I have seen a couple of videos of players running through 16 locations to get Fragments of Power in the Unnamed City.
I remember three years ago I used to farm them by killing some mobs, but I can’t remember which ones.
Can we farm Fragments of Power or is it easier to do that long run?
Thank you .
I would rather try to kill bosses, that way I level my Thralls before 3.0.
I guess it takes longer than running around for the chests, but that isn’t easy neither.
I never learned the locations of all chest spawns, and I never figured out when they’re supposed to spawn, so my chest runs ended up producing very few fragments. The bosses, on the other hand, drop fragments at a reliable rate, and there’s the added bonus of getting the occasional legendary weapon or piece of armor, as well as repair kits and other useful stuff.
The pickup frags spawn in at varying time (measured in hours). If its single player, I’d pick em all up and farm the bosses. On a server, someone may beat you to them, so what I do is check if the obvious ones are there and then farm bosses the moment I think someone beat me to them. I do the pickups as often as I can while leveling to 60 so I have a supply for the archives.
I have a specific run in the unnamed city, I never go for all of them! You have to make your own run, the one that gives you joy . Unnamed city is the best grinding place from all the map and actually from both maps! I really can’t say how many hours in there, I just don’t know
. Yet after all these hours I have always the joy to do it over and over again!
Is there a chance you have a video of your run ? I was actually thinking in choosing only the easiest chests and then try to kill bosses
I don’t know how to fix videos but I will explain the best I can!
Wait for edit!
So I teleport to the obelisk and then I come to the stairs you see on the left of the photo 1
On the photo 2 you see the boss don’t forget to check the chest behind the Altair it might have legendary repair.
Then I go back to the stairs and head to the tower you see and climb it
Then I go down and follow the wall on the right
You will find a passage on the wall go in
Then I turn a bit right and go to the little turret over Bella head, it spawn a fragment there
After I go back kill the hero and friends and exit the passage again.
Go to the turret left of the scorpio, it’s time for predatory blade

Turn back again and head for the bridge
You kill the skeletons, and climb from this tower, it has a rest point.
The boss after you climb is on the right, you kill it and jump down (photo 3) from the right pillar across.
Time for red mama, when you come down the tower go straight down she is waiting to give goodies. Don’t forget to check behind it spawns fragment.
When you kill her go back to the stairs and turn right.
Now you are heading over the head of Bella to the edge of this bridge.
On the bridge kill the hero and friends and head for the tower over Bella head (photo 3).
The blue is waiting.
Now kill some blues in the way passing all these arched gates. In the last one you look for this Rocky clif, after you pass it you look down for these rocks, on this rock you may see press to interact, use your skinning knife break the rock and obtain the hidden fragment. Go up again and head for the point over Bella head.
You are here and you see the fragment, on your back the hero and company awaits for fight, kill them and go left to the green, if you want to kill him once it’s ok, I kill him only for his head (trophy) and never again, he has greater hp from red mama and he drops nothing, so no point for more, yet check to this point Bella is looking it spawns a fragment
Go up the stairs and head to the bridge again. When you reach the bridge turn right for the warmaker.
As you see it is time to enter the dungeon and kill the snake, I enter from right and exit from left. You will need antidotes with you. Kill the snake, farm it with axe to take plenty demon blood, take the legendary and go left from the stairs, at this point it spawns a fragment. This place has 5 chest with gold and silver if you care.
When you exit you turn right and head over Bella head, then you turn right to go to the aviary and kill the bat, you come back again and turn right under the square little gate to find a chest that randomly spawns legendary repairs.
Last fight of the round, as you see down there a lot of skeletons and a boss is waiting for you, kill them

Go over this wall, you will find a fragment (maybe, photo 2) there and back to the stairs again for another faster round now.
The round is faster now because you don’t need to kill heroes unless you want to and you focus only in the bosses for certain drops of fragments, legendary repairs and legendary equipment!
I really hope I helped my fellow exile @Wonka

Now let’s continue the boat I fix for Captain @Narelle, I have to bring her in exile lands to drink rum (tea) with Bella
When I need more frags, I usually run the 12 chests I know and then grab a follower to farm more from the bosses if those 12 aren’t enough (or if someone else already got them).
The nice thing about farming them is that you can keep doing that over and over, whereas I’ve never seen a frag chest respawn without a server reboot.
My run with horse and vagabond armor. From the obelisk, Climb #2,Drop run and climb #1,drop #3, drop # 5, horse to climb to #11, Horse to scale to #17, run to #15 horse and climb #10, horse and mine to #16, run and sneak to 13, horse climb and drop to #14, horse and climb to 8, drop and sneak to 9, run and climb to 7, drop and clilmb to 4, drop run and clim to6 Skip 12 (behind snake) because it’s not worth the time if you are just focused on the collection of the frags.
Server restart time should be paid attention to. If you get up in the early AM before the reset time, this provides the most optimal chance that all relic chests are available. I probably average 15.8 chests in this run…every day and I usually stop at 200.
vid to show you where exactly these are at Relic Fragment Box Locations in the Unnamed City | Conan Exiles 2021 - YouTube
If anyone can, it will be you
Wow!, that is some walkthrough, thank you!
I will try it this weekend for sure .
Siptah seems harder to find these. Is this why people.transfer and then come back to Siptah. Or never come back to Siptah?
summoning pool with Shaggai statues. Each one drops a fragment and schematic. You will be rolling in fragments when trying to learn recipes.
This is why I love linking the maps so much via that teleport mod. Not enough of something on one map? Teleport to Siptah or wherever grab a buttload of them and teleport back. Wonderful!
My fellow exile Siptah is way more rich on fragments . Like @erjoh said you have to do the Grey pools. What is hard to find is the statuettes, still not so. Every camp in the south hides statuettes, and the Grey pools hide too. So acting like fragments of power to learn the spawn location, doing exactly the same on statuettes is a way to go. I always camp close to Siphos or whatever I don’t remember names well
, a ten minute check every day will give me 5 flotsam boxes, 7 statuettes (2 of them are Migo
) maybe a fragment, maybe a named “whatever”, religion essences, materials and the kindness of rng to my gravedigger. Even if I decide to move to the pools, I already have 7 statuettes, in Grey pools if I am lucky I will find maybe 3, the easiest is Migo
, yet if nobody went you’ll find 7 to 8 if I remember correctly, that means that you will return after 2 hours of genelar farming with more (not) less 30 fragments… That’s not bad at all
If your going the Greys pools route, keep in mind that the summons are temporary, that is to say, they may disappear without a notice.
I’ve never timed it , but take on the mushroom giant solo and good luck …it comes close…theres been a handfull of times that I’ve whacked it down to just a few hundred hp and the critter teleported back to giant mushroom land…I always wonder if it’s perhaps a toddler mushroom beast…just mad and having a tantrum.
Also, great spot for collecting armor scraps to throw in the furnace.
Yeah this happens to me more often than not and I go empty handed (well not really but I didnt get my Oak shield Dang it!) just utterly defeated. I was more upset with loosing on on that loot than I was about getting wiped from an offline raid.
I only try for them once a day personally because there is so much else to do, but I do believe they respawn after a looong time (might be like 12 hours or so). They spawn at boot with 30% probability (per the devkit) and the rest spawn in later which makes me more confident they do respawn. Also not all servers are reset every day so I would imagine someone can confirm they do respawn. I’m 95% sure they do… but 5% sure I am full of it.
Do you know what will happen to your fragments after the first 200? Someone else will loot them from your decayed base!
How many runs some for legendary items will you do?
Only for pristine weapons and Thags weapons you may go in there 50 times! What will you do with the fragments and the khari steel?
Unnamed city!
Only the mother drops a bunch of legendary items, how many times you need to kill her to obtain them?
No need to go further, you get my point! Somehow I believe that this situation should be a bit easier .
Nope. I didn’t understand a single sentence there. Sorry. Honest, nothing there made sense to me and I can’t figure out what you were getting at.
What situation? Easier? The Siptah Grey Pools way it takes only about an hour or two to get 200. He didn’t specify what he wants them for so I can only guess about that.
This took about two hours:
And there were still leftovers:
My base didn’t decay. No one stole them. What?