Followers don't follow

Game mode: [Offline | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

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Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.tell someone to follow you
2.try to use the portal to go to any of the obilisks or go into a dungeon and poof they are gone and don’t come with you that or also unlike online play when you move a distance from them they don’t teleport to you like when you swim across a river for example or climb up a cliff its been like this for a long time and still hasn’t been fixed and it’s extremely frustrating to have to run all over the map when you notice they have stopped following to try and find them… It would be great if this issue was finally resolved.

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Hello @PhoenixRising, welcome to the forums!

Which specific thralls or pets did you use?

How frequently does the issue occur through your singleplayer sessions?

I never use pets so Idk about them but ive had all kinds of thralls from relic hunter treasure seekers to cimmirian berserkers and even my named thralls ive never had one act right like they do online in offline mode single player is is a issue that happens mutiple times every day which they just don’t follow correctly

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Thank you for providing additional details, we’ll be sure to send note to the developers.

Thank you for forwarding this information I appreciate it and hope its something they resolve with the next patch! Really thank you

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I’ve experienced this also, not quite to the extent, but in a lesser degree. There are times I’d have to run around to get them to teleport closer - and usually it was quick in the past. You cross a river and they’re right behind you. Now it’s like you swim across the river and it takes a good 10 to 30 seconds. Sometimes even longer for them to come.

While experiencing dungeons, I’m usually at the first npc and they “sometimes” show up by then.


@Hugo As a side note the update today did not fix this issue and I tried compleatlu uninstalling and reinstalling the game to see if that would fix it hoping that maybe some data was corrupted and that did not help either.

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I had the same issue on Xbox single player for the longest time with Thralls not following. Someone suggested to delete my save for my single player which I tried and it fixed my problem. Thralls started following and entering dungeons and teleporting with me. I had to delete the cloud saves and the saves on the Xbox though which means you’re single player will be gone. Just deleting saved files on the Xbox didn’t do the trick. Also I’m not sure how the PS works with different account but I did have another Xbox profile that I tried before I deleted anything and the Thralls on that account worked fine. Hopefully that will help you out.


@wowhunter1967 DUDE!!! THAT FIXED IT YOUR A SAINT AND I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH. <3<3<3<3 awesome so now my thralls will follow me into dungeons amd teleport with me.

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Just to clarify, this specific issue hasn’t been addressed in the latest parity patch, as it was meant to bring the latest updates from PC onto Console, you may find more information on the latest patch notes:

@PhoenixRising glad I could help. I know it was frustrating and was making me hate the game.

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