Feedback & Suggestions

Return to the Nexus of Power.

Everybody re-installs TSW classic, they can come back here to SWL for story, IF and when it gets a decent update and still continue to play this amazing game called TSW in the meantime.
Makes perfect sense.


I do miss Pulling the Strings. And Fusang, of course! Though I always preferred the hecticness of Stonehenge.

Great to see you active again, even if it’s to promote the other game! :stuck_out_tongue:

[Suggestion] Alternate animations for abilities, like the old TSW Chaos Crossbow animations, Chaotic Pull’s chain animation for Evulsion, etc. More customisation would rock.

Spotted a small text error at Security Five. A currier is something to do with leathermaking, and while I really wouldn’t be surprised if Orochi were making leather with their ‘samples’, it probably should read “courier” :smiley:

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Add a “restart” button at the end of an Occult Defense scenario, restarting the scenario at the initial level.


Or at least let people use the group finder inside a completed scenario.

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Make new easy to acquire agent with good aggro multiplier. Endgame dungeons are a pain with old dps overgearing new tanks almost twice.


Using agents to provide weapon agnostic passives is a really good idea, nice one. :v:

While we’re on the subject of agents, can we get previous/next buttons at the top of an agent’s character sheet so we can scroll through them without having to go in and out of the UI constantly?


-Adding a platform to Agartha with exclusive items from a mysterious supernatural mercator like an alien or exiled filth, which only appears at determined times of the day or comes every 1 or 2 weeks like the one from Warframe. Exclusive cosmetics, mounts, lets and dark filthy equipment and weapons, even a gadget which deploys a copy of a filth ally? Also with it own side missions in order to unlock his mercancy.
-Old auxiliary weapons like whip, chainsaw and quantum as full weapon to diversify abilities. Don’t release the rocket launcher due to the fact it’s better for some missions.

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[Suggestion] Change missions’ icons for factions’ missions to identify them more easily and as it’s not classical missions (end-game missions). My personnal proposition with missions’s icons at the color of faction with a faction’s symbol white inside.

dragon%20faction%20mission mission templar%20faction%20mission

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[Suggestion][Title] Les Gilets Jaunes / The Yellow Vests

Les gilets jaunes, en france, ce sont les gens moyens devenus pauvres au fur à mesure des années, menés par les politiciens sans coeur, appauvrisant de plus en plus les gens moyens.
Les gilets jaunes est un symbole pour nous les français et surtout le ras le bol de mendier pour finir nos fins de mois.
Pour cela que je demande, si vous pouvez le mettre en titre, car c’est une chose très importante en France, montrant notre colère contre la société et le capitalisme. Merci!

Yellow jackets, in France, are the average people who became poor over the years, led by heartless politicians, impoverishing more and more the average people. The yellow vests is a symbol for us French and especially fed up with begging to finish our ends of the month. For that I ask, whether you can add an ingame title, because it is a very important thing in France, showing our anger against society and capitalism. Thank you!


[Suggestion] Reintroduce all the whispering tide content as an end-game content.
Change the introduction of all 3 parts of events as, since the bomb has exploded at tokyo, 3 parts of agartha are locked because infected by the filth and sometimes, agents need to go inside this 3 zones to clean it.

This type of content could be launch as in update call : “Agartha infected” with :

  • Flappy raid
  • “Enter the filth 1”
  • “Enter the filth 2”

Enter the filth can become a new end-game content as “Elite missions” with final chest or maybe dungeon. You can do it a solo or in group of 5 (as a classical mission or at 5 if the content is choosen to be a dungeon). This 2 missions/dungeons can use the scaling tech.

The comeback of all this 3 parts of event, coud be useful to reintroduce Whispering Tide rewards.
You can will win the immaculate carapace parts with the raid and pets with “enter the filth”. Between this two contents, can be create an other drop, a weapon collection tell as “weapons infected by the filth”. This collection will be exclusive at the agartha infected content and induce filthy damages at your ennemies (an opposite of weapon touched by anima)

It’s an idea that I have in my head since a LOOOONG time :slight_smile:

Two little video about enter the filth for players as me with new version of the game, haven’t known this content.

Enter the filth 1

Enter the filth 2


On the flipside, the british yellow vests are straight up fascists, so maybe it’s best to leave real world politics out of things. :v:


Fix up your software so game doesnt freeze randomly on loading screens.


Here in the UK MangaSpirit Labour supporters across the whole nation who in the hope of a Socialist Government applaud & stand with France & the yellow vests in their fight for a fairer society against the elitist 1% ,this is not a topic i expected to find within the SWL forums & probably has no place here as such , but my comment is sincere & i’d like you to know the world is watching & those of us who have had enough of corrupt government stand with you.

[Suggestion] [Misc] Here’s a bit of a big suggestion, but one that could potentially bring a lot more hours of enjoyment to the game, with a relatively low dev cost: Diablo/PoE-style seasons.

Basically, 5-6 month long seasons where every player would start fresh on a new character, with some incentives/goals to accomplish for rewards. Would probably need something like double XP rate, and heavily increased gear quality drops for the season, but it’d be a fun way to replay the story, repopulate early content (like early level dungeons), and earn a few exclusive cosmetics for it, and it doesn’t really require the devs create much new content, although they could always give it some new gimmicks to spice things up. Once a season ended, players could get an equivalent amount of distillates mailed to their default character pool as a reward (on top of any challenge-earned goodies), so you still get some permanent progress on your main character.

[feedback] “Signet of Nemain” was probably designed with the intention of being an “Occult Defense Signet”, but somehow during the design process, it was forgotten that a certain weapon combination (KSR+Inverter) deals its single target damage through AoE abilities. So the “OD Signet” is the undisputed champion for the already strongest single target DPS build, carrying it even further away than the closest alternatives.

[request] Please explain the design process of this signet and how it managed to make it to release.


I agree, the Nemain looks fun at first and a good little dps boost for aoe builds. Until you realize that the top DPS builds (AR and Hammer), have already crazy strong aoe skills in their single target rotations. There was already a significant balance gap in the weapons and it just got even wider.

I don´t think that politics belong into the game.

If they add one specific item like a “Yellow Vest” for example it will start a wave of requested similar items because everyone wants to express his own political standpoint. The Endresult will probably be a mixture of Items with … lets say Swastikas, Anarchy-Symbols, or Communist-Stuff on it for example, you name it.

And it will probably result in people argueing and fighting over their political views instead of enjoying the game, because a lot of people will wear that stuff to show other players which political faction they belong to or to intentionally provoke them.

There is a reason that many mmorpgs don´t allow political or religious discussions in the general chat, exactly because of that reason.

Politics just don´t belong into MMO(RPG)s, sorry!


Tone down the intrusive popup ads. Once a day is plenty to remind me that, even though I’m already a patron, there’s a better offer. You don’t need to rub it in my face every single time I log in or switch characters!