Game very laggy!

Game mode: [PVE C official]
Type of issue: [ Performance | Connection]
Server type : [PvE-Conflict]
Region: [America]

[Portuguese pt-br]

Boa Tarde,

Desde o acesso antecipado estou com esse problema, entro no jogo normal com 60 fps cap e aleatóriamente meu fps cai pra 10-15.
Vejo que no task manager o uso do CPU e GPU estão a baixo de 80% e uso de HD em 100% durante todo o lag.

Coisas que já tentei fazer:

Diminuir a qualidade para ultra low notebook
mudar o game para SSD
atualizar drivers
remover o som
jogar solo offline sem o battleeye e sem mods
formatar o pc instalando somente a steam e o conan
editar linhas nos arquivos .ini como:

Eu consigo jogar no ultra com fps no máximo com minha configuração, porém cai aleatoriamente durante luta com chefes e andando pelo mapa o fps cai sem explicação.

Agradeço desde já pela atenção e ajuda, pois no acesso antecipado eu relevei que o jogo ainda estava em desenvolvimento, esperei pra testar e ainda encontro os mesmos problemas.

[English - translated]

Good afternoon,

Since the early access I’m with this problem, I enter the normal game with 60 fps cap and randomly my fps drops to 10-15.
I see that in the task manager the use of CPU and GPU are down to 80% and use HD at 100% throughout the lag.

Things I’ve tried to do:

Decrease the quality for ultra low notebook
change the game to SSD
to repair
update drivers
remove the sound
play solo offline without the battleeye and without mods
format the pc by installing only the steam and the conan
edit lines in .ini files like:
gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled = False
bDisableMasterEQ = true
MaxChannels = 0

I can play on ultra with fps at most with my setup, however at random drops during fight with bosses and walking normally by the map the fps drops without explanation.

Thanks in advance for the attention and help, because in the early access I pointed out that the game was still in development, I waited to test and I still encounter the same problems.





You won’t get an answer for this because it’s been an ongoing problem across different platforms and all sorts of equipment since day one that has gone largely ignored or so it seems. There have been several extensive threads about it on these forums. I’ve talked about the problem till I was blue in the face and, like you, have tried many things and have found no answers.
I’m convinced at this point that Funcom can not or will not for whatever reason fix this issue that plagues many players. My guess is that it’s a problem deep within the game build that they can’t fix without overhauling the game making it cost prohibitive and they’re unwilling to admit it.

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