Single Player*
Standard PS4
Bug Description: where to begin. Today, I was in the Cimmerian area clearing out some camps. I looted some enemies and they went into my inventory screen to drop some items. Once I entered the inventory screen the game froze. I tried putting the PS4 into rest mode in hopes that would solve the issue when starting it back up, but it did not. The game has been frozen for the past 30 minutes. I don’t want to hard reboot my ps4, as I fear I will lose my stuff. I am loaded with legendary weapons and armor and will be beyond pissed off if I lose all of this. This game has been a broken POS for months and months and I am skeptical anything will ever get better. This is the straw that broke the camels back. If I lose all of my stuff because your dev teams are incompetent, I’m done with this game and funcom.
Steps to Reproduce: Turn on Conan exiles and try to do something.