Favourite THRALL and most sought after THRALL

I think there’s an issue with Arnos. The game randomizes his looks a bit, like every thrall. He didn’t look like Arnold at all when I saw him. So… maybe they need a set look that doesn’t vary. It was actually pretty disappointing to see him and not actually see Arnold. I instantly dumped him, because he’s not very good, and the only reason to have him is to have an Arnold. If he doesn’t look like Arnold, it’s pointless.

Dude, I know. :smiley:

Every time I create a new character – and I do that several times a year – one of the things I do is I go looking for a tempersmith so I can craft kits. So I spend several days farming the spots you mentioned.

In all the time since they introduced the crafter specializations, I’ve gotten plenty of tempersmiths and edgesmiths, but not one single lousy bladesmith.

Why do you think I hate RNG with a passion? :laughing:


Oh, yes.


:heart_eyes:Kathibria Featherstep :heart_eyes:

First one I get, and Ive not lost one yet.


Ohh look, I’m reviving a old topic…

I summon the…


Cannibal Brute with some decent armour (1880) and great stats, see for yourself.
Gave her the Hanuman’s Gada… and trust me… she bonks.

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Another interesting little quirk is the damage modifier that everyone had a fit over.

The Darfari fighters Cannibal Brute, Thugra, and the Ritualist all are at the top with 3.12, 429 Starting Health, 59.64 health/vitality
N-Batu, who is also a Darfari fighter, is sitting at 1.56, 1092 Starting Health, 78.43 health/vitality.

Is it possible they were all supposed to get N’Batu like stats, but there was a mistake somewhere? I say yes. These are, after all, supposed to be low level fighters.

When, not if, but when, they do correct this error, we will see a large amount of complaining on the forums. I happen to be part of the group that did not embrace this obvious error, and replace everything with these thralls.

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Suddenly, a chill hit my spine.

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When is the last time you saw her @speedice ? I have forgotten she existed!

I was doing a regular challenge in my sp and i went up there to dress up. Of course she had to spawn at this time :confused:. But anyways, is she the same like Mei the blade or different?

She’s an archer, and similar to Alren Storm. I haven’t seen either in a long time.

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No, it’s not :slight_smile:

N’Batu is actually not part of the Darfari faction… yes their race is darfari, but they’re actually part of the Dogs of Desert faction, which is more of a mid-tier faction… and given that he’s sporting a fine ancient spear, I’m pretty sure he hits just as hard as a darfari when you go there to fight him as a player.

As for what I think happened and why the cannibals have such high multipliers, I mentioned that a couple of times around here, but I’ll repeat again:

I don’t think we’re talking about a bug here at all. I am almost certain that all these changes were made intentionally, because they make perfect sense in a specific context.

These values were NOT balanced with thralls in mind, they were balanced exclusively in the context of PvE enemies and in relation to the weapons and equipment they’re using.
The Darfari have a high melee multiplier, simply because they use stone weapons with 5-6 damage on them, so Funcom decided how much damage they would like players to take from these NPCs and then used the multiplier to make up for the difference…

Most likely they either initially overlooked the fact that these multipliers will be inherited by captured thralls where players can change their weapons - or they knew beforehand and decided they’re still okay with the compromise, since their initial HP is very low - and they addressed this by setting the default server setting of thrall damage output to 50% to somewhat compensate for the new buffs NPCs individually got.

This server setting change actually might have been enough under normal circumstances, however the biggest part that skyrocketed thrall damage output is actually the new increased base damage values on legendary weapons. That, along with all the feedback and information about how rerolling perks makes darfari quite tanky on top of being high damage (so they can’t really be called “glass cannons” anymore) will most likely lead to them getting some form of nerf in the future :man_shrugging:


I don’t want a nerfing to the Darfari. I waited so long to see them strong as all the others. Strength doesn’t follow culture or race. It’s correct to be as strong as the others and fair.
And it doesn’t have to do with difficulty of gain or rarity. If this was the case then the volcano thralls and the purge thralls should be stronger than all the rest. Not to mention that Teimos was the best thrall for three years.
I vote in favor for Darfari and dogs of the desert!


I don’t particularly either :man_shrugging:

I’m just pointing out that given how everybody and their grandmother seems to think it’s a “bug” there’s a good chance they’ll backtrack and call it a “bug” in one of their patch-notes like they’re known to do with other things that flop after release :stuck_out_tongue:

Wak even made a video about how there’s no point getting darfari because it’s most likely a bug and they’re going to be useless in the next patch (and yes, despite him being wrong about things more times than right lately… he’s still one of the CE content creators and the relevant Funcom employees watch those as part of their job)…

Personally I think thralls would be fine if they didn’t overdo the legendary buffing and the Wildlife and world boss nerfing like they did… :smiley: If it was up to me, I’d tune those instead.


As far as I go, I don’t necessarily require named thralls although occasionally they can be beneficial.
But usually, first and foremost is usually a cook, then an alchemist (use to be anyway), any level as long as their do their job to make living a little easier.

Tbh I feel the darfari, as they are, are Balanced.
People are fixating on the potential end product and not the extra steps required to reach that end product.

Darfari are easy to get but so are zerkers and dalinsia. Zerker has a guaranteed spawn on both maps and Dalinsia has a guaranteed spawn on siptah plus super easy to get with obolus on EL.

Darfari start with very low hp and must be babysat to a degree that isn’t required for new zerkers and dalinsias. Darfari also end with around 2kish hp at 20 (give or take based on rng) without counting perks. This requires rerolling their perks to get them to be as tanky as a dalinsia who hasn’t been rerolled.

There’s alot of extra work that goes into getting them to this point and i think that makes their power level fine as it currently is.

I’d also like to note that new players essentially don’t have access to darfari as the best thrall in game early on because new players don’t have the resources or knowledge to invest and keep one of these alive long enough for it to become said best thrall. It takes an experienced or end game player to do this and that is very acceptable for its power level.


First of all, thank you, I did know that N’Batu is a member of the Dogs. I also know that in order to get someone with a reasonable and honest theory on why a change was made, instead of the majority of whiny baby replies, it sometimes requires a little fiction to draw it out. My apologies.

Your theory is well thought out, and makes perfect sense due to the weapons of the Darfari and their placement in the Exiles world. I also happen to think it’s wrong.

The Exiles are far weaker than the Darfari, and use the same crappy weapons. However, their multipliers sit around 2. If it was to adjust for PvE enemies, then why isn’t their multiplier higher? Their starting health is 200 points higher, and their health/vitality is less than half. Granted, they do start at 15 Vitality. But they are still the lowest level faction.

The Dogs are mid-tier, and their multiplier hovers around 1.50. Shouldn’t theirs be closer to 2-2.25. I am asking basically because the weapon quality is better than stone, but is still low level comparatively.

In order to make that theory conform to the entire NPC list, the modifier should be decreasing as the factions’ weapon choice gets better. But, that would mean that the higher faction thralls, who require greater risk to obtain, would be the weakest followers. That is backwards.

No, this was a mistake. I would be more inclined to believe someone fat fingered 3.12 instead of 2.31 or 2.13. I believe you are right that a nerf is coming to the Darfari. I believe that all those people that bought into the change, and have stocked their bases with Beastmaster Teimos, sorry, Cannibal Brutes are going to be taking to their keyboards to announce their displeasure that yet another massive nerf has killed the game.


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OMG you didn’t say it …

Guys, what the hell are you talking about ?
Darfari are not AS STRONG as the others. They are WAY STRONGER.

Higher base multipliers.

higher growth rate (not chances):

  • Every point in VIT makes it gain x3 the amount of HP than a Berserker.
  • Every point in STR makes it gain double the amout of bonus dmg than a Berserker.

They level WAY faster and are easier to capture …

Where the f**k did you see a balance in this ?

There is balance my friend. You are only mistaken because you believe that…

Not even close. And let me give you a really friendly advice. Do not go without authority points with Darfari warriors in the well of Skelos. You’ll simply regret it.

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I’ll stick with Lian…
Easy to lvl up. Hits hard. Takes Alot.
And always easily replaceable!!

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No, excuse me, that is simply impossible:

you’re saying that a lv.20 Cannibal Brute is not stronger than a lv.20 Cimmerian Berserker ?

Let’s start with this: Conan Thrall Stats - Updated A2C2 - Google Sheets

Health: 429 (+59.64 x VIT)
Melee: 3.12 (+0.825% x STR)
Ranged: 2.88 (+0.825% x AGI)

Health: 2549 (+35.57 x VIT)
Melee: 2.24 (0.4% x STR) (10 Starting STR)
Ranged: 2.08 (0.4% x AGI)

not counting starting VIT for berserkers cause it’s already included in starting HPs.

Let’s consider a lv.20 with an average +30 in all stats

Brute: 429 + (59.64 x 30) = 429 + 1.789 = 2218
Berserker: 2549 + (35.57 x 30) = 2549 + 1067 = 3616

Brute: 3.12 + (0.825 x 30) = 3.12 + 24,75% = 3.8922
Berserker: 2.24 + (0.4 x 30) = 2.24 + 12% = 2.5088

I won’t make maths for ranged (cause it SHOULD be stupid considering range with fighters) even tho atm they make better archers than archers… and this alone should be enough to understand this balance is wrong.

ALSO do notice that with more health (like 60 - which is totally doable) the difference is even more evident:

Brute: 429 + (59.64 x 60) = 429 + 3.578 = 4007
Berserker: 2549 + (35.57 x 60) = 2549 + 1067 = 4.683

Brute: 3.12 + (0.825 x 0) = 3.12
Berserker: 2.24 + (0.4 x 0) = 2.24

And I’m not even counting the +20 stats from Authority 4th perk.

Basically, Berserkers have more health (not much, as Brutes tend to close the gap) but Brutes have WAY more damage.

Also, again, they level up WAY faster (like 4 times faster) and are easier to get.