Game took almost everything from me and I was just on last night!

The information you filled out should now be listed below. :point_down:
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1750
Mods: None

Bug Description:

All my Foundations and Buildings are completely gone and I was just on the previous night.

Bug Reproduction:

I did no steps to cause it, almost everything of mine is gone. I was on the night on 9/26/2024 and all my foundations, buildings, craft stations, crates, fridges, and 80% of my vaults that held everything of mine for all these months to years is gone now!

What does it say in logs and are your followers still there?

It says it Lost Stability. But I was physically in the game less than 24 hours ago.

And the thralls if you had them?

I still have all of my Thralls that were placed.

So you’re not going to like reading what I’m going to say, so brace yourself.

This sounds like an admin land claim wipe. It is presented by your buildings disappearing and “lost stability” in logs. Anything touching the main build is deleted, all placeables or outer buildings not part of the main will stay as well as all thralls, mounts and animals placed.

The way you can verify this is by attempting to login after server reset, if it shows you a message that you’re suspended it will tell you the reason and for how long or, if the reason was serious enough or so many suspensions have already happened, banned.

There are 2 possible causes: you were reported or you were caught in the crossfire of another report.

You can review the Terms of Conduct here and the accompanying post for clarification regarding building techniques and behaviours to avoid. Read them fully if you have not already so you can get informed.

Cross reference it with the message if you do not have access upon server reset.

Although unlikely, sending a message through Zendesk if you were suspended/banned and asking politely why might give you better context on the situation. I wouldn’t hold my breath on that, they haven’t given explanations since 2021.

if you’d like a history about this there’s plenty of reading dating back from fall of 2021 on the forums.

Hopefully I am wrong but I doubt it, sorry.


I’m guessing this is my sign to just quit since I never did get around to finishing the story. I was solo after my clan of 5 left me all alone. Been alone for almost a year now with no issues and trying to building bases in the area we had claimed. So I guess maybe some new player might’ve complained, seeing as how I never lost anything before now. Also, one of my builds that was away from our main base is perfectly fine.

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But I do appreciate your time and help. I know they won’t do a rollback to return my things to me, so maybe it is time for me to finally let go of our Clan.

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There’s nothing wrong with only taking a break too.

You can bodyvault since you have 200 slots in inventory and come back when and if you’re ready with what you have left.

Since you’re on PVE, bodyvaulting is easier as long as you account for things like temperature or sandstorm.

Log off and forget about it for awhile or forever.

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Yeah, that seems like the thing to do. Just sad because I never got to build a Viking Village lol.

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Yep, you were right. Suspended because of “Land Claim Abuse” even though we have had that land for several months to over a year now. So someone had to of cried and made a false report, because I was trying to build a large base area like others have on the server too (and I was not blocking any pathways/resources/ect), but I am one person in a Tribe that used to be 5, working a full-time and part-time jobs, and Conan Exiles used to be a relax game for me.

Don’t suppose there is a way to get them to undo the destruction that they gave no warnings to?

I want to preface the following before I say the rest as it will be solely pragmatic.

I believe that the Terms of Conduct has been a necessary evil. It was begged for by the community for Officials because there were very serious land claim abuse, exploits and hacking happening prior to its inception. However, it is a poorly communicated system with seriously damaging repercussions to the Official community.

I have been a staunch supporter of better administration, a warning system and detailed explanations to help those affected understand why they were actioned on.

I know that it is easily manipulated, Funcom has admitted they do not log in to servers to actually review the reports and I actually know how to use it if I wanted to, to my advantage at the peril of others. So I also believe that there is a requirement to do better in terms of preventing and not knee jerk making decisions just because someone is annoyed, hurt or being a troll for the sake of it; there are a lot of those. I’ve witnessed things go down using this system to absolutely devastate servers.

Now with all of that said, here’s the pragmatic part.

Your longevity on a server is not a protection against a valid report. Just because you hadn’t been reported yet, doesn’t mean that the admin wipe isn’t valid.
Should you have built in such a way that it is unreasonably affected performance, it would be a valid report, such as it is.
Just because others do a thing, does not mean you are safe to do it too.

Some more things.

I don’t know what your base(s) looked like so I can’t make a personal judgment on that, besides this, I don’t believe land claim reports by and large are valid or warrant such action summarily. This is MY opinion though, some agree with me, some want to see the world burn to fit their interpretation of the ToC, some even believe that their preference in style is above all as if they are an HOA.

There is no way to get everything back, and, it is not possible to appeal a suspension, only a ban.

No warnings. Some perspective on this. The team that handles reports is small and they must deal with all systems and 780 servers in total. I can understand why they are the quiet judge and jury in the background because of this. Doesn’t make it right but it is as it is.

Additionally, because they review servers holistically, don’t be surprised if you stay in touch with the locals that you find out that others were affected too. Reports are gathered for a server.

My advice is to stay small even though there is no limit on size or amount. Don’t overuse something like transportory stones, don’t overdecorate or use lighting like it is the 4th of July. Keep your storage small. Many players store everything to the point of absolute redundancy. For example: no one actually needs 5 chests of plant fiber. I have avoided further suspensions as a result of probably being too cautious, although employing many additional actions to prevent them as, like I said above, people are fickle creatures and WILL do anything to hurt you if they can.

While there are legitimate concerns and criticisms here and surely you’re probably feeling hurt (I have too), remember that you are sharing the server with others - and not just in sharing thralls, gear and resources by being a philanthropist with an empire. I’m sorry if it sounds hollow right now but there is much wisdom in that statement (and it isn’t mine).

– a bloodthirsty PVPer


We all are sorry, or at least i know i am!
All your contribution in this topic is simply a gem sister, i really hope the poor op will embrace your absolute sympathy here!


so sad. I’m afraid of experiencing the same experience.

conan exiles is a great experience and feels so good. I’m playing “scum” these days. But I will only play for a wipe. Then I’ll go back to Conan again. Nowadays I’m just logging in and out so that the base doesn’t get deleted. I bought all the dlc’s, I don’t regret it at all, I used most of them, it is really very enjoyable and nice. Yes, it is a really relaxing and soft survival game.

Maybe start from scratch on another nice server. If you want to continue on the same server, do it in a different region, do not install in the same region. Someone who wants the region for himself can do this to you all the time. It’s often better to run away from a fight.

I have another fear. An ever-evolving game changing map. The bad thing about this is that if the game’s structure matches where your structures are, it will be in the next update. deletes everything. The only solution is to move the base first. That’s why I’ve been watching the broadcasts of those playing on the test server for a while and seeing what has changed. To avoid any mishaps.


I completely understand your words of wisdom and it does suck that I lost it all with no hope of getting it back. I did have a lot of named vaults, but it was to hold the loot of Tribes that quit in hopes they would return.

I do know about the land claim abuse of the past with the teleport obelisks being blocked off completely, so I understand that point too.

I had plans for areas around me and did have the area claimed, but not really built at, but that was because I had multiple other Tribes that built as close to me as they could so I couldn’t expand little by little. So it would be my fault and looked like I was land claim abusing.

I will probably go back after the suspension to see what remains and might just do one small area if I have anything left. And I’ll make sure I am not in the way of any resources or pathways to things (wasn’t near nor blocking before, but).

But I should look into seeing if I am able to finish the story of Conan Exiles and move forward to the next Chapter of Survival Games.

Thank you for your valuable time and wisdom, it is greatly appreciated and I hope you continue to have many great adventures for many, many years to come.


I greatly appreciate her wisdom and I agree that she is a gem as well.


Yeah, maybe the empty snow region is calling me lol.
I know the game Scum too, so detailed with the metabolism and everything involved in that game, it is great.

But yeah, I think I will change locations after this.


Your contribution in this forum proves one simple thing.

“Not all the people who overbuild in official servers are trolls”

Some people build just because they love it. They are peaceful players that simply relax by playing this game and keep building…

So i totally understand you.

Yet this behavior is against ToS, since people are not so “pure” most of the times and used land claim for ruining other gamers experience.
So consider your self as collateral damage of a necessary system that had to be done. But like @Kikigirl says, this system is far from good, it’s only average and it needs great improvements.
So grab the chance, by using your feedback but releasing your self from any kind of frustration, to give your opinion “how this system would feel correct for you”.

I would suggest you not to fight for more land claim suggestions, neither building pieces limits, we have countless conversations in here proving that these suggestions are poor. Yet i would beg you to expand on the communication system that seems to be “poor”.
I am really sorry you had to go through a situation like it, i really am.
Gather your self and help others not to experience again what you did.

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Does not mean it hasn’t been in violation for all that time and no player wanted to be “that guy”. Even though being that guy is how the system works.

It takes more then 1 report on a server to even get funcom admin to investigate.

Not saying the system can’t be exploited. But please don’t make the person out that is working with the system funcom put on all of us, as the villain. It’s the way the system works, when it works, if it works, and no matter how badly.

But as Kikigirl has pointed out the system needs an over haul as far as warnings, suspensions, bans and explanation. No one learns anything with out a good explanation. “land claim abuse” does not tell me how I abused the land claim.

FYI: land claim abuse isn’t just foundations or size. The land claim abuse I have seen on the beta server, PVE, NA is pillars with torches, torches, bushes, other ornaments, thralls, roes of fence foundations. And that is the beta server where people really aught to know better. Ya, 7 legit reports; IMO, on a server with only 18; I think, total players. That is just sad, but the cutter the PVE public servers are cookies of.

Placing thralls around your base so others can’t build practically defines land claim abuse. And that is the issue with a vague, open to interpretation, ToC.

Ya, I’m the other side of the argument.

Forgot I was posting this got caught up in a conversation on live. Seems while I’ve been on the beta server 3 people got suspended, big builds decaying all over; scores of poor unholmed thralls :cry:


Yes, that would be a land claim violation.

Where you build makes no difference to the ToC. Other then the obvious.

Which puts them above the ToC how?

Read the ToC that would be a violation. See villages.

You do get the ToC applies to everyone not just the players you deem toxic.

I wouldn’t even call it average, I think it’s a fail on both ends/sides.

Most know I’m for coded in limitations. As long as people can abuse the system they are gong to one way or the other.

Ya, I’m the villain, I’m the HOA guy. I put effort in to filing proper zendesk reports only to be met "sorry we so busy hope issue solved self, byeeee’ so often I gave up. Unless everyone participates the system fails.

Then on the other hand there are those that know how to work the system and use it as a PVP tool. And that is the other issue, the system as is is too easy to exploit.

You see the difference is I do PVE, Kikigirl is all about PVP. I see land claim violations daily, she has seen too many innocent PVP clans banned by some one abusing the system.

You will get no argument from players the system is in dire need of an over haul.

I know what it is like to start a playthrough and you end up as the only one left. It’s ok to let go, both in allowing yourself the freedom to play without the hope they come back and in getting rid of stuff you don’t actually need. Realistically, almost everything you actually need (not want or from another time) can be acquired again and quite easily.

It’s part of the game: being ok with loss :slight_smile:

Yes and boss blocking (not against ToC anymore), complete severance from other areas, POIs and ease of transport. Not to mention something still occurring to this day on PVE and PVE-C: blocking someone in their own build.

This does put a lot of perspective into what happened and is probably it. How would other players or the one(s) reviewing the reports for the server know what your intent was? Always best that if you intend to build and map it out, in short order ensure you make it have a purpose.

I tend to ensure I have everything ready first like build mats and then go to my intended spot, slap everything down right away so there is no confusion.

The only story to finish is the end of your character, this is not a requirement. The beauty of being a sandbox is that you don’t need to finish the story, you can make your own.

You’re very welcome and I feel for you, truly do. Adopting some habits to prevent, not ensure, a possible report is best. But you cannot control people that have interpretations - including those who may be looking at this thread with antagonistic and/or unreasonable opinions of the situation.