It’s perfectly possible to argue about real things in bad faith. I’ve seen you do it often enough.
See? Here’s a perfect example. I brought up the lightning storm nerf because it was one of the two major things that kept the forum-goers busy enough to not start one of these threads, and you bring up PVE(-C) as a red herring. You’re off to a great start, I can’t wait to see what’s your next sophistry.
Because players aren’t banned for building a certain number of blocks. Implementing an in-game block limit would only cripple real builders without removing a reason for bans. This particular non-solution has been discussed ad nauseam in other threads similar to this one, so feel free to use the forum search function.
I get the sense that you haven’t ever played on a PVE server before the rules and had your base walled in without any way to solve that situation, therefore your words hold little weight on this topic. 
See how that works? How about we discuss those words on their own merit?
For what it’s worth, I happen to agree with you about a lot:
It’s flawed. And there are good ways to fix it. And yet, every time someone wants to talk about it, it’s always the same crap arguments.
Worse, it seems like it doesn’t really matter at all, because we have had so many of these threads, over such a long time, that there’s no way Funcom is unaware of the situation. The fact that they haven’t changed anything speaks really loudly.
No one is hiding behind the vagueness to break the rules, because if you get admin-wiped and suspended, you’ve lost your stuff. No amount of “but I didn’t break the rules” is going to get you your stuff back. Pretty much the only thing you can do is appeal a ban, to regain access to the official servers.
Civil? Maybe. In good faith? The train has already left that particular station…
And they’ll be wrong. Funcom is the ultimate arbiter of whether you broke their TOS or not. The vagueness of the TOS doesn’t change whether you broke it, it changes whether you did so knowingly or not. And just like with real laws, ignorance doesn’t excuse you.
The real problem is that you can’t avoid doing it again if they never explain what you did wrong.