Follower disappeared, possibly undermesh

Game mode: Online official Isle of Siptah
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: North America

Greater Mountain Lion left guarding at approximately -198,640.75, 37,001.633, -13,136.394 (Isle of Siptah) disappeared. It shows in followers list greyed out, so it’s presumably in that area but moved far down (or up). Until you FIX YOUR BUGS we need a rescue thrall option that DOES NOT lose all items.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Play Conan
  2. Enjoy an endless mess of bugs compounded by unforgiving game design

Does the Icon show it’s location when you tick the little eye on the follower page?

The big cats don’t have a very big inventory, I would just rescue it and take the loss.

Lastly was it guarding on a ceiling tile or a foundation? sometimes they can drop to ground level and be hidden by a foundation.

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Yeah, when I track it the map shows it where I expect it to be. However its name is grayed out as followers that are out of range are. It was standing on plain ground.

I rescued it and took that loss, but I’d be much more upset if it had been one of my human followers with expensive armor and weapon. The bug itself needs to be fixed, and in the absence of player support or a fix, the game needs to let you rescue followers with no penalty. The penalty of losing all inventory is pointlessly malicious to begin with, but combined with bugs like this it’s just ridiculous.

I agree, I was very disappointed in the rescue mechanic also.

Slàinte Mhath :vulcan_salute:

For interest, and if seeing the follower on the map still, have you tried logging out of the game to main menu at that point - sometimes the follower stops being stoopid and realises its beloved owner is nearby and pops up next to said owner.

Yeah, not only did I log out I waited for a server reboot - follower still gone to the nether realms.

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