Flying wings equipment/modification

A portable map-room that goes somewhere other than one of ten pre-set destinations, yes.

Sounds like a horse

What’s the chance of gliding by grabbing an ostrich by it’s ankles and jumping off a cliff?

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If your horse is teleporting you across the map, that’s a bug, not a feature.

About the same as having mechanical wings for flying in this game. Rounding to nearest integer would amount to 0.


It moves me well across the scale of the exiled lands. Its not a big enough map and if you don’t get distracted you can move across it in a timely fashion :ok_hand:.

i have played the game in a lot of servers and i find that anyone can already get to anywhere easily. I also find it boring to just run, even if i use horses they’re not that fast. so i don’t see a problem in adding them since they will make it easier to traverse the map.I mean do you head out to explore/visit a certain area or to run through places that already visited thousands of times

this might be a good alternative, i think a Pegasus would work as well, but a demon bat would fit best.

Link? As in a person you know?
No, that’s not me.
I’m too ugly.

Icarus came much later in the time line.

Personally, I think grabbing an ostrich by its ankles and jumping off a cliff would be more fitting.
(at least that’s a theoretically doable in this game if you can grab one).

Give one example of an MMO developer reverting flying, please. Also, saying it as “other MMOs” is basically saying Conan Exiles is an MMO, when it isn’t, never has been, never will, it’s Sandbox Survival. MMO implies a player count per server in the hundreds, or even thousands, Conan Exiles doesn’t even get close to those numbers per server, I think the player limit is something like 48.

In fact, your claim of MMO devs reverting flight can be refuted pretty easily, as Square Enix are adding flight to Final Fantasy XIV’s base game locations in the next patch due out next month, flight was a feature previously only available in the expansion locations.

Now to OP, not only would flight of any kind be severely immersion and lore breaking, it would be game breaking as well, not to mention being borderline overkill. I consider mounts a bit overkill when it comes to travel as well, the map isn’t quite large enough to warrant or even necessitate mounts, flight or even the map rooms. If the map were a bit bigger, yes, these things might be needed, but with the current map, travelling by foot is fine in pretty much every instance.

I can only imagine flying mechanics in this game as flying enemies.
Maybe some flying bat demons, wyvern-type dragons, and a 3-skull flying dragon.
Of course they would have less health than their land-dwelling relatives and close range attacks too to compensate the advantage of flying.
(And maybe the vultures could s**t all over you blurring your vision for a while :grin: )

I can’t be sure what Chaonike meant, but they may have intended “revert” not as in the removal of actual content from a game, but rather removal of the concept from MMO projects that might otherwise have had flying.

To make them realistic, it just needs more pulleys and a thicker rope, and they would have to show an animation of the player pulling the rope to lift himself up. I’m ok with the way it’s shown now.

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Really ? What a good reason to go back to Eorzea and play it again after nearly a year and a half being away. I hope I still own my small apartment. :smiley:

I can fly in wow so this example is not working, at least not for me :man_shrugging:

Well, fly was going to be totally scrapped off in Draenor, but people complained too much and they hastily added it for the last patch (which broke a LOT of things on a technical level, but let’s not digress). The current approach is to not let people fly just as they ding max level, instead making them earn it halfway through the expansion by making sure they’ve already done everything that could be rendered moot by flying (i.e. exploration, questing, rep grinding

Now, my two cents on this topic:

The problem with this game is that you can’t complete “everything”, as it’s farming based, and flying would just add even more to the imbalance. As an “alpha clan” player (as much as I dislike the term, we ARE the main power in our server), I can’t stress how much something like this would deepen the gap between us and other players. On a PvE level, there’s no amount of “high-end materials” that we can’t amass faster than anyone else, and once we reached the point of flying, things would quickly get out of hand. On a PvP level, come on. We’re not a-holes, but imagine people hunting new players from above like birds of prey, and that’s the best-case scenario. Suddenly you don’t need climbing gear, you don’t need to destroy your rival’s anti-climbing spikes. You just land on their roofs, kill the guards and start bombing from there. I don’t even need to fly out, it’s considerably easier to blow your way out than the opposite. If I get caught and my flypack is stolen/destroyed? I can make another because I’m sitting on a mountain of resources, but you probably can’t say the same about the poor guy that I’m attacking/attacks me.

Would I like to fly? I’d love to. It would make things so much easier for me. But precisely because it would make things so much easier for people like me, it shouldn’t exist. It pains me to word it that way, but it’s how things work.

Honestly, flying – or even gliding – doesn’t seem like a good idea. You know how people on PVP servers engage in claim-spamming as a defense strategy? Well, apparently, some of it is due to “jump towers”.

A jump tower, as I’ve had it explained to me, is a tower you build as close as you can to your enemy’s base, then you jump off and land inside, bypassing all of your enemy’s defenses.

Now, that should be lethal, but people use exploits to avoid it. And recently they didn’t even need exploits, because Funcom managed to bug up the fall damage in two different updates, in two different ways.

Long story short, if simply being able to jump off a tower to bypass your enemy’s defenses causes a toxic behavior like indiscriminate claim spam, imagine what flying or gliding would do to the game balance and what horrible defense strategies it would spawn.

Of course, none of that should matter to me, since I play PVE and PVE-C. Sadly, official PVE-C servers are full of people who come from PVP and fall back into same toxic patterns. Except that there’s no way to deal with someone’s claim spam on a PVE(-C) server – it’s there to stay and nothing can destroy it.


Can you imagine the pvp nerf uproar? The nerf horse whine is bad enough.

The map is not big enough to need flying.

You can get anywhere in 10 minutes unless you get distracted owww named thrall
just a minute. Brb