Foundations Disappear when I try to place them

Yes, but we’re having this issue ourselves on the server…and any blocks I place that vanish later show up as being deleted by the ruins system. So I suspect they’re spawning at Z-500m or something like that., that the ruins system eventually auto deletes for not having a surface to sit on.

Hi Ran-San

Last night, a large building in the area where I couldn’t lay a foundation finally decayed and vanished. Now I can build in the area shown in the video’s.

I’m not sure what you mean by The Ruins System, do you mean the decay system?

When the dev’s took a copy of our server file to test, they could build in the area, but on the live server I still couldn’t. That would suggest to me that there is something else in the server build which is giving the control/restrictions on the build zones. By wiping your map, these issues could be being retained by the server so still affecting you?!? I don’t know enough about how the server works to make a proper diagnosis.

Maybe try a fresh install of the entire game server? or did you do that the first time?

Mine is a Public Server, number 403 (PVE-F US). And there are several locations thoughout the north that has the issue. I know one of my bases was affected by spectral land claim (spectral being a ghostly trebuchet that was added last patch). However, like you, we had large buildings vanish in the area. We’re still unable to build except for small patches here and there.

Hey there

we are facing the same issue quite frequently on my rented server.

For one, the game simply takes the foundations, but they aren’t showing up as visibly placed. just get consumed and gone.

the other issue is that you can’t place them at all. even though nothing is there, not visible, not bugged into the ground or sides. nothing.

it happens more often when there are already build buildings close by. with a gigantic radius.

our landclaimradius is set to 0,2 but players have issues even in placing their WoP close to each other and thus leave at least a distance of 10 -15 foundations between each WoP!

happens in the north, just as in the dessert.

Our work around so far was to relog. If relog failed, walking out of the area till the server got forced to completely reload the area you want to build in. in 1 ouf 2 cases it works. in the other case it still failes.

I have the same problems here.
I takes allot of the fun away of the game.

BTW, I trye’t it on the singleplayer, and works fine,

I have this issue on ps4. Would post in a ps4 specific forum but this was the one I could find. It happens to me on one of the towering rocks neighboring heliograph heights.

ive had the same issue. ive found that the area your trying to place in already claimed by someone but still eats your foundation. as for your specific problem idk just that. the eating of foundations seems to be a claim area issue. but your character still tries to place the block anyway.