Fatal error right after character creation on PC. Probbabbly mod order. [SP/MOD]

Hello dear Exiles and everyone else!
I must say I need your help badly. My game is crushing right after I create my character.
I am trying to run Single Player, heavily modded instance of the game on PC. I guess it has something to do with my MODs order. Please help me anyway you can. I will be more than grateful for any pointers, as I am not great at modifications stuff but I really want to play them. Mostly for building stuff and additional dungeons. :slight_smile:

This is my modlist in exact order:

And this is the error I am getting: (remove 3 spaces)

ht tps://ibb. co/ 9YdDknJ

Please help anyway you can. :slight_smile: will really appriciate this! :stuck_out_tongue:

That is one serious set of mods you have going there - am taking it that the machine you’re running it all on has a ton of memory and storage?

As tedious as it is, you should just add a mod, restart game, check if works. If it does, then add next mod, and repeat.

Very slow and very tedious.

I would suggest checking the mod pages as they do sometimes list mod load orders and which other mods it works with, but since you are playing Solo, these orders may not be the same.

Best best would be as above: load- restart game - test - and repeat.

I am surprised you do not have the PIPPI mod? If you get it, put it at the very top of your list. Then here’s a load order you can try. If you don’t use PIPPI, you can start by trying Stacksize at the top of the list:


Add these before any other of your mods that add new items to the Resource/Gear/Building/Other lists:

move all these mods to the end of your list so that they load last:

and make this the last mod in load order.

With so many mods, you will need to check how often they are updated and whether they were updated since the big Update this tear - if they have not, check their discussions for feedback. If not being maintained then remove.

Good luck! :smiley:

In the Mod folder there is a file called modlist.txt
it’s just a text file so any editor like notepad can edit it.

It tells the game to load mods, if you make a backup of that file, you can then cut and paste the mods one at a time.

It will let you do as @Grymm suggested just slightly less tedious because you’ll only need to restart once per mod.

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