Favourite THRALL and most sought after THRALL

Please don’t wiki me, i beg you.
If you want to test it your own, take a cannibal brute without authority points in the volcano and give him a truncheon to knock out a simple Kisthis. Rip.

Ps. For a moment i lost the control of fight with a cannibal brute on the well of Skelos and she died before i even understand it. See your self!

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But … what scenario is even that ?
Who goes to the well of skelos with a cannibal brute with a truncheon and without authority points ?

is like saying: take your darfari fighter I, get him to lv.20, give him epic weapons and armors and unleash him in the exiles camp. See ? He’s invincible !

Me! But this is not the point. The point goes to how good your brute will be on a lvl X purge. When your thralls defend your base you cannot apply authority points to all. So the good thralls can only be tested if they follow you without authority points. The hammer stygians on a lvl 10 purge will melt your brutes before you even understand Johnny.
Exile to exile, i am not trying to argue with you, i am sharing my experiences to you my friend, nothing else. Cannibal brutes are really good thralls, not even close to best however.

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and I appreciate that … but if they melt brutes, they should melt cimmerian berserkers as well.

On lv.20 and same stats they have roughly +50% health … so how much longer can they survive ?
If, let’s say, a Brute goes down in 2 swings, a berserker goes down in 3.

But I didn’t tested purges that far, I admit it.

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Favorite thrall at the moment is Cormag. I have two of him and two of Sonja.

I miss Teimos still tbh, but that goes hand in hand with the Sword of Crom. :weary:

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I am still testing them as well, i cannot say for sure. I have a relic hunter with low stats but she feels nothing, go figure :rofl:.
We must talk to each other, to help each other, there is no best player in here, we are all the same, exiles :metal:

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There’s probably no “best” thrall, and the TE didn’t ask for that, either, but for our “favorites”.

Some thralls really shine with the Well Trained perk. Others are sh… without very good equipment or at higher levels. Some are fast to level and/or easy to get, but a bit weaker in the end.

The Cannibal Brute as well as the Cimmerian Berserker have their strenghts. The Brute is near useless without levels and/or good equipment, while the Berserker comes pretty powerful right out of the Wheel of Friendship, even including a good weapon.

So… no “best” thrall in general, just “best” thralls for specific use cases, if any. And this thread is just about favorites and most sought after.

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@stelagel & @JohnnyWylder, you are both right to some extent :slight_smile:
It is absolutely true that T4 Dafari fighters can reach the highest damage output, but as Stelagel explains, damage output isn’t everything in all situations and especially not when thralls are on guard.

I remember devs saying when thrall levelling was introduced way back, they wanted all thralls to be a viable option, and for a long time they weren’t.
It was always Relic hunters, cimmerians, vulcano thralls and the odd Teimos and to some extent a Lian, pretty much everyone else were not worth it they sucked in all areas.
Heck even way back from full release of CE, they were by far the best overall thralls, especially the Sepermeru captain.

I can see where they are trying to go with thralls, the biggest problem is that wild npc is in many areas tied to thralls, buff or nerf one thrall type a bit much and you may get an imbalance with the npc it comes from, that is one of the biggest problems with changes to thralls/npc’s.
It’s sort of like in pvp with weapons/combat changes, there will always be a meta, so the question is…
Do we really want to have all thralls thrown up into the air and see how they land once or twice a year?

I think a lot of players are getting tired of scrapping levelled thralls because they suddenly aren’t good anymore, it takes a hell lot of time to level a bunch of new thralls all over.

Again back to the current system which isn’t perfect, but at least even a T4 exile is now a viable option, maybe not the best, but still useful, heck even a bearer can in some situations be a viable option to assist you in combat besides being your mule.
Also please notice that out of the box, a cannibal brute is pretty much useless, it only gets 15 attribute points when first placed and has very low hp while many T4 from higher factions come with 45 attribute points and a much higher hp before you start levelling them, this creates a variety of viable options between the factions.

Is it perfect? Hell no it isn’t, but it sure beats the previous systems where you only had a handful of thralls that by far were superior in every possible situation.
Personally I would love to see a system where thralls from any faction had a chance to become the best.
A system where thralls from higher factions only had a higher chance to get really good initial stats before levelling and thralls from lower factions still had the same possibilities, just a lower chance of it happening.
Perhaps even let them level at same speed no matter their faction because why is that even a thing other than to make you grind even more before seeing if it becomes a thrall you want to keep?

Let’s face it, Berserkers and up until now RHTS have been the top tier thralls, and saying that it is only fair because the higher tier are so much harder to get at low level is simply nonsense, a fairly experienced player can easily knock out the lonely wandering berserker with a low tier truncheon, it just takes a lot of time, but he will eventually fall.

Despite me not liking the constant changes that ever so often force you to redo a lot things, I do however like the current changes to thralls, more of them are now a viable option for different situations :slight_smile:

I also like the changes to legendary weapons and I would even go as far as to say that I wouldn’t mind thralls from certain factions to perform better with faction weapons and perhaps certain thralls prefering certain weapon types giving them a bonus when using them.
But here is where it gets really crazy… WAIT FOR IT…
I would love if legendary weapons and armor would only be for players and not work on thralls, so that craftable weapons would become a useful thing again… :grin::smirk::no_mouth::scream:Missing running emote!


You got my vote for both points.


Now i will really go off topic @Khaletohep, watch me :joy:
The greatest flaw, mistake, troll, whatever you wish to name it, fits, is called Warden!!!

No matter what fighter you’re training, THIS IS WRONG! And this MISTAKE has literally no excuse anymore, we do not have god thralls anymore. This Dalinsia was lvled from the beginning until the end ONLY with exotic feast, NOTHING ELSE. So you work your asss to take her to lvl 20 to gain a warden??? Really??? Why???
If you ask 10.000 Conan exiles players maybe you’ll find a couple that will say that they are ok with it, but even them they will swear Funcom when this will happen to them, they will refuse it however on voting.
So except the one who created this system NOBODY ELSE like it. If you want to fix the Thrall system, start by removing the chance of getting warden on fighters, thank you.


Mine would probably be Lian just for his damage output when he is kitted with a momentum, that little dude wrecks lol.


this WAS a really big problem ( I don’t even know how many thralls I threw away over the years because of bad perks ) before AoS , now anyone can reset their perks

one of my main companions (Zerker)

After I lost some good thralls in the purge (with Rockslide) I started focusing on HP , with dmg being taken care only of by equipment and weapons

It’s cost me a few dozen elixirs but has survived a few situations where a normal thrall would just die

occasional companion , mostly base defence - Thurga

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Why? Because we can reset warden or whatever doesn’t exist? So you believe that you can have again universal warrior with resets? Be my guest… Perks with negative status MUST disappear, they have no reason anymore, it’s not fun simple as that Keldy. And i know in my bones you believe the same thing too my friend.

But yeah, I’m not saying it wouldn’t be nice if the negative perks went away.
I’m just pointing out that since AoS at least it can be fixed or even upgraded via potion which is about a million percent better than the previous situation where I wanted to train “someone in the style of a paladin/knight” and after x hours of boring training in UC you got Warden/Cannibal at level 20 and could delete it and start again

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And? OK I got to digress here and ask a very rooted question that, on first appearance, looks irrelevant.

What the heck are people doing in the game after they reach dominant level? I mean really…after you got your thralls leveled and your base build and your legendaries obtained and your skills maxed…what are you doing? Running around moving chests? Sitting there during raid hours just to protect your wares?

Are you familiar with the phrase damnation by faint praise?

The funny thing is, they just replaced grinding for (and leveling) a new thrall with grinding for components for elixirs of rebirth…

To still generate thralls that are generally inferior to what was available before the leveling system was added.


I tend to spoil Dances With Bears. She has her own bear themed room and pet bear with the dancing bear perk


its a freaking cool name indeed!

I can’t speak for other, but personally I play a bit with friends, socializing and just having a bit of fun, however I usually get to a point pretty fast where I just… delete the whole thing + character, and when I feel like a bit of Conan then I start a fresh character on a new server :slight_smile:

That said there are many people with busy lives, other games they play and maybe don’t have a lot of hours to dedicate to Conan Exiles or even gaming as a whole.
They may never reach the end game having plenty of all the best things, to them it can be annoying to play a game where much of their effort suddenly gets downgraded simply because the devs feel a need to turn a lot of things upside down once in a while.
There are also those that get to end game having a nice little collection of levelled thralls and more or less just keep the lights on their base untill a new age or chapter hits.
There are also those who play on same server with same character for years who are mostly in maintainance mode until something brings them back to active play for a while.

There can be so many reasons to how and why people play the way they do, but tell me honestly…
Do you really feel that the constant changes to exisiting mechanics instead of expanding the game is the right way to keep the game running?

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Ouch…and that hits my most scathing critique against FC. To answer your question. Yes because of the policies they have. Maintaining the older consoles is killing the games future because you can’t expand it in the right way with PS4 or Xbox 1 limitations. Because FC maintains support for these older aspects (and maybe the original PC requirements but I don’t know much about that), we are stuck with what we got and truly innovative work is stonewalled.