Funcom Explain to me please, Why Bases are still immune to damage when players are logged On and Off (Think it's Not Working! Bug?!)

With just this enabled can’t damage the online or offline player’s base

Add the other option, and still can’t damage either players base.

  • Conclusion Dynamic Base Damage setting is not working right now, Having it enabled along with the option to “Can Damage Player Owned Structures” Prevents the online player’s base and the offline players base from taking any sort of damage, even if the online players thralls are actively trying to kill you.

  • Adding Time Restriction on in addition to having “Can Damage Player owned Structures + Dynamic Building Damage Enabled” (But Not filling in any of the times in) Still does not allow for Any Sort of Base Damage on either the online of offline Players Bases. (Thralls are Still Aggro)

  • Only Combination that’s working is the Offline/Online Player Bases Taking Damage. Ir the Offline/Online Player Bases Don’t Take Damage!

  • Selecting “PvP Allowed” On Time Restricted PvP Base Damage section Is making the offline guys base Take damage! even if Dynamic base damage is enabled.(Which Should prevent his base from taking damage since he is currently offline, but it’s not!)

  • An official Response to this would be welcome, as i think the setting is currently borked. It should be a simple of case of Ticking the “Dynamic Building Damage” and also just simply checking “Can Damage Player owned Structures” So make it so online player structures can be damaged and offline players can’t. But it’s not working! It really isn’t working! I know it’s early access, But this is something that should be fixed asap!

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