Funcom apparently doesn’t understand that the players have at least been its customers

Except you didn’t really need that information to draw that conclusion. Funcom has been explicit about that since they published the first version of their rules. The section about “Personal responsibility and clan membership” has been in the rules since the beginning.

Or reluctance to prioritize a feature that will mollify the minority of players (those who get banned by association) over the features that the majority of players want, such balance, new content, etc. To me, it’s a sign of regard for the players that they don’t waste their limited time on stuff that will appease those who can’t be bothered to read the rules and choose their clanmates with care. :man_shrugging:

So, let me get this straight. They sell so many copies that the existing admins get overwhelmed and people start complaining again. Then they go through the process of hiring enough new admins, while the people are complaining about server administration. Then they train those new admins, while the people are complaining about server administration and the mistakes the new admins are making. Then, eventually, it “quiets down”, meaning that either: 1) the population stays the same and now they have to keep paying these people that they didn’t have to pay before, which brings us to the original question of “who’s going to pay them”, or 2) the population falls again and they … fire the “surplus” admins?

And that’s under assumption that this is all gradual enough, instead of a population spike we see every time there’s a free weekend or some other marketing promotion.

To me it boils down to Funcom offering a free service that comes with a set of rules that anyone can read, and then enforcing those rules the way they described it in the same document that describes the rules themselves. It also boils down to people calling them “lazy” because that free service does not match their expectations.