Humbly requesting Ghouls in EL and an option to craft Raw Ash from Tar

So, I mostly play on single and Minecraft it up where I don’t have to pay attention to the build rules or decay timers and I make a loooot of hardened leather for outfits and compost for farming. So much that I had to start setting up a proper purge base with siege cauldrons bubbling away everywhere and trebuchets near al-Merayah with chests absolutely packed with the stuff for boulders. I still have soooo much Tar x.x idk what to do with it all!

Then I see we have 2 different crafting options to make even MORE tar and both recipes for it require raw ash. Raw ash, in my limited experience, being FAR more difficult to gather in large amounts, so it would be incredibly helpful if we could break down Tar into Raw Ash as well.

That way players who are more inclined toward crafting don’t have to go into a volcano on the farthest northern edge of the entire map and deal with the strongest thralls and extreme heat and cold trying to kill them the entire way just to acquire farming ingredients. Also not sure what chance gold drops from obsidian nodes, but I’m pretty sure you can’t get it using a sickle anyway. Bad grind altogether man, not fun. Seriously.

Also, Ichor harvesting in the Exiled Lands is a drag. Hunting down spiders and Komodos to swing a pick at is our best option and it… It just sucks. I spawned a couple puddles of ghoulish humors for my press and don’t regret it a bit. Can we please have ghouls too? Doesn’t have to be many, could just be an event, but that stomach bile is a game changer!


Wrong forum, you want to go to Conan Exiles forum.

:sweat_smile: Thanks man, I’m new here.

Players don’t want to explore the map. Perhaps you want a delivery service? Conan Prime?
I am not sure you found the right game fopr you needs :slight_smile:


Ichor can be created by keeping spiders and insects in your stable and feeding them.

Maybe that helps?

A slightly weird, but workable way to get Raw Ash is deconstructing sorcerer armor.

I got quite a lot if it that way. Not very efficient to farm it that way, but it’s a “raw ash side hustle” while you kill humans for other reasons.


Also, doing the events around the map tend to spawn creatures that provide ash. Same for the monsters that spawn during the Liu Fei ritual if I remember correctly.

Last playthrough I didn’t bother farming ash at all due to this. Still small amounts compared to what OP needs unfortunately.


It’s not even about exploring lol I’ve been there too damn much is the issue. Had to go and set up a transoporary stone since I’m there so often. The yield for ash from obsidian is just not good enough. It’s mainly about finding something else to do with stacks and stacks and stacks of tar

Corrupted spiders did actually help until I discovered ghoulish humors and shamelessly spawned a couple lol Didn’t see the harm since I’ve already purchased Siptah and paid my due to have them. I’m trying to mass produce some lotus now to prep burner golems, but that ash bottlenecks the process.

It’s tough to help someone who just resorts to spawning in what they need.

Anyone who went to Siptah first could easily have imported some. I’m not seeing a problem.

Delivery golems… u might be on to something lmfao

Can grass golems harvest obsidian nodes? Asking for a friend :laughing::rofl:

Just to be clear, my problem isn’t with resource acquisition here. Raw ash is a nuisance yes, but it’s a tolerable one. The problem is there’s actually no viable crafting option for tar if you’re in PVE. Unless you fancy covering your whole world in wells and fountains. I’m just saying it would be super nice to have something you could actually do with it aside from dumping stacks of it on the ground because you have too much already. Thought ash would be an excellent option. Especially since ash and tar are already linked to each other via 2 different alchemy recipes and the assets for them already exist, it just makes sense. Even if it’s one of those poor return type of recipes like rotten meat to ichor 20:1, bone to ichor 10:1, poop to compost 10:1, fat grubs to silk 10:1, et c. The list goes on.

Well, if you have Siptah and play on single player… Why not transfer the character to Siptah, build a base there, and return to the Exiled Lands later?

It’s a bit questionable lore-wise, but after breaking the Giant King bracelet, our character could leave and re-enter the Exiled Lands. The game mechanics stop that, as that deletes the character. But as a role-player, it would be okay to get all the items and then leave for Siptah, I think.

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Build a boat exactly alike on both msps.
Spawn a few thralls. Don’t place them on the world. Copy character. Spawn thrals on both maps. They will be exactly alike (stats may change). Dress them as sailors.
There. You RPed a way to move between maps on single player, console using copy character. When you move from one map to the other, go to the boat and copy. On pc, there are mods for it, I believe.


I actually quite like this option and definitely plan to once I get a computer to play on and can backup both maps. Sadly I’m on xbox, so I think my stuff will get deleted.

What we need is a general trader on Sepermeru whio buys everything.

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You’re a beautiful person. :slightly_smiling_face: That’s an excellent suggestion for when I buy the game again for PC and can backup both maps. Xbox right now tho

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Lmao that brings me back to the days of looting absolutely everything that isn’t nailed down in the elder scrolls to sell to merchants later. offers a couple lockpicks, some moldy bread and pocket lint walks out with 250gold

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On second thought:

Ichor is really, really easy to farm.

  1. Take your best pick.
  2. Upgrade it with a harvesting power tool kit.
  3. Go to the Executioner’s Entrance.
  4. Make your thralls wait outside.
  5. Run in, aggroing all the spiders.
  6. Run out.
  7. Kill the spiders with your thralls.
  8. Harvest the spiders.

You should get more ichor than you’ll ever need this way. The cave has two entrances, allowing you to farm both entrances in succession. Also, they’re great for farming sulphur and iron.

If you have trouble getting ichor… are you using the right tools? It requires a pick, as used to farm stone. And it should be upgraded for harvesting power, not for endurance or damage.

There are other places to farm spiders, but that cave is easy to reach and has a high number of spiders in once place.