Freya bugs if you lose connection or crash during quest, so you can never get her

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 4NetPlayers Squirrel Exiles

Bug Description:

Freya is [Returning Home] and not Following. I can’t make her Follow me again. This happened after I crash during the hunting quest, when hunting animals that fight back, and ingredients and I lost server connection. Passing time with admin commands didn’t help. Resetting server didn’t help. Killing her with admin command and waiting for respawn didn’t help. Her quest is now 100% impossible to complete.

Bug Reproduction:

Begin Freya questline. Get to hunting animals that fight back part. Crash your game or lose server connection. Go see Freya at her hovel.

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When logging tickets relating to private servers, it is best to state whether you have any mods as mods can always affect things.
If you do have mods, Funcom will ask you to test/replicate the issue whilst running without any mods.

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I do have a few mods, less than 10.

Tried to reproduce the error in single player with no mod.

It was even worse. Couldn’t complete the first quest. Got all 3 notes and Freya was still stuck on telling me to go to Stormwatch instead of having the fialog about the raven foot symbol.

Ah. Freya’s just not being ‘clear enough’ - what she really meant to say was “go to Stormwatch in 8 hours or so and when you are done then come back to me”

Things should work then.

I reported this very issue on Testlive. No Mods.
Even still i go there and its still the same.
I wont do the quests untill these bugs are fixed.

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I’ve just come across the same issue myself.
However, all it took for me was to simply die, and she’s currently stuck “returning home” like you said.

Try and remove all mods, restart server, Admin kill her, wait the x hours, log on again without mods added, see if that solve it for you.

I know mods does affect quets, I found 2 that did they are now fixed.
But there are still a lot of problems with the update and mods still sadly.

Let me know if you try and how if goes for you.

Same here, i started Freya journey first day of update and she has been stuck ‘returning home” since…game won’t let me submit a bug report…came here looking for answers but nothing yet, just a guy blaming mods but I have none…
…is this something that can be fixed or should I accept that I will never have a Freya on my current server?

That has absolutely nothing to do with my issue.

That didn’t help.

Sorry to hear, then you might need to open a ticket for what that’s worth…

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