Fatal error after launching, unable to play game

Hello, my operating system has not updated or had any driver changes since Feb 8, 2023 when I updated to GeForce Game Ready Driver 528.49. After updating my driver the game ran fine, I played every single day after that up until today at which point nothing has changed however the game will suddenly not run past the launcher any longer. The only thing which has changed is Google Chrome updated apparently while I was at work (unsure how that could affect anything, but pointing it out nonetheless).

Basically I open the launcher, hit play or continue, and the game runs perfectly fine in the background (cutscene) while I am unable to interact at all, and two prompts appear, one saying to report a bug, and another which simply has an “OK” button saying something about UE4-ConanExiles fatal error.

Here is the complete log copied and pasted from the Logs folder. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Log file open, 02/14/23 04:15:00
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.289 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Sound.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.103 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Environment.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.169 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Characters.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 5 named threads and 26 total threads with 3 sets of task threads.
LogInit: Using libcurl 7.55.1
LogInit:  - built for x86_64-pc-win32
LogInit:  - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.0.2u
LogInit:  - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.8
LogInit:  - other features:
LogInit:  CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
LogInit:  - bVerifyPeer = true  - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
LogInit:  - bUseHttpProxy = false  - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
LogInit:  - bDontReuseConnections = false  - Libcurl will reuse connections
LogInit:  - CertBundlePath = nullptr  - Libcurl will use whatever was configured at build time.
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.38a
LogOnlineTime: Real UTC time requested.
LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
 OSS:                    SteamA5B4F (Retail)
 InstanceName:           DefaultInstance
 IniPlatformName:        WindowsSteam
 OnlineEnvironment:      Unknown
LogTemp: Using NVIDIAGfeSDKPlugin version 1.0.0
LogModManager: Starting mod runtime module.
LogInit: Build: ue415-dw-osl-CL-454469.0
LogInit: Engine Version: 4.15.3-454469+ue415-dw-osl
LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.15.0-454469+ue415-dw-osl
LogInit: Net CL: 454469
LogDevObjectVersion: Number of dev versions registered: 14
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Blueprints (B0D832E4-1F89-4F0D-ACCF-7EB736FD4AA2): 8
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Build (E1C64328-A22C-4D53-A36C-8E866417BD8C): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Core (375EC13C-06E4-48FB-B500-84F0262A717E): 2
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Editor (E4B068ED-F494-42E9-A231-DA0B2E46BB41): 15
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Framework (CFFC743F-43B0-4480-9391-14DF171D2073): 23
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Mobile (B02B49B5-BB20-44E9-A304-32B752E40360): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Networking (A4E4105C-59A1-49B5-A7C5-40C4547EDFEE): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Online (39C831C9-5AE6-47DC-9A44-9C173E1C8E7C): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Physics (78F01B33-EBEA-4F98-B9B4-84EACCB95AA2): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Platform (6631380F-2D4D-43E0-8009-CF276956A95A): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Rendering (12F88B9F-8875-4AFC-A67C-D90C383ABD29): 12
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Sequencer (7B5AE74C-D270-4C10-A958-57980B212A5A): 3
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-VR (D7296918-1DD6-4BDD-9DE2-64A83CC13884): 0
LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-LoadTimes (C2A15278-BFE7-4AFE-6C17-90FF531DF755): 1
LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Jan 20 2023 09:02:43
LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.00.24215.01
LogInit: Build Configuration: Test
LogInit: Branch Name: ue415-dw-osl
LogInit: Command line: -BattlEye
LogInit: Base directory: E:/Steam/steamapps/common/Conan Exiles/ConanSandbox/Binaries/Win64/
LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 0
LogInit: Nativized: No
LogInit: Presizing for max 10000000 objects, including 42000 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 13000000 bytes for permanent pool.
LogStreaming:Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: true
LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:781][  0]LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [WindowsNoEditor]
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget:33.3 -> 33.3]]
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogInit: Computer: [76614958b373aaeed7d2bf2e6c5f9643]
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogInit: User: [0280e8f73f3663a0d747c7534a1c2a67]
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogInit: CPU Page size=65536, Cores=8
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=31.9GB (32GB approx)
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 271.46 MB used, 271.46 MB peak
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 356.48 MB used, 356.48 MB peak
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 5883.98 MB used,  26806.97 MB free, 32690.95 MB total
[2023.02.14-09.15.02:789][  0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 5832.80 MB used,  26806.97 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
[2023.02.14-09.15.04:362][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific translations for ('en-US') exist, so ('en') translations will be used.
[2023.02.14-09.15.05:162][  0]LogD3D11RHI: D3D11 adapters:
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:311][  0]LogD3D11RHI:    0. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti' (Feature Level 11_0)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:311][  0]LogD3D11RHI:       8038/0/16345 MB DedicatedVideo/DedicatedSystem/SharedSystem, Outputs:2, VendorId:0x10de
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:437][  0]LogD3D11RHI:    1. 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver' (Feature Level 11_0)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:437][  0]LogD3D11RHI:       0/0/16345 MB DedicatedVideo/DedicatedSystem/SharedSystem, Outputs:0, VendorId:0x1414
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:437][  0]LogD3D11RHI: Chosen D3D11 Adapter: 0
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:442][  0]LogD3D11RHI: Creating new Direct3DDevice
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:442][  0]LogD3D11RHI:     GPU DeviceId: 0x2489 (for the marketing name, search the web for "GPU Device Id")
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:442][  0]LogWindows: EnumDisplayDevices:
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:442][  0]LogWindows:    0. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti' (P:1 D:1)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:442][  0]LogWindows:    1. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti' (P:0 D:1)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:442][  0]LogWindows:    2. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti' (P:0 D:0)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:443][  0]LogWindows:    3. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti' (P:0 D:0)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:443][  0]LogWindows: DebugString: GetVideoDriverDetailsInvalid PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter GetVideoDriverDetailsInvalid PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter GetVideoDriverDetailsInvalid PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter GetVideoDriverDetailsInvalid PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter FoundDriverCount:0 
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:443][  0]LogD3D11RHI:     Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:443][  0]LogD3D11RHI:   Driver Version: Unknown (internal:Unknown, unified:Unknown)
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:443][  0]LogD3D11RHI:      Driver Date: Unknown
[2023.02.14-09.15.06:443][  0]LogRHI: Texture pool is 1361 MB (70% of 1945 MB)
[2023.02.14-09.15.07:307][  0]LogD3D11RHI: Async texture creation enabled
[2023.02.14-09.15.07:324][  0]LogD3D11RHI: GPU Timing Frequency: 1000.000000 (Debug: 2 2)
[2023.02.14-09.15.07:872][  0]LogSlate: Using Freetype 2.6.0
[2023.02.14-09.15.07:882][  0]LogSlate: SlateFontCache - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1
[2023.02.14-09.15.07:882][  0]LogSlate: SlateFontCache - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:495][  0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.3792 seconds to start up
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld project: ConanSandbox
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld configuration: ConanSandbox.Client.VS2015.Live.Win64
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld platform: x64
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld revision: 454469
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld snapshot: 36114
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld branch: exiles-stable
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Platform (.ini): <unknown>
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: Platform: WindowsNoEditor
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:581][  0]LogDreamworld:Display: .ini sub-platform prefix: WindowsSteam
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:592][  0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 6 localized package path(s) for 2 prioritized culture(s) in 0.005665 seconds
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:603][  0]LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size is 1000.00 MB
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:866][  0]LogNetVersion: GetLocalNetworkVersion: CL: 454469, ProjectName: conansandbox, ProjectVersion: , EngineNetworkVersion: 2, GameNetworkVersion: 0, NetworkChecksum: 1606751397
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:866][  0]LogNetVersion: GetLocalNetworkVersionOverride: NetworkChecksum: 1575529746
[2023.02.14-09.15.08:998][  0]LogMoviePlayer: Initializing movie player
[2023.02.14-09.15.10:003][  0]LogGameTweakSystem:Display: Fetching Build overrides from FLS...
[2023.02.14-09.15.10:003][  0]
Script stack log empty!

[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 741.06 MB used, 741.06 MB peak
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 860.03 MB used, 860.04 MB peak
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 6151.59 MB used,  26539.36 MB free, 32690.95 MB total
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 55969.09 MB used,  26539.36 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: 
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: 
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000008
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: 
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:967][  0]LogWindows:Error: 
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:987][  0]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:988][  0]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2023.02.14-09.15.11:988][  0]Log file closed, 02/14/23 04:15:11

Try this, maybe it helps:

Thanks, your solution works. It appears the problem has to do with the windows firewall blocking network access of the game. I simply allowed it through the firewall and now it works once more. Appreciate the feedback!

Is there a workaround for players on GeforceNow?

So, I had this issue. Tried everything to fix it. Nothing worked. I just tried logging in and got the game to launch. There was no patch or hotfix. I guess if this happens again, its just a matter of continuously trying to log in until it works.

Go to Windows Defender Firewall.

Control Panel → System and Security → Windows Defender Firewall

Click Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall

Then make sure that the boxes beside Conan Exiles and the ConanSandbox.exe apps have a check mark.

Thanks everyone for this, i’ve been watching and trying to get online for 6 hours. Looks like its been fixed, but i did the work around and such, and it didnt work first time (but it did after the mod list was verified and steam logout and log back in ETC… Anyway looks like its all fixed :slight_smile: TYVM for the community support!!!

Yes, this was already done when this issue first occurred a while back. As it turns out, Funcom’s update didn’t provide a fail check for the game launcher and the game would just crash.

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