From the distribution of the squares, it looks as if a lens flare effect is fighting with the color correction.
Head to Bonebreaker’s Bend, stand roughly near coords in screenshot, and look towards the Yog altar. It looks normal from most angles, but when moving the mouse around, the screen flashes and will stay like that if it lands on the “sweet” spot. Might have to fiddle with graphic settings to repro.
Maybe just video driver shenanigans then. Although, one thing I forgot to mention was I’m using a mod for the camera table so it’s always about where it’s at when sprinting. So without it, you may have to be further back.
I was using 417.35 drivers, but just updated to 419.35 and it still happens.
To make sure our view frustums are on the same page, try using first person view at coords 80625.43, 173907.172, -20058.102 ish. All graphic settings are on high with 2x AA if that matters.
Updated when geforce experience prompted me to, dont really remember if that was prior or after CtA.
However, this much reflections was new with CtA.
As It kind hurts my eyes I dont really want to check if that is still the case.
Didnt write down the versions where this happened.
Geforce experience is a pain, and use way to much perf for what’s is doing. Better do it manual.
Not the only software with this bad behaviors at date, though. It’s the current way to do business.