour at more than 1000°C… Covering everything in thick layers letting noting to escape… Would be brutally beautiful!

Volcanic eruptions with lava and extreme heat (sadly 64°C is the max in the game), mentioned pyroclastic flows, snowstorms, plus the already existing meteor showers in the north + volcanic area.
Landslides, earthquakes in the nordheimer green + cimmerian areas.
Landslides (from monsun), floods, pretty bad monsuns to reduce vision in the jungle.
Sandstorms, extreme heatwaves in the desert.
Maaaan, THAT would be the true survival!
I mean just like meteors, landslides, eruptions, pyroclastic flows would be absolutely devastating to any form of life and building, nothing to defend against them, only running faaar away from them. But would be extremely rare. The others just like sandstorms would be more frequent, but not as devastating.

As for collecting raw ash: slashing serpentmen and looting their cultist clothing gives raw ash + silk if dismantled.


Somewhat off topic, but have you checked out Volcanoids? Might be of interest to you if you haven’t. Still very much an early access title, but not a bad game IMO. Active volcano + steampunk + drillships. :wink:


Then collect about ten of those mini-statues and head on over to spawning pools at the Grey One site. I went there with another player just yesterday with about 10 statues each, and together we filled an entire “Large Chest” with nothing but Raw Ash. Another 80% full large chest with Demon Blood. etc.

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Niiiiice :open_mouth:
Thanks! Will definately try out.


Yeah, it looks really good huh… And unlike some other games I know (ah-hem!), it’s actively being developed! Lots of significant updates bi/tri-annually with meaningful patches in between.

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We call it “raw a$$” on my server… just putting that out there.