Favourite THRALL and most sought after THRALL

In all the time that has passed since they introduced T4 thrall specializations, I’ve never, ever had a bladesmith. I’ve given up on that goal.


Just farm conan city i got at least 3 funny thing i cant find the durability one to make repair kits ,go figure

Haha… funny that…
In my previous playthrough it took me 3 attempts, because in the first 2 encounters I had with them… my thrall was already doing the killing blow on him by the time I noticed the healthbar… (can imagine how that felt lol)…
But the third time around I managed to catch the Cimmerian one Vulfeles the Hammer :smiley:

Now I’m in a new game though with slow progression and I’m nearing max level so I started farming all of them so that by the time I can craft star metal stuff I’ll have one handy…
This time though I am ready… I added a feature to my mod that will make any following thralls immediately switch to truncheons when I press a hotkey (it’s soooo nice btw playing with that feature), however now that I am prepared… they refuse to spawn :man_shrugging: It’s like they KNOW…

Bowmaker is the other one I am looking for… and for me that’s the one that I never ever seen yet.


I did that for a while, never got one. I only ever got tempersmiths there, but I normally farm the highlands for Beri, because it’s usually easier to get her to spawn than to get a T4 blacksmith in Sepermeru.

Farm the highlands, get Beri to spawn. My circuit is Nordhof, Meadowwatch, New Asagarth, rinse and repeat, with an occasional visit to Freya’s Hovel to break the monotony.

Anyway, I’m gonna stop talking about that, because we’re going off on yet another off-topic tangent here :smiley:

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My base is around New Asgarth atm so I’ve been doing a New Asgarth (with all the tiny camps around) → Cimmerian mounds → back to Asgarth → Black Galleon runs… plenty of blacksmiths… just all the wrong ones :smiley:


It’s true, this thrall can do insane things alone.

With these few lines you spoke for me.
These 2 thralls are by far the most trusted male thralls in game for me too.
I explained a lot of times that i use zero Authority points.
I only tested Authority after 3.0 for a couple of weeks, because all my other thralls except these 2 and the surge ones were lost in difficult situations and believe me, i love difficult situations and i do the best i can to bring my self in to these.
So in order to keep my thralls alive, i sucrifice 2 authority points corrupted. I may lost vitality and grit but i could play light armor. I know that it sounds silly but it’s not.
Corrupt 2 perks on authority your followers (fighter-horse) split the damage you accept, so the vitality loss is covered.
Then light armor helps on stamina regen and your horse allows you to play 49% encumbered, since it carries for you.
They go frenzy, so your fighter hits harder and your horse avoids easier damage, wich means, your horse may stay alive until the end :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

After 3.2 i changed to No thrall at all! Ofcurce i take sometimes thralls with me to be trained,
i need 5 or 6 fully leveled to help me protect my base and in purges i use my fridges that are full with low pets for extra protection, 90% of them die and the rest are free to return on lands (break bonds). On Siptah i use tcho tcho for purges a lot and Tchumba? I think you get me here. When they die i gain??? mmmm yummy :joy:.

Now let’s go back to Urlich and Spinas!
I do get the numbers, i totally understand them and i highly respect them, but…
I play careless for my thralls
I give them ONLY gruel and the best possible gear i can give, but cheap too.
I use ZERO authority points.
I enter in fights without caring about them.
So how do i understand what thrall is better or not?
1st they returned back home
2nd do they still have gruel and if they have, how much?
3 i order mu thrall to attack the easy and i go in hard.
Dalinsia? I have to kill the hard and go help her kill the easy ones.
Spinas? He finish the job and comes to help me to finish the hard one.
Gruel 400. Dalinsia comes back with zero and sometimes in the way i have to cook for her and heal her on the way
Spinas comes back with 150 gruel at least.
Soooo numbers? No thank you.
So far, after 3.0 20 Dalinsias died in the way.
Spinas none
Urlich none
Surge thralls, a couple low level archers, but fighters none
Named bearers? They are bearers, they always wait for you to go and kill for them, but fo they die? No.
I speak only for my playstyle and what i experience so far.
So don’t listen to me, listen the numbers, it’s safe. But i won’t listen to numbers, i am barbarian, i don’t know how to count :rofl:.


So far what I learned is that @stelagel is playing a special edition of Conan Exiles where magical beings alter the formulas and math the game uses :slight_smile:
Btw, may I ask… those Dalinsias you dislike… what weapon did you actually give them? :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t dislike Dalinsias :grin:.
@Oduda is my friend, why should i name her on a thrall that i dislike. But i name every thrall after lvl 20, not before.
My lvl 20 thralls never go out again, they relax in my house, our house, it’s a house for all my friends in here :grin:.

It will be tough who i will name after the Darfari, i’ll see. But trust me even a @Xevyr will enter the ship. In time.

Grey greatsword
Dragon bone armor from the best in time armorer.
This is a new beginning in Wak’s server (Official rules), i let everything mine on official servers to decay, on 8080 i lost everything from the early decay bug, but it’s ok.

I know mace performs better in times, but i love my habits :wink:.
It’s cheap gear i don’t care to loose and it’s good enough for them


Awwww that’s so sweet! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ll be the annoying one that doesn’t follow commands :slight_smile:

Yea, that works :man_shrugging: and yes maces perform better especially against bosses, but 2h swords are okay for mowing down lots of tiny humans :smiley:

I was just joking, because you seem to be hellbent on ignoring information and want to insist that numbers must be incorrect :smiley:

Aside from all this though, I’d like to point out that just because there are lists and numbers and better thralls and weapons, does not mean you NEED to play those :slight_smile:
Play whatever you like, if you want to get a Nordheimer Exile I and slap a legendary spear on them (like I have) then do that.


I like that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

However I also like to try out some different things and holy hell using this new system and sorcery, you can really make yourself and your thrall OP as hell, this was done on Siptah and the setup could easily be done on EL, The Judge and a lot of other hard ones on Siptah went down insanely fast :grin:
I’ll let the 3 images below speak for themselves, although I will mention that my thrall had 1989 in armor value :star_struck:


No. To what i insist is that what Jim find a couple years ago is not the same anymore, i believe devs changed it but didn’t release it still for the rest to see.
Here’s my example!
Sunday afternoon is the worst hour to play Conan exiles online in my area, my internet connection is so lousy that i constantly lagging no matter what.
There for i decide to make a Lemurian sourge, the most fatal in my opinion that you need excellent performance to stay alive both you and your thrall…
So. As i said when the dagon boss came…

I died 3 times until i get my loot back, so you can calculate with PlayStation 4, low connection, spawn in bed, travel to shrine, wait to loose some coruption, go there die and again…
How long this poor archer stay alone with a truncheon only getting hits from the dagger boss, the one fish guy that doing the sonic attack, 2 other fish guys simple and 2 archers on her…
Yet after all this time…

Yes she survived.
After 3.0 my friend @Xevyr this has only one way to say it, miracle!
These are her ending stats and that’s exactly the reason she survived

Look at her grit, she is an archer yes, but a beast she is.
I decided to name her @Talyna.
She will definitely not die no matter what. I know she is a Darfari (sorry Tal) but she is both pretty and really strong.
My friend, no normal thrall would endure what this Darfari archer endured, none.
Now, who will be @Xevyr?

I will not post again for these, it’s a purge conversation and for purge it must remain. But i need you to understand why i am asking you these things. Something is not right in the numbers, i really hope you understand me, i don’t have illusions, i just play, observe and share , nothing more.
I am just a player, you are special!

Edit. This will be @Xevyr


Doh… like… I dunno who Jim is, but I can guarantee that the data they found years ago is no longer accurate :smiley: It’s been changed a thousand times… These things are only ever relevant as long as they are updated.
So right now when it comes to thralls and their stats… MY spreadsheet is the accurate one… it’s more accurate than the wiki currently or anything else, because it’s from data directly exported from the CURRENT version of the game - as in, I actually updated it for Chapter 2 when that came out.
However if Chapter 3 comes along and they happen to change something and I happen to not update that, then all of a sudden it becomes useless :smiley: Sadly that’s how these things work.

So no, the numbers Jim found years ago are more likely not relevant anymore.

There is an AILOD mechanic to this game. Whenever players aren’t around a certain area, the AI is suspended completely, in the case of crafting stations a “catch-up” mechanic is used afterwards, but while you were running back, if nobody else was around, your thrall wasn’t actually fighting or taking any damage and you could’ve taken your sweet time and still come back to the same result. so it wasn’t because they somehow have a higher health regen.

I’ll update my cloned version :joy:

No no, this is the thrall thread, the purge one is the other one :smiley: But I guess we were slightly off-topic in both.

Uuuuh, look at that :open_mouth: I’m a purge fighter! Make sure I eat plenty of Gruel! :slight_smile:


These are messages that mostly go as off topic and get the flags​:rofl::rofl::rofl:.
No my friend Menis, we do not flirt in here. Not that the ladies in here are not gorgeous who deserve flirting, but we don’t. We are all gaming friends sharing love. No matter the sex, we are all gamers and it’s a huge thing. In here, male, female, gay, we are all one.
As we should be. Free from taboos, politics, religions, nations, colors, whatever creates gaps between us.
One family :blush:.



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Ok, so my alter ego is a survivalist, who needs alcohol to survive the day and angry at this…
So, two points right and one false to the real Taly…
Guess which… :joy:
Oh, and I’m definitely no saint! :face_with_peeking_eye: :innocent:

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It is not offtopic as long as you are renaming thralls as yourselves.


My two thralls, Not Spartacus and Also Not Spartacus.

And here we have Arnos of Cimmeria. If you find him, you can have your own Conan look-alike.


I would not have mistaken either of those thralls for Spartacus.

I’ve been renaming and re-shaping Janos-clones since he seems to be the most common fighter thrall available from the Witch Hunt slaver. Still haven’t found a Dalinsia on Siptah - neither as a bought slave or as the Accursed version in the camps, so I guess she’s the most sought-after thrall for me at the moment. I’ll need to up my game now that we know when Chapter 3 is going to hit.


My favorite Thralls:

  • Lianeele :heart:.
  • Lesteret the Unsung Hero :muscle:.

My wish list:

  • Rabid Milly :heart:.